57 research outputs found

    Lecture de l’œuvre pédagogique de Comenius sous la IIIe République

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    La réception de l’œuvre didactique de Comenius en France a été marquée par les lectures effectuées au XIXe siècle. Ces lectures, en accord avec les changements en cours, ont entraîné une transformation des idées coméniennes qui, décontextualisées, ont pu être mobilisées en faveur de la pédagogie française. Les idées du pédagogue tchèque ont servi à valider la pédagogie de la IIIe République, considérée comme dernier degré des progrès réalisés en matière d’enseignement. Ce phénomène traduit la volonté d’inscrire la réforme de l’en- seignement français de la fin du XIXe siècle dans un mouvement de fond plus ancien, ancré dans le passé, pour la légitimer. Mots clés: réception; Comenius; histoire de la pédagogie; XIXe siècle; IIIe République

    Comenius. Naissance d’un mythe pédagogique en France aux XVII et XVIII siècles

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    Comenius’ works were read in French literary circles before the eighteenth century. Known primarily for its learning method developed for Latin Janua Linguarum and Orbis Pictus Sensualium, Comenius was known by the books that ensured his reputation as an educator. Initially respected for his moderate views and ideas, Comenius lost credit when he decided to publish the Revelations where he exhibited apocalyptic visions. Some scientists deliberately chose to ignore Comenius and his works, others chose to continue talking about him. Only a few authors decided to talk about both, philosophical and didactical works.Présente en France avant le XVIIIe siècle, l’oeuvre de Comenius était lue dans les milieux lettrés. Reconnu principalement pour sa méthode d’apprentissage du latin développée dans la Janua Linguarum et l’Orbis Sensualium Pictus, le Tchèque était connu aussi par les ouvrages qui lui ont assuré la notoriété. Respecté initialement pour ses vues et ses idées modérées, Comenius perdit ce crédit lorsqu’il décida de publier les Révélations2 où il expose des visions apocalyptiques selon lesquelles il était urgent de réformer le monde. Certains hommes de science ont délibérément choisi d’ignorer Comenius et son oeuvre, d’autres ont continué à parler de lui en mettant l’accent sur la partie qui les intéressait. Très peu d’auteurs en revanche ont abordé à la fois l'aspect philosophique et la didactique coménienne, car les sujets apparaissaient contradictoires. Le plus souvent ils se sont oriénétés en fonction de leurs études, de leurs croyances ou de leurs appartenances institutionnelle

    Dermatoscopic Features of Naevi During Pregnancy-A Mini Review

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    Changes in melanocytic naevi and development of new naevi have been reported in pregnant women. The association between pregnancy and melanoma is a controversial topic. We conducted this review to identify the dermatoscopic changes that occur in naevi during pregnancy that could facilitate in distinguishing benign from suspicious lesions. Medline, Scopus, and Embase datasets were reviewed for clinical studies on dermatoscopic characteristics of melanoma and naevus in pregnancy. Six cohort studies with a total of 258 patients with 1,167 skin lesions that were examined fulfilled the conditions to be included in the review. None of the patients developed melanoma. Development of new naevi, when reported, was observed in less than half of the participants. The most frequent observed dermatoscopic change among the studies was the increase in the number of dots. Development of new vessels, hypo- and hyperpigmentations and changes in the pigment network were common described changes. The included studies were heterogeneous not allowing head-to-head comparisons between them. Robust and larger studies of dermatoscopic evaluation of naevi in pregnant women are needed to determine high-risk dermatoscopic characteristics

    Analýza nárazů při rozjezdu a zastavení výtahu

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    The paper studies the dynamics of an elevator, the theoretical determination of jerk at the start and stop of an elevator for a certain tachogram. Maximum shock acceptable values are imposed by standards.Článek se studuje dynamiku výtahem, teoretické stanovení nárazu na začátku a zastavení výtahu pro určitý tachogram. Maximální přípustné hodnoty nárazů jsou uvedeny v příslušných normách

    Correlations between arterial hypertension and diabetic retinopathy in patients with type II diabetes

