5 research outputs found


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    Praying (Shalat) is a fundamental ritual for moslem. Moslem must have deep understanding about praying time in doing Shalat. In this era, many astronomy and falak scholars make a guideline or formula of an algorithm of the beginning of praying time calculation. One of them is a physic lecturer from Gajah Mada University who concern about calculation, specifically about Islamic astronomy (Falak). He designs algorithm of the beginning of praying time schedule on his book “Mekanika Benda Langit (Celestial Mechanics)” and his personal blog to access the program of the beginning praying time calculation. This work is a kind qualitative research which use library research method. By using descriptive explanatory method, the author will scrutinize factor which differ the calculation of the beginning praying time by Rinto Anugraha that will be compared to the beginning of praying time by Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia. In this study, the authors analyzed that the solar declination data and the equation of time used were calculated manually by looking for initial data from Julian Day. The program presented in the early Rinto Anugraha prayer time algorithm based on modern astronomy is very friendly for the user. In the implication of hisab, Rinto Anugraha uses a constant sun height of -18 ° for the evening prayer time and -20 ° for the dawn prayer time


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    Desire of Muslims to replace the present standard of time, namely Greenwich Mean Time, to Mecca Mean Time is the manifestation of a new spirit in the Islamic world in particular. Mecca Mean Time makes al-Abraj tower (Mecca Royal Clock) the zero degree point or standard for the commencement of global time. The goal of this study is to find out what are the challenges that occur when Mecca Mean Time is used as a reference for global time. This research is a sort of qualitative research involving library research studies by describing descriptively. After the data is obtained, the author will categorize, analyze and present it in the form of a brief and systematic document. In this study, it was revealed that there was a debate of variations in views amongst different specialists when MMT was utilized as a reference for global time. Bambang Eko Budhiyono is striving very hard to achieve MMT as a world time reference on the basis of interpretation of the Qur'an verse 1 al-Hujurat. Meanwhile, Thomas Djamaluddin has a different perspective since physically and geographically there are no qualities that assist it to make it a time reference or as a main meridian (Prime Meridian) except religious spirit


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    Desire of Muslims to replace the present standard of time, namely Greenwich Mean Time, to Mecca Mean Time is the manifestation of a new spirit in the Islamic world in particular. Mecca Mean Time makes al-Abraj tower (Mecca Royal Clock) the zero degree point or standard for the commencement of global time. The goal of this study is to find out what are the challenges that occur when Mecca Mean Time is used as a reference for global time. This research is a sort of qualitative research involving library research studies by describing descriptively. After the data is obtained, the author will categorize, analyze and present it in the form of a brief and systematic document. In this study, it was revealed that there was a debate of variations in views amongst different specialists when MMT was utilized as a reference for global time. Bambang Eko Budhiyono is striving very hard to achieve MMT as a world time reference on the basis of interpretation of the Qur'an verse 1 al-Hujurat. Meanwhile, Thomas Djamaluddin has a different perspective since physically and geographically there are no qualities that assist it to make it a time reference or as a main meridian (Prime Meridian) except religious spirit

    Studi komparasi hisab awal waktu salat BMKG Pusat dan Pesantren Life Skill Daarun Najaah Semarang

