647 research outputs found

    Localization and interactions in topological and non-topological bands in two dimensions

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    A two-dimensional electron gas in a high magnetic field displays macroscopically degenerate Landau levels, which can be split into Hofstadter subbands by means of a weak periodic potential. By carefully engineering such a potential, one can precisely tune the number, bandwidths, bandgaps and Chern character of these subbands. This allows a detailed study of the interplay of disorder, interaction and topology in two dimensional systems. We first explore the physics of disorder and single-particle localization in subbands derived from the lowest Landau level, that nevertheless may have a topological nature different from that of the entire lowest Landau level. By projecting the Hamiltonian onto subbands of interest, we systematically explore the localization properties of single-particle eigenstates in the presence of quenched disorder. We then introduce electron-electron interactions and investigate the fate of many-body localization in subbands of varying topological character

    Many-body localization in Landau level subbands

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    We explore the problem of localization in topological and non-topological nearly-flat subbands derived from the lowest Landau level, in the presence of quenched disorder and short-range interactions. We consider two models: a suitably engineered periodic potential, and randomly distributed point-like impurities. We perform numerical exact diagonalization on a torus geometry and use the mean level spacing ratio r\langle r \rangle as a diagnostic of ergodicity. For topological subbands, we find there is no ergodicity breaking in both the one and two dimensional thermodynamic limits. For non-topological subbands, in constrast, we find evidence of an ergodicity breaking transition at finite disorder strength in the one-dimensional thermodynamic limit. Intriguingly, indications of similar behavior in the two-dimensional thermodynamic limit are found, as well. This constitutes a novel, continuum\textit{continuum} setting for the study of the many-body localization transition in one and two dimensions

    Composite fermions in bands with N-fold rotational symmetry

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    We study the effect of band anisotropy with discrete rotational symmetry CNC_N (where N2N\ge 2) in the quantum Hall regime of two-dimensional electron systems. We focus on the composite Fermi liquid (CFL) at half filling of the lowest Landau level. We find that the magnitude of anisotropy transferred to the composite fermions decreases very rapidly with NN. We demonstrate this by performing density matrix normalization group calculations on the CFL, and comparing the anisotropy of the composite fermion Fermi contour with that of the (non-interacting) electron Fermi contour at zero magnetic field. We also show that the effective interaction between the electrons after projecting into a single Landau level is much less anisotropic than the band, a fact which does not depend on filling and thus has implications for other quantum Hall states as well. Our results confirm experimental observations on anisotropic bands with warped Fermi contours, where the only detectable effect on the composite Fermi contour is an elliptical distortion (N=2N = 2).Comment: 6 pages + bibliography, 5 figure

    Connection between Fermi contours of zero-field electrons and ν=12\nu=\frac12 composite fermions in two-dimensional systems

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    We investigate the relation between the Fermi sea (FS) of zero-field carriers in two-dimensional systems and the FS of the corresponding composite fermions which emerge in a high magnetic field at filling ν=12\nu = \frac{1}{2}, as the kinetic energy dispersion is varied. We study cases both with and without rotational symmetry, and find that there is generally no straightforward relation between the geometric shapes and topologies of the two FSs. In particular, we show analytically that the composite Fermi liquid (CFL) is completely insensitive to a wide range of changes to the zero-field dispersion which preserve rotational symmetry, including ones that break the zero-field FS into multiple disconnected pieces. In the absence of rotational symmetry, we show that the notion of `valley pseudospin' in many-valley systems is generically not transferred to the CFL, in agreement with experimental observations. We also discuss how a rotationally symmetric band structure can induce a reordering of the Landau levels, opening interesting possibilities of observing higher-Landau-level physics in the high-field regime.Comment: 7 pages + references, 7 figures. Added many-body DMRG calculatio

    Geometry of flux attachment in anisotropic fractional quantum Hall states

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    Fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states are known to possess an internal metric degree of freedom that allows them to minimize their energy when contrasting geometries are present in the problem (e.g., electron band mass and dielectric tensor). We investigate the internal metric of several incompressible FQH states by probing its response to band mass anisotropy using infinite DMRG simulations on a cylinder geometry. We test and apply a method to extract the internal metric of a FQH state from its guiding center structure factor. We find that the response to band mass anisotropy is approximately the same for states in the same Jain sequence, but changes substantially between different sequences. We provide a theoretical explanation of the observed behavior of primary states at filling ν=1/m\nu = 1/m in terms of a minimal microscopic model of flux attachment.Comment: 12 pages including references, 14 figure

    Global Tracking Passivity--based PI Control of Bilinear Systems and its Application to the Boost and Modular Multilevel Converters

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    This paper deals with the problem of trajectory tracking of a class of bilinear systems with time--varying measurable disturbance. A set of matrices {A,B_i} has been identified, via a linear matrix inequality, for which it is possible to ensure global tracking of (admissible, differentiable) trajectories with a simple linear time--varying PI controller. Instrumental to establish the result is the construction of an output signal with respect to which the incremental model is passive. The result is applied to the boost and the modular multilevel converter for which experimental results are given.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Fermi surfaces of composite fermions

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    The fractional quantum Hall (FQH) effect was discovered in two-dimensional electron systems subject to a large perpendicular magnetic field nearly four decades ago. It helped launch the field of topological phases, and in addition, because of the quenching of the kinetic energy, gave new meaning to the phrase "correlated matter". Most FQH phases are gapped like insulators and superconductors; however, a small subset with even denominator fractional fillings nu of the Landau level, typified by nu = 1/2, are found to be gapless, with a Fermi surface akin to metals. We discuss our results, obtained numerically using the infinite Density Matrix Renormalization Group (iDMRG) scheme, on the effect of non-isotropic distortions with discrete N-fold rotational symmetry of the Fermi surface at zero magnetic field on the Fermi surface of the correlated nu = 1/2 state. We find that while the response for N = 2 (elliptical) distortions is significant (and in agreement with experimental observations with no adjustable parameters), it decreases very rapidly as N is increased. Other anomalies, like resilience to breaking the Fermi surface into disjoint pieces, are also found. This highlights the difference between Fermi surfaces formed from the kinetic energy, and those formed of purely potential energy terms in the Hamiltonian.Comment: Review of arXiv:1701.07832, arXiv:1704.06265 and arXiv:1706.09470 with some new results. Conference proceedings for "Quantum Fluids and Solids 2019", Edmonton, AB, August 201