104 research outputs found

    Overexpression of Arabidopsis thaliana LOV KELCH REPEAT PROTEIN 2 promotes tuberization in potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. May Queen)

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    AbstractPotato tuberization is induced under short-day conditions and repressed under long-day conditions. In this study, we produced transgenic potatoes overexpressing either Arabidopsis thaliana LOV KELCH PROTEIN 2 (35S:LKP2) or CONSTANS fused with a transcription repressor motif (35S:CO-Rep). In an in vitro tuberization assay, the average number of tubers per plant was greater in 35S:LKP2 plants than in vector-control plants, but lower in 35S:CO-Rep plants. Under long-day conditions in soil, all 35S:LKP2 plants tuberized, whereas most control plants and 35S:CO-Rep plants did not. These results suggest genes involved in flowering time regulation can be used to control potato tuber production

    Cellular and molecular aspects of drug transport in the kidney

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    Cellular and molecular aspects of drug transport in the kidney. The kidney plays an important role in the elimination of numerous hydrophilic xenobiotics, including drugs, toxins, and endogenous compounds. It has developed high-capacity transport systems to prevent urinary loss of filtered nutrients, as well as electrolytes, and simultaneously to facilitate tubular secretion of a wide range of organic ions. Transport systems for organic anions and cations are primarily involved in the secretion of drugs in renal tubules. The identification and characterization of organic anion and cation transporters have been progressing at the molecular level. To date, many members of the organic anion transporter (OAT), organic cation transporter (OCT), and organic anion-transporting polypeptide (oatp) gene families have been found to mediate the transport of diverse organic anions and cations. It has also been suggested that ATP-dependent primary active transporters such as MDR1/P-glycoprotein and the multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP) gene family function as efflux pumps of renal tubular cells for more hydrophobic molecules and anionic conjugates. Tubular reabsorption of peptide-like drugs such as β-lactam antibiotics across the brush-border membranes appears to be mediated by two distinct H+/peptide cotransporters: PEPT1 and PEPT2. Renal disposition of drugs is the consequence of interaction and/or transport via these diverse secretory and absorptive transporters in renal tubules. Studies of the functional characteristics, such as substrate specificity and transport mechanisms, and of the localization of cloned drug transporters could provide information regarding the cellular network involved in renal handling of drugs. Detailed information concerning molecular and cellular aspects of drug transporters expressed in the kidney has facilitated studies of the mechanisms underlying renal disposition as well as transporter-mediated drug interactions

    PFAS, from here to Eternity - or maybe not

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    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of synthetic chemicals with extremely strong C-F bonds. Due to their thermal stability, acid resistance, and high surface activity, they have been widely used for several decades in various consumer products. PFAS has been detected in water, soil, sediment, air, food, and biota samples on all continents and due to this are recognized as environmental and human health risk (Carlson et al. 2022). In the last decade, several available technologies were tested for the remediation of PFAS-polluted environments, such as adsorption, filtration, thermal destruction, oxidation/reduction, and soil washing, but several disadvantages were reported (Bolan et al., 2021). We hypothesize that by using advanced oxidation techniques followed by microbial treatment decrease in the concentration of PFOA as a PFAS model compound will occur. In the beginning, we tested separately abiotic and biotic degradation of PFOA. Target LC-MS/MS was used for quantitative analysis of PFOA decrease, and for detecting degradation products, nontargeted LC-MS/MS analysis was used. In the photocatalysis study, we used selected Ti and Al-based photocatalysts. The experiments were conducted at 20 °C in an open cylindrical polypropylene reactor, and a simulated solar radiation lamp (Solimed BH Quarzlampen) was used as a light source. Microbial communities were isolated from the locations in Serbia, Japan, and Italy known for their pollution with PFAS, and enrichment was conducted on the media supplemented with ppm values of PFOA (Beskoski et al., 2018). Microbial communities were used as inoculum in the PFOA biodegradation study

    Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances, 'forever chemicals' (or maybe not)

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    Danas se u životnoj sredini mogu pronaći brojna hemijska jedinjenja koja je stvorio čovek u svojim laboratorijama. Ideja vodilja sredinom dvadesetog veka je bila kreirati jedinjenja kvalitetnih osobina koja će dugo imati upotrebnu vrednost a samim tim i dugo trajati. Neka od tih jedinjenja su danas prepoznata i kao „večne hemikalije”. Per- i polifluorovana jedinjenja (PFAS) su grupa sintetičkih hemijskih jedinjenja koja poseduju C- F, najjaču kovalentnu vezu. Zbog hemijske strukture koja im omogućava stabilnost na povišenim temperaturama, otpornost na niske pH vrednosti kao i visoku površinsku aktivnost, ova jedinjenja su u vidu različitih formulacija već nekoliko decenija našla široku primenu u brojnim potrošačkim proizvodima. Međutim, PFAS su poslednje dve decenije otkriveni u vodi, zemljištu, sedimentu, vazduhu, hrani i uzorcima biote na svim kontinentima, što prepoznato kao rizik za životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi. Zbog ovoga su u poslednjoj deceniji intenzivno testirane postojeće tehnologije za sanaciju i remedijaciju poput adsorpcije, filtracije, termalne destrukcije, oksidacije/redukcije kao i pranje zemljišta. Ipak, opisani su i brojni nedostaci ovih tehnologija

