56 research outputs found


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    Characterized by eclectism and depth of scientific rigor, Professor Virgil Madgearu performed a remarkable activity in the economic sciences. Analyzing the efforts, the teaching and scientific work of the Romanian professor, his areas of expertise come off: economics, management, finance, sociology, cooperative work and study. We also found a major contribution to shaping a new discipline for those times, namely, the management of commercial and industrial companies. Realizing the importance of developing modern managerial skills among Romanian economists and leaders, Virgil Madgearu was the first who wrote, taught university courses and published the first technical and business theory, laying the foundations of science management.economic sciences, management of commercial and industrial companies, Virgil Madgearu.

    An Investigation Regarding the Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility Information for Listed Companies from Romania

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    The purpose of this research was to establish the degree of transparency concerning the communication of the information regarding the corporate social responsibility by the Romanian companies listed. The study used as a sample the listed companies in the first part of the Bucharest Stock Exchange. Considering the fact that in Romania there is no mandatory reporting of such information, we examined the extent to which public companies in Romania have, voluntarily, on their sites, such disclosures. As a research framework we used the model proposed by Dahlsrud (2008). According to this model, CSR-type information can be classified into five dimensions: the environmental dimension, social dimension, economic dimension, the „stakeholders” dimension and voluntary dimension. After conducting site investigation we made a classification of their degree of transparency (dependent variable). For this variable we tested the association with the type of ownership and activity (independent variables).Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR dimensions, transparency of CSR, analyses of Romanian companies sites concerning CSR

    Metabolic alterations in experimental models of depression

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    Introduction: Major depressive disorder is one of the most prevalent psychiatric disorders and is associated with a severe impact on the personal functioning, thus with incurring significant direct and indirect costs. The presence of depression in patients with medical comorbidities increases the risks of myocardial infarction and decreases diabetes control, and adherence to treatment. The mechanism through which these effects are produced is still uncertain. Objectives of this study were to evaluate the metabolic alterations in female Wistar rats with induced depression, with and without administration of Agomelatine. The methods included two experiments. All data were analyzed by comparison with group I (control), and with each other. In the first experiment we induced depression by: exposure to chronic mild stress-group II; olfactory bulbectomy-group III; and exposure to chronic mild stress and hyperlipidic/ hyper caloric diet-group IV. The second experiment was similar with the first but the rats received Agomelatine (0.16mg/ animal): group V (depression induced through exposure to chronic mild stress), VI (depression induced through olfactory bulbectomy) and VII (depression induced through exposure to chronic mild stressing hyperlipidic/ hypercaloric diet). Weight, cholesterol, triglycerides and glycaemia were measured at day 0 and 28, and leptin value was measured at day 28. The results in the 1st experiment revealed significant differences (pconclusion, significant correlations were found between high level of triglycerides and depression induced by chronic stress and olfactory bulbectomy. Agomelatine groups had a lower increase of triglycerides levels

    Inventario de personalidad de Freiburg en la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal: diagnóstico y necesidades psicoterapéuticas

