9,919 research outputs found

    Causes, Effects, and Remedies in Conflict Management

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    While workplace conflicts have been widely studied in the literature, this researchprovides a holistic view of the causes and effects of such, and how managers or amanagement can resolve the conflicts among their teams and organization througha detailed, multidimensional framework carried out on one of the biggest textilefirms of Pakistan. With an initial sample of 145 respondents, 37 questionnaireswere dropped because of invalid and incomplete answers; therefore, the studywas carried out on 108 respondents. Conflicts are a part of human nature, butmanagement should play an important role in dealing with these issues, as therecan be enormous chances of conflicts due to a diverse workforce. Conflict alsoresults in poor work performance and low productivity; therefore, it’s suggestedto create teams or groups which may encourage a competitive culture in theorganization. Additionally, a few remedies are identified, which may resolve someissues; managers must look at those techniques for a better culture.&nbsp

    SINONASAL VERRUCOUS CARCINOMA Case series and review of literature

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    Verrucous carcinoma is a low grade malignancy and is a variant of squamous cell carcinoma. It is a rare tumour of the Sino nasal tract. The neoplasm occurs in older people usually in the seventh or eighth decade of life. Our cases were sinonasal in origin and patients affected were young.

    Human Development and Economic Growth in Pakistan

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    This paper explores the relationship between human development and economic growth in Pakistan by employing the time series data ranging from 1972 to 2014. The main purpose of the research is to examine the structure of human development and its implications on economic growth in Pakistan. Human development is a crucial to social, political and economic development of a country


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart