45 research outputs found

    Searching Multi-Hierarchical XML Documents: the Case of Fragmentation

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    To properly encode properties of textual documents using XML, multiple markup hierarchies must be used, often leading to conflicting markup in encodings. Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines [1] recognize this problem and suggest a number of ways to incorporate multiple hierarchies in a single well-formed XML document. In this paper, we present a framework for processing XPath queries over multi-hierarchical XML documents represented using fragmentation, one of the TEI-suggested techniques. We define the semantics of XPath over DOM trees of fragmented XML, extend the path expression language to cover overlap in markup, and describe FragXPath, our implementation of the proposed XPath semantics over fragmented markup

    A Framework for Processing Complex Document-centric XML with Overlapping Structures

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    ABSTRACT Management of multihierarchical XML encodings has attracted attention of a number of researchers both in databases We demonstrate a unified solution for management of complex, multihierarchical document-centric XML. Our framework includes software for storing, parsing, in-memory access, editing and querying, multihierarchical XML documents with conflicting structures

    Web-enabled Intelligent System for Continuous Sensor Data Processing and Visualization

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    A large number of sensors deployed in recent years in various setups and their data is readily available in dedicated databases or in the cloud. Of particular interest is real-time data processing and 3D visualization in web-based user interfaces that facilitate spatial information understanding and sharing, hence helping the decision making process for all the parties involved. In this research, we provide a prototype system for near real-time, continuous X3D-based visualization of processed sensor data for two significant applications: thermal monitoring for residential/commercial buildings and nitrogen cycle monitoring in water beds for aquaponics systems. As sensors are sparsely placed, in each application, where they collect data for large periods (of up to one year), we employ a Finite Differences Method and a Neural Networks model to approximate data distribution in the entire volume

    Attention Patterns Detection using Brain Computer Interfaces

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    The human brain provides a range of functions such as expressing emotions, controlling the rate of breathing, etc., and its study has attracted the interest of scientists for many years. As machine learning models become more sophisticated, and bio-metric data becomes more readily available through new non-invasive technologies, it becomes increasingly possible to gain access to interesting biometric data that could revolutionize Human-Computer Interaction. In this research, we propose a method to assess and quantify human attention levels and their effects on learning. In our study, we employ a brain computer interface (BCI) capable of detecting brain wave activity and displaying the corresponding electroencephalograms (EEG). We train recurrent neural networks (RNNS) to identify the type of activity an individual is performing

    A Framework for Processing Complex Document-centric XML with Overlapping Structures

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    Management of multihierarchical XML encodings has attracted attention of a number of researchers both in databases [8] and in humanities[10]. Encoding documents using multiple hierarchies can yield overlapping markup. Previously proposed solutions to management of document-centric XML with overlapping markup rely on the XML expertise of humans and their ability to maintain correct schemas for complex markup languages. We demonstrate a unified solution for management of complex, multihierarchical document-centric XML. Our framework includes software for storing, parsing, in-memory access, editing and querying, multihierarchical XML documents with conflicting structures

    Processing XML Documents with Overlapping Hierarchies

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    The problem of overlapping markup hierarchies, first mentioned in the context of SGML, often occurs in XML text encoding applications for humanities. Previous solutions to the problem rely on manual maintenance of the markup and address only the problem of representing overlapping features in XML, leaving the issues of automated maintenance and querying open. As a consequence, traditional XML tools are of little practical use when dealing with overlapping markup. In this work we demonstrate the implementation of our framework for management of concurrent XML hierarchies from a computer science perspective. We propose an underlying model, data structures, APIs, and algorithms so that the most of the burden of managing concurrent XML hierarchies would be born by the software

    XML Views for Electronic Editions

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    In this paper we discuss the implementation of user-defined views over multihierarchical document-centric XML documents

    Multihierarchical XQuery for Document-Centric XML

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    Text has a non-hierarchical structure. Not surprisingly, searching for information in the content of a document often yields results that overlap the structure within the document. It is often of a great interest to relate such results to the embedded document structure. In this work we present an extension of the XQuery language over multihierarchical document-centric XML documents. We illustrate the benefits of using multihierarchical XQuery for text-and-structure searches in document-centric XML documents More specifically, multihierarchical XQuery allows representing relationships between textsearch results and document structure even for cases wheresuch search results overlap markup boundaries and even incases when only one markup hierarchy is considered