220 research outputs found


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    The article presents results obtained in the experimental research of the working process of vertical rotor harrows. The elementary results regarding the qualitative indices of the work process are presented: the degree of soil crushing, the degree of soil leveling, as well as some process performance factors: tensile strength, fuel consumption and fuel consumption specific to the unit. productivity. For each of the quality indices of the paper were obtained theoretical expressions that show their dependence on some of the main operating parameters of vertical axis rotor harrows: working speed, speed of the harrow rotors and the number of knives that equip each rotor.The aim is to show which of the quality indices and the performance parameters of the work process have a real optimization potential for the work process. The results were used for superior statistical models that can obtain a higher degree of generality

    Low-power micro-scale CMOS-compatible silicon sensor on a suspended membrane.

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    In this paper we describe a new, simple and cheap silicon device operating at high temperature at a very low power of a few mW. The essential part of the device is a nano-size conductive link 10-100 nm in size (the so-called antifuse) formed in between two poly-silicon electrodes separated by a thin SiO2 layer. The device can be utilized in chemical sensors or chemical micro-reactors requiring high temperature and very low power consumption e.g. in portable, battery operated systems. As a direct application, we mention a gas sensor (i.e. Pellistor) for hydrocarbons (butane, methane, propane, etc.) based on temperature changes due to the catalytic combustion of hydrocarbons. The power consumed by our device is at about 2% of the power consumed by conventional Pellistors


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    In the paper are presented the studies performed for reduction of the wear, of the vertical milling cutters during the soil working process, by coating them with nanomaterials. The nanomaterials consist of structurally definable components with dimensions from 1 to 100 nanometers (1nm = 10 -9m). The coatings which could be applied on vertical milling cutters may contain the following nanomaterials: iron oxide, silicon dioxide, carbon black, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide and silver. Conclusions have been drawn and proposals have been made regarding other technical improvement solutions


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    The paper presents theoretical and practical observations made about the construction and operation parameters a harrow vertical, ie the number of rotors, its design and maximum depth work, the degree of crushing soil, the degree of smoothing, the degree of destruction and incorporation of weeds, respectively possibilities of equipping these devices harrows for Improving workflow

    Surgical conservative treatment of breast cancer in Constanta

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    Spitalul Clinic Județean, Constanța, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011În ultimele 4 decenii conceptul de chirurgie conservatoare s-a impus ca o alternativă viabilă în arsenalul terapeutic al cancerului de sân. Această evoluție a fost determinată de concluziile numeroaselor studii clinice randomizate şi de atenția deosebită acordată calității vieții pacientelor diagnosticate cu neoplasm mamar, astfel încât standardul actual al tratamentului cancerului de sân din stadiile I şi II este reprezentat de tehnicile de chirurgie conservatoare.Cu toate că această problematică reprezintă o preocupare constantă în ultimii 7 ani în cadrul Clinicii de Chirurgie din cadrul Spitalului Clinic Judetean Constanta, numărul de intervenții chirurgicale conservatoare reprezintă un procent de doar 11.18% din totalul operațiilor pentru neoplasmele mamare.Scopul acestei lucrări este de prezenta experiența colectivului Clinicii de Chirurgie în acest domeniu şi de a identifica problemele ridicate de aplicarea în practică a acestui concept în contextul medicinei româneşti, în dorința ca această opțiune terapeutică să devină o realitate a chirurgiei cancerului de sân din țara noastră.In the last 4 decades, the concept of conservative surgery imposed itself as a viable alternative in the therapeutic scheme of breast cancer. The evolvement was determined by the conclusions of numerous randomized clinical studies and by the special attention given to the quality of life of the patients diagnosed with breast cancer so that the actual standard of treatment in breast cancer in stages Ist, and IInd is represented by conservative surgery techniques. Although this pathology represents a constant preoccupation in the last 7 years in the Surgery Clinic of County Hospital Constanta, the number of conservative surgery in breast cancer represents only 11.18% out of the total number of interventions for breast cancer. The purpose of this article is to present the experience in this domain in the Surgery Clinic of County Hospital Constanta and to identify the problems of application into the practice of this concept in the context of Romanian medicine, wishing that this therapeutical option become a reality in the surgery of breast cancer in our country


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    The paper presents theoretical studies performed to adapt a universal drills forsowing of seeds for different sizes by improving their distribution process, changing the distributor groove

    Introducing Semi-Interpenetrating Networks of Chitosan and Ammonium-Quaternary Polymers for the Effective Removal of Waterborne Pathogens from Wastewaters