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    Despite recent discoveries, patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) still face challenges with attainment of remission. The objectives of the study were to identify the characteristics of patients with the Freiburg Personality Inventory and the intensity of the intestinal disease, comorbidities that could be related to the personality of the subjects. Data were collected in the period 2019–2020 from 46 patients and used nonparametric methods. Compared to the normative sample, the Inhibitedness, Health Concerns, and Emotionality scales had significantly higher raw scores. The Social Orientation, Frankness, and Extraversionscales had significantly lower raw scores. Health status was a medical factor that influenced the Somatic Complaintsscale, patients who had lesions or comorbidities had significantly higher raw scores. Patients who had comorbidities in addition to IBD had considerably higher raw scores on the Excitability scale. Psychotherapeutic change interventions regarding life perception are required to tackle the description of subjective suffering related to physical inconveniences (Somatic Complaintsscale), a strong orientation toward performance (Strainscale), mood swings, anxiety, and pessimism (Emotionality scale). Another intervention is reconsidering values and (re) prioritization, such as family, intimate relationships, friends, health, growth, development, balanced work, all of which can promote a feeling of well-being and balance.A pesar de los descubrimientos recientes, los pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII) aún enfrentan desafíos para lograr la remisión. Los objetivos del estudio fueron identificar las características de los pacientes con el Inventario de Personalidad de Freiburg y la intensidad de la enfermedad colónica, comorbilidades que podrían estar relacionadas con la personalidad de los sujetos. Los datos se recopilaron en el período 2019-2020 de 46 pacientes y utilizaron métodos no paramétricos. En comparación con el grupo de control, las escalas de Inhibición, Problemas de salud y Emocionalidad tenían puntuaciones brutas significativamente más altas. Las escalas de Orientación Social, Franqueza y Extraversión tuvieron puntajes brutos significativamente más bajos. El estado de salud fue un factor médico que influyó en la escala de Quejas Somáticas, los pacientes que tenían lesiones o comorbilidades tenían puntuaciones brutas significativa-mente más altas. Los pacientes que tenían comorbilidades además de la EII tenían puntuaciones brutas considerablemente más altas en la escala de Excitabilidad. Se requieren intervenciones psicoterapéuticas de cambio en la percepción de la vida para abordar la descripción del sufrimiento subjetivo relacionado con molestias físicas (escala de quejas somáticas), una fuerte orientación hacia el rendimiento (escala de tensión), cambios de humor, ansiedad y pesimismo (escala de emocionalidad). Otra intervención es la re-consideración y (re)priorización de valores, como la familia, las relaciones íntimas, los amigos, la salud, el crecimiento, el desarrollo, el trabajo equilibrado, todos los cuales pueden promover una sensación de bienestar y equilibrio

    Posibilităţi de investigare a datelor privind sănătatea, utilizând sisteme de clasificare socio-economică şi de informaţii geografice

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    In actual context of the Romanian health system, creating and managing a health data base using socio-economic classification system and geographic information’s system will allow visualization of the population health status in close correlation with the existing socio-economic context.The article presents an exercise which matches data from the Mosaic system with data from DRG system for answering to 2 questions:1. Why Satu Mare district has, for some years, the lowest life expectation of birth? 2. Which could be the benefit of using Mosaic system in the   efficient managing of the interventions for improving population health status?Keywords: consumer segmentation system, health status, diseases prevalence, Satu Mare, RomaniaContent available only in Romanian

    Content-Based Image Retrieval: A Comprehensive User Interactive Simulation Tool for Endoscopic Image Databases

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    Until few years ago, radiological methods were widely used for the examination and investigation of the digestive tract. Today, wireless capsule endoscopy represents an innovative, noninvasive, effective solution that does not imply a risk of irradiation. Due to the impressive number of images captured on the entire “trip” covered by the video capsule, diagnostic accuracy is greatly improved, also allowing the visualization of certain areas of the digestive tract that were previously inaccessible. Captured images can be analyzed by a specialist who can identify lesions or possible active bleeding within the digestive tract. This paper presents the implementation of a recovery system for endoscopic images based on Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) technique

    Preparticipation medical evaluation for elite athletes : EFSMA recommendations on standardised preparticipation evaluation form in European countries

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    Publisher Copyright: © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2021. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.Sports medicine is a medical specialty that supports the performance of professional and amateur athletes while maintaining their health. Sports medicine professionals need to ensure the safe participation of athletes in sports activities achieved through a periodical preparticipation evaluation (PPE) and a regular medical monitoring of the athletes' health in accordance with the latest recommendations regarding health condition and medical history, physical working capacity, training period and programme, recovery, nutrition, use of supplements, injuries prevention and safe return to play. In order to harmonise these national variations in the content and application of the PPE, the EFSMA Scientific and Educational Commission proposes a € gold standard' for elite athletes across Europe. Important objectives of PPE are early detection and prevention of severe complications during sports activities both in leisure time and competitive sports. The PPE should entail the following diagnostic components: health status, anthropometry, functional and exercise capacity. It is of utmost importance to develop and implement preventive strategies such as the PPE. Besides monitoring the health status of athletes, the PPE plays an important role in the selection process, bringing valuable information for coaches and supporting a personalised treatment approach. Screening of athletes through a standardised digital PPE could be beneficial for a better understanding of the impact of long-term physical activity. Furthermore, PPE leads the scientific community to a way of working closer together in the interest of the athletes.Peer reviewe

    Impact of Lavender Flower Powder as a Flavoring Ingredient on Volatile Composition and Quality Characteristics of Gouda-Type Cheese during Ripening