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    Persoalan hisab awal waktu salat merupakan persoalan yang sering diperbincangkan ketika dihubungkan dengan sah tidaknya suatu salat. Al- Quran menegaskan bahwa pelaksanaan salat harus sesuai dengan waktunya. Demikian pentingnya mengetahui waktu- waktu salat, hal ini yang mendasari juga sah atau tidaknya pelaksanaan salat. Diantaranya sistem hisab yang ada saat ini adalah sistem hisab BMKG Pusat dan Pesantren Life Skill Daarun Najaah Semarang. BMKG Pusat merupakan lembaga nasional yang mengelola data Matahari dan Bulan sehingga dapat menghasilkan produk sistem tanda waktu. Dimana BMKG Pusat tidak mempunyai kewenangan peribadatan. Sedangkan Pesantren Life Skill Daarun Najaah merupakan salah satu Markas Falakiyah Indonesia yang kompeten pada khazanah ilmu falak yang mempunyai andil dalam melakukan hisab waktu salat yang juga dimanfaatkan oleh berbagai macam khalayak umum. Kedua lembaga tersebut masing- masing mempunyai kewenangan dalam perbandingannya, maka penulis ingin mencari tahu perbandingan hasil hisab awal waktu salat BMKG Pusat dan Pesantren Life Skill Daarun Najaah Semarang serta kelebihan dan kekurangan yang dimiliki dari kedua metode hisab tersebut. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) Bagaimana perbedaan hisab awal waktu salat BMKG Pusat dan Pesantren Life Skill Daarun Najaah dan 2) Apa faktor kelebihan dan kekurangan hisab awal waktu salat BMKG Pusat dan Pesantren Life Skill Daarun Najaah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis komparatif. Adapun data primernya hisab waktu salat BMKG dan Pesantren Life Skill Daarun Najaah. Sedangkan data sekundernya adalah dengan wawancara dan diskusi langsung kepada Dr. Suaidi Ahadi, S.T., M.T. selaku Kasubbid Deputi Geofisika dan Rukman Nugraha, S.Si., M.Si., selaku Subbidang Analisis Geofisika Potensial dan Tanda Waktu BMKG. Yang kedua wawancara dengan Pengasuh Pesantren Life Skill Daarun Najaah dan Tim Hisab Life Skill Daarun Najaah selaku penggagas hisab waktu salat. Sekaligus dengan literatur yang berkaitan dengan waktu salat. Hasil dari penelitian ini mempunyai berbagai macam perbedaan antara keduanya. Dimana hisab awal waktu salat BMKG Pusat tidak menambahkan dengan waktu ikhtiyath, begitu pula dengan penggunaan rumus yang digunakan oleh BMKG Pusat yang memuat temuan baru bahwasannya dalam menentukan awal waktu salat yakni dengan menghitung perkiraan sudut jam. Dimana rumus ini belum dikembangkan oleh berbagai tokoh maupun lembaga manapun yang menggunakannya. Sedangkan pada Pesantren Life Skill Daarun Najaah Semarang ini dengan menambahkannya waktu ikhtiyath namun dengan sistem hisab yang rumit. Perlu adanya ketelitian agar tidak terjadi kesalahan (error). Keduanya terdapat selisih antara waktu salatnya sekitar 2 menit jam itupun tidak pada semua waktu salat. Selisih ini diperoleh dari parameter awal waktu salat Bimas Islam Kementrian Agama. Hanya pada waktu Isya dan Subuh dikarenakan perbedaan penggunaan ketinggian Matahari


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    Praying (Shalat) is a fundamental ritual for moslem. Moslem must have deep understanding about praying time in doing Shalat. In this era, many astronomy and falak scholars make a guideline or formula of an algorithm of the beginning of praying time calculation. One of them is a physic lecturer from Gajah Mada University who concern about calculation, specifically about Islamic astronomy (Falak). He designs algorithm of the beginning of praying time schedule on his book “Mekanika Benda Langit (Celestial Mechanics)” and his personal blog to access the program of the beginning praying time calculation. This work is a kind qualitative research which use library research method. By using descriptive explanatory method, the author will scrutinize factor which differ the calculation of the beginning praying time by Rinto Anugraha that will be compared to the beginning of praying time by Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia. In this study, the authors analyzed that the solar declination data and the equation of time used were calculated manually by looking for initial data from Julian Day. The program presented in the early Rinto Anugraha prayer time algorithm based on modern astronomy is very friendly for the user. In the implication of hisab, Rinto Anugraha uses a constant sun height of -18 ° for the evening prayer time and -20 ° for the dawn prayer time