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    The present work aims to study the influence of ammonium-quaternary monomers and chitosan, obtained from different sources, upon the effect of semi-interpenetrating polymer network (semi-IPN) hydrogels upon the removal of waterborne pathogens and bacteria from wastewater. To this end, the study was focused on using vinyl benzyl trimethylammonium chloride (VBTAC), a water-soluble monomer with known antibacterial properties, and mineral-enriched chitosan extracted from shrimp shells, to prepare the semi-IPNs. By using chitosan, which still contains the native minerals (mainly calcium carbonate), the study intends to justify that the stability and efficiency of the semi-IPN bactericidal devices can be modified and better improved. The new semi-IPNs were characterized for composition, thermal stability and morphology using well-known methods. Swelling degree (SD%) and the bactericidal effect assessed using molecular methods revealed that hydrogels made of chitosan derived from shrimp shell demonstrated the most competitive and promising potential for wastewater (WW) treatment.Introducing Semi-Interpenetrating Networks of Chitosan and Ammonium-Quaternary Polymers for the Effective Removal of Waterborne Pathogens from WastewaterspublishedVersio

    Mycophenolate mofetil versus azathioprine for prevention of acute rejection in renal transplantation (MYSS): a randomised trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Mycophenolate mofetil has replaced azathioprine in immunosuppression regimens worldwide to prevent graft rejection. However, evidence that its antirejection activity is better than that of azathioprine has been provided only by registration trials with an old formulation of ciclosporin and steroid. We aimed to compare the antirejection activity of these two drugs with a new formulation of ciclosporin. METHODS: The mycophenolate steroids sparing multicentre, prospective, randomised, parallel-group trial compared acute rejections and adverse events in recipients of cadaver-kidney transplants over 6-month treatment with mycophenolate mofetil or azathioprine along with ciclosporin microemulsion (Neoral) and steroids (phase A), and over 15 more months without steroids (phase B). The primary endpoint was occurrence of acute rejection episodes. Analysis was by intention to treat. FINDINGS: 168 patients per group entered phase A. 56 (34%) assigned mycophenolate mofetil and 58 (35%) assigned azathioprine had clinical rejections (risk reduction [RR] on mycophenolate mofetil compared with azathioprine 13.7% [95% CI -25.7% to 40.7%], p=0.44). 88 patients in the mycophenolate mofetil group and 89 in the azathioprine group entered phase B. 14 (16%) taking mycophenolate mofetil and 11 (12%) taking azathioprine had clinical rejections (RR -16.2%, [-157.5% to 47.5%], p=0.71). Average per-patient costs of mycophenolate mofetil treatment greatly exceeded those of azathioprine (phase A 2665 Euros [SD 586] vs Euros 184 [62]; phase B 5095 Euros [2658] vs 322 Euros [170], p<0.0001 for both). INTERPRETATION: In recipients of cadaver kidney-transplants given ciclosporin microemulsion, mycophenolate mofetil offers no advantages over azathioprine in preventing acute rejections and is about 15 times more expensive. Standard immunosuppression regimens for transplantation should perhaps include azathioprine rather than mycophenolate mofetil, at least for kidney graft

    Prevalence of hypertension and diabetes and coexistence of chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular risk in the population of the Republic of Moldova

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    In 2005, the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) established the Global Outreach Program (GO) aimed at building a capacity for detecting and managing chronic kidney disease and its complications in low- and middle-income countries. Here we report data from the 2006-2007 screening program (1025 subjects from the general population) in the Republic of Moldova aimed to determine the prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, and their coexistence with microalbuminuria. The likelihood of a serious cardiovascular (CV) event was also estimated. Hypertension and diabetes were very common among screened subjects. The prevalence of microalbuminuria was 16.9% and that of estimated GFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 (decreased renal function) was 9.4%. Male gender was associated with an increased prevalence of hypertension and microalbuminuria. Hypertension and diabetes clustered in subjects with microalbuminuria and renal dysfunction. Risk factors such as preobesity/obesity, physical inactivity and smoking were relatively common, even in younger participants. The prevalence of subjects with predicted 10-year CV risk 65 10% was 10.0%. In conclusion, in the Republic of Moldova patients with hypertension and diabetes should be screened for the coexistence of renal abnormalities, with the intention of developing disease-specific health-care interventions with the primary goal to reduce CV morbidity and mortality and prevent renal disease progression to end stage renal disease