205 research outputs found


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    The article presents results obtained in the experimental research of the working process of vertical rotor harrows. The elementary results regarding the qualitative indices of the work process are presented: the degree of soil crushing, the degree of soil leveling, as well as some process performance factors: tensile strength, fuel consumption and fuel consumption specific to the unit. productivity. For each of the quality indices of the paper were obtained theoretical expressions that show their dependence on some of the main operating parameters of vertical axis rotor harrows: working speed, speed of the harrow rotors and the number of knives that equip each rotor.The aim is to show which of the quality indices and the performance parameters of the work process have a real optimization potential for the work process. The results were used for superior statistical models that can obtain a higher degree of generality


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    The paper presents theoretical and practical observations made about the construction and operation parameters a harrow vertical, ie the number of rotors, its design and maximum depth work, the degree of crushing soil, the degree of smoothing, the degree of destruction and incorporation of weeds, respectively possibilities of equipping these devices harrows for Improving workflow

    Propagation of uncertainty in atmospheric parameters to hyperspectral unmixing

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    Atmospheric correction (AC) is important in pre-processing of airborne hyperspectral imagery. AC requires knowledge on the atmospheric state expressed by atmospheric condition parameters. Their values are affected by uncertainties that propagate to the application level. This study investigates the propagation of uncertainty from column water vapor (CWV) and aerosol optical depth (AOD) towards abundance maps obtained by means of spectral unmixing. Both Fully Constrained Least Squares (FCLS) and FCLS with Total Variation (FCLS-TV) are applied. We use five simulated datasets contaminated by various noise levels. Three datasets cover two spectral scenarios with different endmembers. A univariate and a bivariate analysis are carried out on CWV and AOD. The other two datasets are used to analyze the effect of surface albedo. The analysis identifies trends in performance degradation caused by the gradual shift in parameter values from their true value. The maximum achievable performance depends upon spectral characteristics of the datasets, noise level, and surface albedo. As expected, under noisy conditions FCLS-TV performs better than FCLS. Our research opens new perspectives for applications where estimation of reflectance is so far considered to be deterministic

    Surgical conservative treatment of breast cancer in Constanta

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    Spitalul Clinic Județean, Constanța, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011În ultimele 4 decenii conceptul de chirurgie conservatoare s-a impus ca o alternativă viabilă în arsenalul terapeutic al cancerului de sân. Această evoluție a fost determinată de concluziile numeroaselor studii clinice randomizate şi de atenția deosebită acordată calității vieții pacientelor diagnosticate cu neoplasm mamar, astfel încât standardul actual al tratamentului cancerului de sân din stadiile I şi II este reprezentat de tehnicile de chirurgie conservatoare.Cu toate că această problematică reprezintă o preocupare constantă în ultimii 7 ani în cadrul Clinicii de Chirurgie din cadrul Spitalului Clinic Judetean Constanta, numărul de intervenții chirurgicale conservatoare reprezintă un procent de doar 11.18% din totalul operațiilor pentru neoplasmele mamare.Scopul acestei lucrări este de prezenta experiența colectivului Clinicii de Chirurgie în acest domeniu şi de a identifica problemele ridicate de aplicarea în practică a acestui concept în contextul medicinei româneşti, în dorința ca această opțiune terapeutică să devină o realitate a chirurgiei cancerului de sân din țara noastră.In the last 4 decades, the concept of conservative surgery imposed itself as a viable alternative in the therapeutic scheme of breast cancer. The evolvement was determined by the conclusions of numerous randomized clinical studies and by the special attention given to the quality of life of the patients diagnosed with breast cancer so that the actual standard of treatment in breast cancer in stages Ist, and IInd is represented by conservative surgery techniques. Although this pathology represents a constant preoccupation in the last 7 years in the Surgery Clinic of County Hospital Constanta, the number of conservative surgery in breast cancer represents only 11.18% out of the total number of interventions for breast cancer. The purpose of this article is to present the experience in this domain in the Surgery Clinic of County Hospital Constanta and to identify the problems of application into the practice of this concept in the context of Romanian medicine, wishing that this therapeutical option become a reality in the surgery of breast cancer in our country

    The land surface temperature distribution during 7th august 2012 using Modis Imagery in Iasi metropolitan area.

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    2012 was the hottest year recorded at Iasi weather station in the 1961-2015 interval. In this paper we investigate the possibility to use MOD11A1 and MYD11A1 as an visualizing and analysis tool of land surface temperatures distribution in urban and nearest rural areas during heat waves according to the land use.. We observed that MODIS nighttime view instances could detect strongly urbanized surfaces like concrete and asphalt to have higher values than the green areas as parks and forests

    Persistent median artery in the carpal tunnel: anatomy, embryology, clinical significance, and review of the literature

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    The median artery usually regresses after the eighth week of intrauterine life, but in some cases it persists into adulthood. The persistent median artery (PMA) passes through the carpal tunnel of the wrist, accompanying the median nerve. During anatomical dissection in our department, we found two unilateral cases of PMA originating from the ulnar artery. In both cases the PMA passed through the carpal tunnel, reached the palm, and anastomosed with the ulnar artery, forming a medio-ulnar type of superficial palmar arch. In addition, in both cases we observed a high division of the median nerve before entering the carpal tunnel. Such an artery may result in several complications such as carpal tunnel syndrome, pronator syndrome, or compression of the anterior interosseous nerve. Therefore, the presence of a PMA should be taken into consideration in clinical practice. This study presents two cases of PMA along with an embryological explanation, analysis of its clinical significance, and a review of the literature. The review of the literature includes cases observed during surgical procedures or anatomical dissections. Cases observed by means of imaging techniques were not included in the study

    Recovering Hydrogen Sulfide from Sulfurous Waters with PEM Fuel Cells

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    AbstractHydrogen sulfide is an environmental pollutant and abundant in various sulfurous waters such as Black Sea. Hydrogen sulfide is in the same time a potential energetic materials as source for hydrogen production. In this respect, designing an appropriate fuel cell with proton exchange membranes (PEMFC) for hydrogen sulfide recovering from sulfurous water is challenge. This study reports a PEMFC with Pt/Pt-Ru catalysts and membrane with perflurosulfonic ionomer. PEMFC was run at different concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in water (50-150mg/L). Even though power densities are in the range microwatts the experimental set-up shows a promising perspective for sulfurous water treatment. A short overview on the actual state of the art in hydrogen sulfide recovering and potential applications of the fuel cells is presented in introduction


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    The paper presents theoretical studies performed to adapt a universal drills forsowing of seeds for different sizes by improving their distribution process, changing the distributor groove