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    This study aimed to formulate a Gouda-type cheese from cow's milk, flavored with lavender flower powder (0.5 g/L matured milk), ripened for 30 days at 14 °C and 85% relative humidity. Physicochemical, microbiological, and textural characteristics, as well as the volatile composition of the control (CC-cheese without lavender) and lavender cheese (LC), were assessed at 10-day intervals of ripening. Consumers' perception, acceptance, and purchase intention were only evaluated for ripened cheeses. Moisture and carbohydrate contents, the pH, cohesiveness, indexes of springiness and chewiness decreased during ripening in both CC and LC; however, protein, ash, and sodium chloride contents, titratable acidity, hardness, lactobacilli, streptococci, and volatiles increased. Fat and fat in dry matter contents, respectively, the energy value did not vary with ripening time in LC and increased in CC; gumminess decreased in CC and did not change in LC. Lavender flower powder significantly affected the cheese's microbiological and sensory characteristics and volatile composition but did not considerably impact physicochemical and textural ones. Populations of lactobacilli and streptococci were substantially higher in LC compared to CC. The volatile profile of LC was dominated by terpene and terpenoids, and that of CC by haloalkanes. Sensory scores were slightly lower for LC than CC, even if it did not considerably affect consumers' acceptance and purchase intention

    Spatio-temporal insights into microbiology of the freshwater-to-hypersaline, oxic-hypoxic-euxinic waters of Ursu Lake

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    Ursu Lake is located in the Middle Miocene salt deposit of Central Romania. It is stratified, and the water column has three distinct water masses: an upper freshwater-to-moderately saline stratum (0–3 m), an intermediate stratum exhibiting a steep halocline (3–3.5 m), and a lower hypersaline stratum (4 m and below) that is euxinic (i.e. anoxic and sulphidic). Recent studies have characterized the lake's microbial taxonomy and given rise to intriguing ecological questions. Here, we explore whether the communities are dynamic or stable in relation to taxonomic composition, geochemistry, biophysics, and ecophysiological functions during the annual cycle. We found: (i) seasonally fluctuating, light-dependent communities in the upper layer (≥0.987–0.990 water-activity), a stable but phylogenetically diverse population of heterotrophs in the hypersaline stratum (water activities down to 0.762) and a persistent plate of green sulphur bacteria that connects these two (0.958–0.956 water activity) at 3–3.5 to 4 m; (ii) communities that might be involved in carbon- and sulphur-cycling between and within the lake's three main water masses; (iii) uncultured lineages including Acetothermia (OP1), Cloacimonetes (WWE1), Marinimicrobia (SAR406), Omnitrophicaeota (OP3), Parcubacteria (OD1) and other Candidate Phyla Radiation bacteria, and SR1 in the hypersaline stratum (likely involved in the anaerobic steps of carbon- and sulphur-cycling); and (iv) that species richness and habitat stability are associated with high redox-potentials. Ursu Lake has a unique and complex ecology, at the same time exhibiting dynamic fluctuations and stability, and can be used as a modern analogue for ancient euxinic water bodies and comparator system for other stratified hypersaline systems

    KP-LAB Knowledge Practices Laboratory -- External release of end-user applications

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    deliverablesThis deliverable describes the M24 release of the End user applications for knowledge practices software v2.0.0. The deliverable includes the technical development performed until M24 (January 2008) within WP6 according to Description of Work 2.1 and D6.4 M21 specification of end-user applications. The current release is comprised of two set of tools: 1. Shared Space Tool The shared space and the accompanying support material can be found on the Internet at: http://2d.mobile.evtek.fi:8080/shared-space 2. Map-It. The installer program for Map-It v2.0.0 is available at: http://www.kp-lab.org/intranet/testable-tools/kp-lab-tools/map-it/map-it-2-0.0 Please consult the "Getting Started" Note before installing and using Map-It: http://www.kp-lab.org/intranet/testable-tools/kp-lab-tools/map-it/getting-started-with-map-it 3. Change Laboratory tools The release targeted for the end users participating in the trials planned to be conducted in the CL Working Knot can be accessed via the following link: http://2d.mobile.evtek.fi:8080/shared-space/cl.html Anyone who wishes to try the software out but is not participating in the Change Laboratory trials should use the development deployment on: http://mielikki.mobile.evtek.fi/shared-space/cl.html The M24 release of Semantic Multimedia Annotation tools is still delayed. The release of CASS Memo Client has been postponed to be included in the M28 release in DoW3