    PFAS, from here to Eternity - or maybe not

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    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of synthetic chemicals with extremely strong C-F bonds. Due to their thermal stability, acid resistance, and high surface activity, they have been widely used for several decades in various consumer products. PFAS has been detected in water, soil, sediment, air, food, and biota samples on all continents and due to this are recognized as environmental and human health risk (Carlson et al. 2022). In the last decade, several available technologies were tested for the remediation of PFAS-polluted environments, such as adsorption, filtration, thermal destruction, oxidation/reduction, and soil washing, but several disadvantages were reported (Bolan et al., 2021). We hypothesize that by using advanced oxidation techniques followed by microbial treatment decrease in the concentration of PFOA as a PFAS model compound will occur. In the beginning, we tested separately abiotic and biotic degradation of PFOA. Target LC-MS/MS was used for quantitative analysis of PFOA decrease, and for detecting degradation products, nontargeted LC-MS/MS analysis was used. In the photocatalysis study, we used selected Ti and Al-based photocatalysts. The experiments were conducted at 20 °C in an open cylindrical polypropylene reactor, and a simulated solar radiation lamp (Solimed BH Quarzlampen) was used as a light source. Microbial communities were isolated from the locations in Serbia, Japan, and Italy known for their pollution with PFAS, and enrichment was conducted on the media supplemented with ppm values of PFOA (Beskoski et al., 2018). Microbial communities were used as inoculum in the PFOA biodegradation study

    カン サイボウガン ニ タイスル ラジオハ ショウシャク リョウホウ ゴ ノ キョクショ サイハツ ヨソク インシ ニ ツイテノ ケントウ

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    肝細胞癌(HCC)に対する経皮的ラジオ波焼灼療法(RFA)後の局所再発因子について検討した.対象はHCC43例,45結節,平均年齢66.5±10.3歳,男性29例,女性14例であった.病因はHBV4例,HCV38例,原因不明1例.平均腫瘍径は2.2±0.7(1.0~4.5)cm,単発例が14例,多発例が29例であった.RFA単独治療群が20結節,他の内科的治療併用群が25結節.治療後にダイナミックCTを施行し,遺残なしと判定された結節について多変量解析にて局所再発因子を検討した.局所再発率の算出にはKaplan-Meier法を用いた.効果判定のCTは43例45結節中,腎不全合併例2例2結節を除く43結節に施行し,39結節(90.7%)が遺残なしと判定された.遺残が疑われた4例は,他疾患合併などの理由から追加治療は施行されなかった.遺残なし群(39例)の1年,2年,3年の局所再発率は,20.5%,27.5%,27.5%,これらのうち単発例14結節の局所再発率は1,2,3年ともに16.3%であった.39例における多変量解析の結果,年齢,性差,腫瘍径,臨床病期,併用療法の有無,治療前のAFP値はいずれも統計学的には局所再発に寄与せず,治療前のPIVKA-II値のみに統計学的な有意差を認め,HCCの局所再発への関与が示唆された.We have investigated the factors underlying the local recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after percutaneous radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Forty-five nodules in 43 HCC patients, consisting of 29 men and 14 women with a mean age of 66.5±10.3 years, were studied. The cause of HCC was HBV in 4 patients, HCV in 40, and cryptogenic in 1. The mean tumor diameter was 2.2±0.7cm (1.0-4.5). Fourteen patients had single HCC nodule and 29 patients had multiple HCC nodules. Two treatment groups were set up: the RFA alone group of 20 nodules and the combined group of 25 nodules that were treated with another medical therapy together with RFA. After treatment, all nodules were evaluated by dynamic CT, and those judged as having "no residual tumor" were examined for local recurrence factors using multivariate analysis. The recurrence rate was calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method. CT for outcome assessment, carried out in 43 nodules in 41 patients excluding 2 patients (2 nodules) with renal failure revealed that 39 nodules (90.7%) had no residual tumor. The 4 nodules, suspected of having a residual tumor, were not additionally treated because of the presence of complications. The local recurrence rates at 1, 2 and 3 years after treatment in the "no residual tumor" group (n=39) were 20.5, 27.5 and 27.5%, respectively. The multivariate analysis revealed that neither of age, sex, tumor diameter, clinical stage, combined therapy, nor AFP value statistically contributed to local recurrence. Only PIVKA-II value was a statistically independent factor for local recurrence of HCC. In conclusion, detailed examination with dynamic CT appears necessary for the assessment of RFA treatment for HCC. PIVKA-II value is likely the most important factor to predict the local recurrence of HCC after RFA