36 research outputs found

    Photoreceptor Degeneration in Pro23His Transgenic Rats (Line 3) Involves Autophagic and Necroptotic Mechanisms

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    Photoreceptor death contributes to 50% of irreversible vision loss in the western world. Pro23His (P23H) transgenic albino rat strains are widely used models for the most common rhodopsin gene mutation associated with the autosomal dominant form of retinitis pigmentosa. However, the mechanism(s) by which photoreceptor death occurs are not well understood and were the principal aim of this study. We first used electroretinogram recording and optical coherence tomography to confirm the time course of functional and structural loss. Electroretinogram analyses revealed significantly decreased rod photoreceptor (a-wave), bipolar cell (b-wave) and amacrine cell responses (oscillatory potentials) from P30 onward. The cone-mediated b-wave was also decreased from P30. TUNEL analysis showed extensive cell death at P18, with continued labeling detected until P30. Focused gene expression arrays indicated activation of, apoptosis, autophagy and necroptosis in whole retina from P14-18. However, analysis of mitochondrial permeability changes (19m) using JC-1 dye, combined with immunofluorescence markers for caspase-dependent (cleaved caspase3) and caspase-independent (AIF) cell death pathways, indicated mitochondrialmediated cell death was not a major contributor to photoreceptor death. By contrast, reverse-phase protein array data combined with RIPK3 and phospho-MLKL immunofluorescence indicated widespread necroptosis as the predominant mechanism of photoreceptor death. These findings highlight the complexity of mechanisms involved in photoreceptor death in the Pro23His rat model of degeneration and suggest therapies that target necroptosis should be considered for their potential to reduce photoreceptor death

    Transforming growth factor-β-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition in the lens : a model for cataract formation

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    The vertebrate lens has a distinct polarity and structure that are regulated by growth factors resident in the ocular media. Fibroblast growth factors, in concert with other growth factors, are key regulators of lens fiber cell differentiation. While members of the transforming growth factor (TGFβ) superfamily have also been implicated to play a role in lens fiber differentiation, inappropriate TGFβ signaling in the anterior lens epithelial cells results in an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) that bears morphological and molecular resemblance to forms of human cataract, including anterior subcapsular (ASC) and posterior capsule opacification (PCO; also known as secondary cataract or after-cataract), which occurs after cataract surgery. Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that this TGFβ-induced EMT is part of a wound healing response in lens epithelial cells and is characterized by induced expression of numerous extracellular matrix proteins (laminin, collagens I, III, tenascin, fibronectin, proteoglycans), intermediate filaments (desmin, α-smooth muscle actin) and various integrins (α2, α5, α7B), as well as the loss of epithelial genes [Pax6, Cx43, CP49, α-crystallin, E-cadherin, zonula occludens-1 protein (ZO-1)]. The signaling pathways involved in initiating the EMT seem to primarily involve the Smad-dependent pathway, whereby TGFβ binding to specific high affinity cell surface receptors activates the receptor-Smad/Smad4 complex. Recent studies implicate other factors [such as fibroblast growth factor (FGFs), hepatocyte growth factor, integrins], present in the lens and ocular environment, in the pathogenesis of ASC and PCO. For example, FGF signaling can augment many of the effects of TGFβ, and integrin signaling, possibly via ILK, appears to mediate some of the morphological features of EMT initiated by TGFβ. Increasing attention is now being directed at the network of signaling pathways that effect the EMT in lens epithelial cells, with the aim of identifying potential therapeutic targets to inhibit cataract, particularly PCO, which remains a significant clinical problem in ophthalmology

    Laminin-binding integrins in rat lens morphogenesis and their regulation during fibre differentiation

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    Mammalian lens development involves cell-cell and cell-ECM interactions. As integrins are a major family of cell adhesion molecules, we examined the expression patterns of several integrin subunits (α3A, α3B, α6A, α6B, β1 and β4) during rat lens development. RT-PCR, in situ hybridisation, immunofluorescence and immunoblotting were used to investigate expression of integrin subunits during lens development and differentiation. RT-PCR showed expression of α3A, α6A, α6B and β1A but not α3B or β4 subunits in postnatal rat lenses. Each subunit displayed distinct spatio-temporal expression patterns. β1 integrin was expressed in both epithelium and fibres. α3A subunit expression was restricted to the epithelium; expression ceased abruptly at the lens equator. Expression of the α6A subunit increased during fibre differentiation, whereas α6B expression was predominantly associated with epithelial cells during lens development. In lens epithelial explants, FGF induced some of the changes in integrin expression that are characteristic of fibre differentiation in vivo. One notable exception was the inability of FGF to reproduce the distinctive down-regulation of the α3 isoform that is associated with initiation of elongation in vivo. Interestingly, vitreous treatment was able to reproduce this shift in α3 expression indicating that another factor(s), in addition to FGF, may be required for full and complete transition from an epithelial cell to a fibre cell. Integrin subunit expression therefore appears to be highly regulated during lens development and fibre differentiation with evidence of major changes in α3 and α6 isoform expression. These results indicate that integrins may play important roles in development and growth of the lens. How specific integrin subunits influence the behaviour of cells in different developmental compartments of the lens remains to be determined