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    Diabetic retinopathy is a well-known complication of diabetes, a major cause of vision loss worldwide. Purpose. The present study investigates the correlation between hypertension and evolution of diabetic retinopathy in patients with type II diabetes. Materials and methods. We conducted a prospective study between June and December 2016, on 24 patients hospitalized in Ophthalmology Clinic, Emergengy University Hospital Bucharest, with AO: diabetic retinopathy and arterial hypertension under medical treatment. Patients were evaluated at baseline, 2 months, 4 months and 6 months through comprehensive eye examination and measuring the value of blood pressure (BP). Comparative data were analyzed in patients with compensated hypertension (BP = 150 mmHg). Results. Of the 24 patients, 15 had values offset BP (group A) and 9 associated hypertension subcompensated (group B). In group A proportion of patients (at baseline) with diabetic retinopathy absent or nonproliferative was higher than patients in group B (47% vs. 22%, p = 0.052995019518117). Patients in group B had a higher tendency to record an evolution of diabetic retinopathy (in group B, 55.55% of patients had a progression, and in group A, only 26.66%). onclusions. Incomplete therapeutic control of hypertension may affect the retinal microvasculature impacting the progression of diabetic retinopathy. Maintaining a strict control of systolic BP of permanent value below 140 mmHg should be part of the patient management guide of the diabetic patient in order to prevent ophthalmic complications with major risk of vision loss

    Efficiency of some screening methods used in monitoring the quality of vegetable substrates and the presence of mycotoxins

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of screening methods applied in the analysis of plant products (cereal seeds, feed, hay, etc.) used in agriculture and animal husbandry. Their screening can be done both during the harvesting season aswell as during their storage for the cold season. Information regarding the physico-chemical parameters and mycotoxicological load may be obtained by applying this rapid screening techniques. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) screening techniques can provide a quick result regarding the quality of plant products. In this study, the efficiency of using the Perten FT-NIR Analyzer in determining the physico-chemical parameters was tested. The sample were scanned and the values were provided shortly after. The analyzed products were also tested from a mycotoxicological point of view by identifying the presence of different types of mycotoxins in plant products by applying thin layer chromatography (TLC). The use of fast screening methods leads to lower costs, elimination of toxicity and shortening of the time to results

    Anesthetic challenges in patients with ankylosing spondylitis requiring lower limb surgery – A case report and literature review

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    Ankylosing spondylitis is one of the global top health burdens and patients affected by it frequently require surgery related to disease progression, such as orthopedic surgery. These patients may prove difficult to manage from an anesthetic standpoint, regardless of the anesthetic technique employed, mainly given the potential for difficult airway access and related comorbidities. We present the case of a 52-year-old male posted for urgent cemented total hip arthroplasty with associated bilateral pulmonary fibrosis and an anticipated difficult airway in whom regional anesthesia was performed with satisfactory results, with a favorable intraoperative and postoperative course. The literature review explores the anesthetic techniques employed when a tailored approach is required in managing patients with ankylosing spondylitis

    Lecture de l’œuvre pédagogique de Comenius sous la IIIe République

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    La réception de l’œuvre didactique de Comenius en France a été marquée par les lectures effectuées au XIXe siècle. Ces lectures, en accord avec les changements en cours, ont entraîné une transformation des idées coméniennes qui, décontextualisées, ont pu être mobilisées en faveur de la pédagogie française. Les idées du pédagogue tchèque ont servi à valider la pédagogie de la IIIe République, considérée comme dernier degré des progrès réalisés en matière d’enseignement. Ce phénomène traduit la volonté d’inscrire la réforme de l’en- seignement français de la fin du XIXe siècle dans un mouvement de fond plus ancien, ancré dans le passé, pour la légitimer. Mots clés: réception; Comenius; histoire de la pédagogie; XIXe siècle; IIIe République

    Augmented reality to train user skills (ARTUS):training development and evaluation kit

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    Regional development of Romania – a premise for better project financing

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    The article approaches important aspects regarding the regional development process in Romania in direct correlation with the European Union views and directives in this field. This paper argues that regionalization implies a new reorganization of Romania in view of a balanced development and to increase the absorption of European Funds, which consequently engages regional development, the development of local communities and the decentralization of public administration. Furthermore, in this paper we present the consistency issue concerning the request for territorial- administrative development in Romania, as it originates from the strategic documents, namely the "National Plan of Governance 2017-2020" and the "Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy for Strengthening the Public Administration 2014-2020", and we highlight a number of shortcomings of this process