64 research outputs found

    The Georgian version of the Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional Assessment Report (JAMAR)

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    The Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional Assessment Report (JAMAR) is a new parent/patient reported outcome measure that enables a thorough assessment of the disease status in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). We report the results of the cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the parent and patient versions of the JAMAR in the Georgian language. The reading comprehension of the questionnaire was tested in 10 JIA parents and patients. Each participating centre was asked to collect demographic, clinical data and the JAMAR in 100 consecutive JIA patients or all consecutive patients seen in a 6-month period and to administer the JAMAR to 100 healthy children and their parents. The statistical validation phase explored descriptive statistics and the psychometric issues of the JAMAR: the 3 Likert assumptions, floor/ceiling effects, internal consistency, Cronbach\u2019s alpha, interscale correlations, test\u2013retest reliability, and construct validity (convergent and discriminant validity). A total of 100 JIA patients (26% systemic, 57% oligoarticular, 16% RF negative polyarthritis, and 1% RF positive polyarthritis) and 100 healthy children, were enrolled at two paediatric rheumatology centre. Notably, none of the enrolled JIA patients is affected with psoriatic arthritis or with enthesitis-related arthritis or with undifferentiated arthritis. The JAMAR components discriminated healthy subjects from JIA patients, except for the school-related problems variable. All JAMAR components revealed good psychometric performances. In conclusion, the Georgian version of the JAMAR is a valid tool for the assessment of children with JIA and is suitable for use both in routine clinical practice and clinical research

    Talbot effect for periodical objects limited by finite apertures : a new interpretation

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    ABSTRACT: The paper presents a new interpretation of the Talbot effect for periodical objects limited by finite apertures. According to the proposed approach, a self-image of a real, finite object is a superposition of deformed images of an elementary cell. The singular elementary cell image is equivalent to that formed in a proper optical system. Two possible optical arrangements are discussed. The theoretical description makes possible to define a structure of selfimages. Particularly, the approach enables a determination of apertures’ dimensions, which lead to self-images of a reasonable quality in a desired region of an image plane. The theory is illustrated and verified by numerical simulations

    Непосредственные и среднеотдаленные (6 месяцев) результаты стентирования биодеградируемыми коронарными скаффолдами BVS Absorb у пациентов с хроническими формами ишемической болезни сердца

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    Aim of study To evaluate the immediate and medium-term (6 months) results of BVS Absorb biodegradable stents implantation in patients with chronic forms of coronary artery disease, taking into account their location in coronary vessels, morphological nature of the initial lesion of the coronary arteries and technical features of implantation as well.Material and methods From June 2014 to December 2015, 199 biodegradable stents (Absorb Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold — BVS; Abbott Vascular, CA, USA) were routinely installed in 114 patients treated at the Interventional Cardioangiology Center of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. The analysis of the obtained results was carried out depending on the type of coronary artery lesion, the length and diameter of the stents, and the details of the angioplasty procedure. To characterize the type of coronary artery lesion, the ACC/AHA classification was used: type A vascular lesion (95 coronary segments); type B vascular disease (68 coronary segments); type C vascular disease (36 coronary segments). The ultimate goal of the study was to study the frequency of thrombosis and in-stent stenosis of stented coronary arteries.Results The immediate success of scaffold implantation was 98.2%. Complications in the early hospital period were 1.8% (acute stent thrombosis was observed in 2 cases on the first day after implantation). In the medium-term (~6 months), 102 patients (89.5%) with 172 previously placed stents underwent comparison selective coronary angiography. The rest of the patients with stents refused to undergo coronary angiography due to good health and underwent a telephone survey.The satisfactory result of stenting in the medium-term (6 months) was a completely preserved lumen of the stented area, or with less than 50% stenosis of this place, which comprised 94.3%. The frequency of in-stent stenosis (narrowing of the lumen of the stented area by 50% or more) was 5.7%. In-stent stenosis was detected in groups of patients with type B and C lesions, respectively, in 4% and 1.7%. In the group with type A coronary artery disease, in-stent stenosis was not detected in the medium-term period.Conclusion The immediate and medium-term results of stenting with the biodegradable BVS Absorb stent were successful in the vast majority of cases (94.3%). Only in 2 cases (1.8%), acute thrombosis of the stent was observed immediately after stenting.Цель Оценить у пациентов с хроническими формами ишемической болезни сердца непосредственные и среднеотдаленные (6 месяцев) результаты имплантации биодеградируемых стентов BVS Absorb с учетом их локализации в коронарном русле; морфологического характера исходного поражения коронарных артерий; технических особенностей имплантации.Материал и методы В НПЦ интервенционной кардиоангиологии ФГАОУ ВО Первого МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова МЗ РФ с июня 2014 года по декабрь 2015 года в плановом порядке 114 пациентам были установлены 199 биодеградируемых стентов (Absorb Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold — BVS; Abbott Vascular, CA, USA). Анализ полученных результатов проводили в зависимости от типа поражения коронарных артерий; от длины и диаметра стентов; от деталей процедуры ангиопластики. Для характеристики типа поражения коронарных артерий использовали классификацию ACC/AHA: поражение сосудов типа A (95 коронарных сегментов); поражение сосудов типа В (68 коронарных сегментов); поражение сосудов типа С (36 коронарных сегментов). Конечной целью исследования явилось изучение частоты тромбозов и in-stent стенозов стентированных коронарных артерий.Результаты Непосредственный успех имплантации скаффолдов составил 98,2%. Осложнения в раннем госпитальном периоде составили 1,8% (в 2 случаях наблюдали острый тромбоз стентов в первые сутки после имплантации). В среднеотдаленном периоде (~6 месяцев) 102 пациентам (89,5%) с установленными ранее 172 стентами выполняли контрольную селективную коронарографию. Остальные стентированные больные в связи с хорошим самочувствием отказались от коронарографии и прошли телефонный опрос.Удовлетворительный результат стентирования в среднеотдаленные сроки (6 месяцев), заключающийся в полностью сохраненном просвете стентированного участка, либо со стенозированием этого места менее 50%, составил 94,3%. Частота in-stent стеноза (сужения просвета стентированного участка на 50% и более) составила 5,7%. In-stent стеноз был выявлен в группах пациентов с типом поражений B и C соответственно в 4% и 1,7%. В группе с поражением коронарных артерий типа А in-stent стеноз в среднеотдаленном периоде не был выявлен.Выводы Непосредственные и среднеотдаленные результаты стентирования биодеградируемым стентом BVS Absorb в подавляющем большинстве случаев (94,3%) были успешными. Лишь в 2 случаях (1,8%) непосредственно после стентирования наблюдали острый тромбоз стента

    Ultrasound-assisted intravascular therapy: history and future perspectives of development. A review

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    The first use of ultrasound in treating vascular disorders dates back to 1976. Since then, numerous original studies have been published, offering various concepts of its use. Many technical solutions have been developed and used with variable success, some of which have been developed in modern medicine. This article discusses the development of ultrasound therapeutic technologies in treating vascular disorders. The history of methods is described, available data on promising future areas are presented, and information on existing methods and devices is given