380 research outputs found

    Guidance, flight mechanics and trajectory optimization. Volume 10 - Dynamic programming

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    Dynamic programming and multistage decision processes in guidance, flight mechanics, and trajectory optimizatio

    Biochar as a Lake Management Option for Harmful Algal Blooms: Lab Experiments and Bioassays

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    Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) are an increasing global concern for water management due to their increased frequency, distribution, and toxin production. In freshwaters the growth of cyanobacteria (commonly known as blue-green algae), due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment is the primary driver of HABS; these are often referred to as cyanoHABs. The management of cyanoHABs should be focused on in the watershed through best management and conservation practices or the physical, chemical and biomanipulation of the lake or reservoir that is experiencing these blooms. In this study, we examine the use of biochar as an option for the management or treatment of cyanoHABs. Biochar is organic carbon produced from the pyrolysis of wood or other organic material. Biochar has been previously used in wastewater treatment and environmental remediation, and this project will test the ability of biochar to remove nutrients such as phosphate, nitrate and ammonia from freshwaters, and how biochar affects algal growth and microcystin concentrations. A series of adsorption experiments were completed in the lab to evaluate how Biochar Now, a commercially available product, removed dissolved nutrients from water, and several bioassays were completed to evaluate its effect on cyanoHABs and microcystin concentrations. The main objectives of this study will be to 1) to determine the capacity of biochar to remove dissolved nutrients from aqueous solution, 2) to evaluate the effect of biochar on algal growth and cyanoHABs using bioassays, and 3) to evaluate the effect of biochar on free and total microcystin concentrations in cyanoHABs using bioassays. Results showed that biochar did not readily absorb nutrients or metals from aqueous solutions, and biochar did not have a relationship with microcystin production in the bioassays. However, while results were variable, bioassays showed that biochar might influence chlorophyll-a concentrations

    Study of adhesion and cohesion in vacuum Final report

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    Vacuum metal-metal bonding tests to determine conditions of accidental adhesion of spacecraft structural material


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the eccentric hamstring strength of Gaelic footballers during the season. The Nordic hamstring exercise was used to determine maximal hamstring eccentric Torque using the Nordbord testing system™. A total of 67 players were tested in pre-season as described previously by Opar et al. (2013). Injury data was recorded directly via questionnaire from each participant. 117 players were tested in the preseason, 98 in the in-season and a combined total of 67 players tested in both in-season and pre-season and included in the study. There was no difference in eccentric torque for in both preseason (121±25 v124±27, p\u3e0.641) and late in-season (124±29 v 128±22, p\u3e0.7997) when comparing injured and non injured groups. A previous hamstring injury produced a 32.88 RR. In club Gaelic footballers pre-season eccentric strength in the Nordic exercise is not a pre-requisite for the prevention of future HSI while previous HSI is a strong risk factor

    Biochar as a Lake Management Option for Harmful Algal Blooms: Lab Experiments and Bioassays

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    Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) are an increasing global concern for water management due to their increased frequency, distribution, and toxin production. In freshwaters the growth of cyanobacteria (commonly known as blue-green algae), due to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment is the primary driver of HABS; these are often referred to as cyanoHABs. The management of cyanoHABs should be focused on in the watershed through best management and conservation practices or the physical, chemical and biomanipulation of the lake or reservoir that is experiencing these blooms. In this study, we examine the use of biochar as an option for the management or treatment of cyanoHABs. Biochar is organic carbon produced from the pyrolysis of wood or other organic material. Biochar has been previously used in wastewater treatment and environmental remediation, and this project will test the ability of biochar to remove nutrients such as phosphate, nitrate and ammonia from freshwaters, and how biochar affects algal growth and microcystin concentrations. A series of adsorption experiments were completed in the lab to evaluate how Biochar Now, a commercially available product, removed dissolved nutrients from water, and several bioassays were completed to evaluate its effect on cyanoHABs and microcystin concentrations. The main objectives of this study will be to 1) to determine the capacity of biochar to remove dissolved nutrients from aqueous solution, 2) to evaluate the effect of biochar on algal growth and cyanoHABs using bioassays, and 3) to evaluate the effect of biochar on free and total microcystin concentrations in cyanoHABs using bioassays. Results showed that biochar did not readily absorb nutrients or metals from aqueous solutions, and biochar did not have a relationship with microcystin production in the bioassays. However, while results were variable, bioassays showed that biochar might influence chlorophyll-a concentrations