    Exposure of trophoblast cells to fine particulate matter air pollution leads to growth inhibition, inflammation and ER stress

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    Ambient air pollution is considered a major environmental health threat to pregnant women. Our previous work has shown an association between exposure to airborne particulate matter (PM) and an increased risk of developing pre-eclamspia. It is now recognized that many pregnancy complications are due to underlying placental dysfunction, and this tissue plays a pivotal role in pre-eclamspia. Recent studies have shown that PM can enter the circulation and reach the human placenta but the effects of PM on human placental function are still largely unknown. In this work we investigated the effects of airborne PM on trophoblast cells. Human, first trimester trophoblast cells (HTR-8/SV) were exposed to urban pollution particles (Malmö PM2.5; Prague PM10) for up to seven days in vitro and were analysed for uptake, levels of hCGβ and IL-6 secretion and proteomic analysis. HTR-8/SVneo cells rapidly endocytose PM within 30 min of exposure and particles accumulate in the cell in perinuclear vesicles. High doses of Prague and Malmö PM (500–5000 ng/ml) significantly decreased hCGβ secretion and increased IL-6 secretion after 48 h exposure. Exposure to PM (50 ng/ml) for 48h or seven days led to reduced cellular growth and altered protein expression. The differentially expressed proteins are involved in networks that regulate cellular processes such as inflammation, endoplasmic reticulum stress, cellular survival and molecular transport pathways. Our studies suggest that trophoblast cells exposed to low levels of urban PM respond with reduced growth, oxidative stress, inflammation and endoplasmic reticulum stress after taking up the particles by endocytosis. Many of the dysfunctional cellular processes ascribed to the differentially expressed proteins in this study, are similar to those described in PE, suggesting that low levels of urban PM may disrupt cellular processes in trophoblast cells. Many of the differentially expressed proteins identified in this study are involved in inflammation and may be potential biomarkers for PE

    Genotype, Age, Genetic Background, and Sex Influence Epha2-Related Cataract Development in Mice

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    PURPOSE. Age-related cataract is the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Variants in the EPHA2 gene increase the disease risk, and its knockout in mice causes cataract. We investigated whether age, sex, and genetic background, risk factors for age-related cataract, and Epha2 genotype influence Epha2-related cataract development in mice. METHODS. Cataract development was monitored in Epha2+/+, Epha2+/-, and Epha2-/- mice (Epha2Gt(KST085)Byg) on C57BL/6J and FVB:C57BL/6J (50:50) backgrounds. Cellular architecture of lenses, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and redox state were determined using histological, molecular, and analytical techniques. RESULTS. Epha2-/- and Epha2+/- mice on C57BL/6J background developed severe cortical cataracts by 18 and 38 weeks of age, respectively, compared to development of similar cataract significantly later in Epha2-/- mice and no cataract in Epha2+/- mice in this strain on FVB background, which was previously reported. On FVB:C57BL/6J background, Epha2-/- mice developed severe cortical cataract by 38 weeks and Epha2+/- mice exhibited mild cortical cataract up to 64 weeks of age. Progression of cataract in Epha2-/- and Epha2+/- female mice on C57BL/6J and mixed background, respectively, was slower than in matched male mice. N-cadherin and β-catenin immunolabeling showed disorganized lens fiber cells and disruption of lens architecture in Epha2-/- and Epha2+/− lenses, coinciding with development of severe cataracts. EPHA2 immunolabeling showed intracellular accumulation of the mutant EPHA2-β-galactosidase fusion protein that induced a cytoprotective ER stress response and in Epha2+/- lenses was also accompanied by glutathione redox imbalance. CONCLUSIONS. Both, Epha2-/- and Epha2+/- mice develop age-related cortical cataract; age as a function of Epha2 genotype, sex, and genetic background influence Epha2-related cataractogenesis in mice