    Aurora La Cujiñi” (1898) de R. B. Cunninghame Graham - Una indagación

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    In Aurora La Cujiñi-A realistic sketch in Seville, published by the Scottish writer R. B. Cunninghame Graham in 1898, the frontispiece showed the sepia image of a female flamenco dancer. What might La Cujiñi‘ mean? Charles Davillier and Gustave Doré in 1862-63 note the existence of a Sevillan dancer with this name. In 2011 the present writer was gifted an old lithograph, in colour, published in Seville . 1850‘ and entitled Aurora La Cujiñí‘ - with ñ and í. The two images are supplied. Aurora La Cujiñi‘ really existed. Graham‘s sketch has five phases: Seville; the bullfight; the crowd‘s return to town; a low-quality flamenco show; and the highly stirring performance by an initially anonymous female dancer - the dead Aurora brought back to life. Graham emphasises the Seville blend of blood and sensuality in a realist style also capable of mockery and criticism. Graham‘s writing includes a good variety of well-controlled Spanish vocabulary, his empathy with horses and a deep nostalgia for times past. W. H. Hudson, writer and friend of Graham, in 1894 recommended that Graham should read the Argentine sketches published by Alfred Ébélot in 1890. In Aurora La Cujiñi Graham in 1898 is beginning to show mastery of the literary sketch. Question: Might Lorca have read Aurora La Cujiñi before drafting. Teoría y juego del duende?En Aurora La Cujiñi-A realistic sketch in Seville (1898) del escritor escocés R. B. Cunninghame Graham, el frontispicio llevaba la imagen en sepia de una bailadora de flamenco. ¿Qué podría significar "La Cujiñi"? Charles Davillier y Gustave Doré en 1862-1863 apuntan la existencia de una bailaora sevillana con este nombre. En 2011 al que esto escribe le regalaron una litografía antigua, en color, publicada en Sevilla hacia 1850‘ e intitulada. "Aurora la Cujiñí" - con ñ y con í. Se incluyen las dos imágenes. "Aurora La Cujiñi" realmente existió. El bosquejo‘ de Graham tiene cinco fases: Sevilla; la corrida; la vuelta de la muchedumbre al centro; un tablao flamenco de baja calidad; y la actuación apasionante de una bailadora inicialmente anónima - la Aurora muerta que vuelve a vivir. Graham pone énfasis en la mezcla sevillana de sangre y sensualidad, manejando una prosa realista, socarrona y crítica. En su escritura se notan una variedad bien controlada de léxico español, su empatía con los caballos y su nostalgia profunda por los tiempos pasados. W. H. Hudson, escritor y amigo de Graham, recomendó en 1894 que éste leyera los bosquejos‘ argentinos publicados por Alfred Ébélot en 1890. En "Aurora La Cujiñi" Graham en 1898 está empezando a dominar la técnica del bosquejo. Pregunta: ¿Podría haber leído Lorca "Aurora La Cujiñi" antes de redactar "Teoría y juego del duende"?peerReviewe

    Can Isabel Allende help us to teach Spanish?