    Inner retinal change in a novel rd1-FTL mouse model of retinal degeneration

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    While photoreceptor loss is the most devastating result of inherited retinal degenerations such as retinitis pigmentosa, inner retinal neurons also undergo significant alteration. Detailing these changes has become important as many vision restorative therapies target the remaining neurons. In this study, the rd1-Fos-Tau-LacZ (rd1-FTL) mouse model was used to explore inner retinal change at a late stage of retinal degeneration, after the loss of photoreceptor nuclei. The rd1-FTL model carries a mutation in the phosphodiesterase gene, Pde6b, and an axonally targeted transgenic beta galactosidase reporter system under the control of the c-fos promoter. Retinae of transgenic rd1-FTL mice and control FTL animals aged 2 to 12 months were processed for indirect fluorescence immunocytochemistry. At 2 months of age, a time when the majority of photoreceptor nuclei are lost, there was negligible c-fos reporter (FTL) expression, however, from 4 months, reporter expression was observed to increase within subpopulations of amacrine and ganglion cells within the central retina. These areas of inner retinal FTL expression coincided with regions that contained aberrant Müller cells. Specifically, these cells exhibited reduced glutamine synthetase and Kir4.1 immunolabelling, whilst showing evidence of proliferative gliosis (increased cyclinD1 and GFAP expression). These changes were limited to distinct regions where cone photoreceptor terminals were absent. Overall, these results highlight that distinct areas of the rd1-FTL central retina undergo significant glial alterations after cone photoreceptor loss. These areas coincide with up-regulation of the c-fos reporter in the inner retina, which may represent a change in neuronal function/plasticity. The rd1-FTL mouse is a useful model system to probe changes that occur in the inner retina at later stages of retinal degeneration

    A Role for <i>Smoothened</i> during Murine Lens and Cornea Development

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    <div><p>Various studies suggest that Hedgehog (Hh) signalling plays roles in human and zebrafish ocular development. Recent studies (Kerr et al., <i>Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci</i>. 2012; 53, 3316–30) showed that conditionally activating Hh signals promotes murine lens epithelial cell proliferation and disrupts fibre differentiation. In this study we examined the expression of the Hh pathway and the requirement for the <i>Smoothened</i> gene in murine lens development. Expression of Hh pathway components in developing lens was examined by RT-PCR, immunofluorescence and <i>in situ</i> hybridisation. The requirement of <i>Smo</i> in lens development was determined by conditional loss-of-function mutations, using LeCre and MLR10 Cre transgenic mice. The phenotype of mutant mice was examined by immunofluorescence for various markers of cell cycle, lens and cornea differentiation. Hh pathway components (<i>Ptch1, Smo, Gli2, Gli3</i>) were detected in lens epithelium from E12.5. Gli2 was particularly localised to mitotic nuclei and, at E13.5, Gli3 exhibited a shift from cytosol to nucleus, suggesting distinct roles for these transcription factors. Conditional deletion of <i>Smo</i>, from ∼E12.5 (MLR10 Cre) did not affect ocular development, whereas deletion from ∼E9.5 (LeCre) resulted in lens and corneal defects from E14.5. Mutant lenses were smaller and showed normal expression of p57Kip2, c-Maf, E-cadherin and Pax6, reduced expression of FoxE3 and Ptch1 and decreased nuclear Hes1. There was normal G1-S phase but decreased G2-M phase transition at E16.5 and epithelial cell death from E14.5-E16.5. Mutant corneas were thicker due to aberrant migration of Nrp2<sup>+</sup> cells from the extraocular mesenchyme, resulting in delayed corneal endothelial but normal epithelial differentiation. These results indicate the Hh pathway is required during a discrete period (E9.5–E12.5) in lens development to regulate lens epithelial cell proliferation, survival and FoxE3 expression. Defective corneal development occurs secondary to defects in lens and appears to be due to defective migration of peri-ocular Nrp2<sup>+</sup> neural crest/mesenchymal cells.</p></div

    Expression of Hh pathway in lens.

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    <p><b>A.</b> RT-PCR of RNA isolated from P3 lenses showing expression of <i>Gli1, Gli2, Gli3</i>, <i>Ptch1</i>, and <i>Smo</i>. Amplification of <i>Hprt</i> was included as a control house-keeping gene. <b>B.</b> RT-PCR of RNA from P10 lenses, separated into lens epithelial (Epi) and fibre (Fib) preparations, showing expression of <i>Ptch1</i>, <i>Smo</i> and <i>Gli3</i>, but not <i>Gli1</i> or <i>Gli2</i>. Presence (+) or absence (−) of reverse transcriptase in the reactions is indicated above each lane and size of each amplicon to the right of each gel.</p