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    En el cuento "El oro de Tomás Vargas" de Isabel Allende se han creado cien espacios divididos en cinco ejercicios. Cada ejercicio tiene una lista aleatoria de veinte adjetivos, de adjetivos y frases temporales o de unidades verbales en tiempo pasado. El/la estudiante tiene que rellenar los espacios con los elementos correctos.In Isabel Allende’s short story “El oro de Tomás Vargas” one hundred gaps have been set into the text and arranged in five exercises. Each exercise has a randomised list of twenty adjectives, adjectives combined with phrases of time or verbal units based on past tenses. The student has to fill in the gaps with the correct solutions.peerReviewe

    Castigo coloquial de los franceses, los rusos, los españoles y Napoleón de Arturo Pérez-Reverte La sombra del águila (1993)

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    In 1812, a Spanish battalion is part of Napoleon's army invading Russia. In a major battle, when the Spaniards intend to surrender to the Russians, the French cavalry "saves" the Spaniards. The Spaniards abandon their original plan and re-engage on the French side. They perform superbly well. In October, Napoleon's Grande Armée begins the retreat and crosses the river Beresina in late November 1812. Eleven Spaniards enter Spain in April 1814. The narrator, speaking on behalf of the battalion, describes the French as "franchutes" and "gabachos". French commanders are mocked pitilessly. The Russian ("ruski") artillery and Cossack cavalry fight well, though their commander is a disaster. The French consider the Spaniards to be patriotic, violent – and unfit for modern government. Napoleon is to the Spaniards "el Petit Cabrón", "el Petit", "el Enano", "el Ilustre" and "el Monstruo". Pérez-Reverte develops an impressive variety of pejorative designations for individuals and social groups. He also delivers a great many examples of familiar speech. In other texts and in La sombra del águila Pérez-Reverte displays profound knowledge and mastery of colloquial and vulgar speech.En 1812, un batallón español forma parte del ejército napoleónico en la invasión de Rusia. Cuando en una batalla importante los españoles piensan rendirse a los rusos, la caballería francesa "salva" a los españoles. Los españoles abandonan el plan original y vuelven a combatir en nombre de los franceses. Su actuación militar es impecable. En octubre, la Grande Armée inicia el regreso y cruza el río Beresina hacia finales de noviembre de 1812. En abril de 1814 once españoles entran en España. El narrador, en nombre del batallón español, describe a los franceses como "franchutes" y "gabachos", burlándose despiadadamente de los jefes militares franceses. La artillería "ruski" y la caballería cosaca son buenos soldados, aunque su comandante es un desastre. Según los franceses, los españoles son patrióticos, violentos – e incapaces de comprender un sistema de gobierno moderno. Para los españoles Napoleón es "el Petit Cabrón", "el Petit", "el Enano", "el Ilustre" y "el Monstruo". Pérez-Reverte desarrolla una variedad impresionante de términos peyorativos para los individuos y los grupos sociales. También presenta muchísimos ejemplos del lenguaje familiar. En otros textos y aquí en La sombra del águila Pérez-Reverte revela unos conocimientos.peerReviewe

    El laísmo en "Cinco horas con Mario" de Miguel Delibes (1966): … para el entrenamiento de estudiantes extranjeros en el español correcto

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    Una viuda habla en primera persona durante el 85 por ciento de "Cinco horas con Mario": usa 81 veces el laísmo, incorrección gramatical muy arraigada en el habla de Castilla. Prohibido desde 1796, el laísmo se niega a desaparecer. En otras cuatro novelas de Delibes se apuntan sólo 38 casos de laísmo: 28 los dicta el narrador vallisoletano. El conservadurismo vallisoletano de la viuda –vanidosa, aburguesada y anti-intelectual– incluye el laísmo. Los expertos sitúan el laísmo en las dos Castillas, en Madrid, en ciertas zonas de la España occidental, en La Rioja y en Santander. Para el estudiante extranjero de Hispánicas, ¿qué puede significar esta "impropiedad" al parecer indestructible?A widow in first person voice -85% of "Cinco horas con Mario" - 81 times over uses laísmo, a grammatical error deeply rooted in Castilian speech. Banned since 1796, laísmo refuses to die. Four other Delibes novels deliver only 38 instances of laísmo, 28 voiced by the Valladolid-born narrator. The widow is vain, devoutly middle-class and anti-intellectual. Her Valladolid-style conservatism includes the laísmo. Linguists locate laísmo in both Castiles, Madrid, certain areas of western Spain, La Rioja and Santander. What is the foreign student of Spanish to make of this seemingly indestructible "impropriety"?peerReviewe