31 research outputs found

    Analisis Kecanduan Internet Mahasiswa Prodi S1 Ilmu Perpustakaan (Studi Kasus di Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh)

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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Analisis Kecanduan Internet Mahasiswa Prodi S1 Ilmu Perpustakaan (studi kasus di Fakultas adab dan Humaniora UIN Ar-Raniry banda Aceh). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kecanduan internet mahasiswa prodi S1 Ilmu Perpustakaan serta untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab terjadi kecanduan internet mahasiswa prodi S1 Ilmu Perpustakaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode simple random sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 86 mahasiswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, angket, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data melalui tahapan-tahapannya yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kecanduan internet pada Mahasiswa Prodi S1 Ilmu Perpustakaan yaitu sebanyak 46 (53,5%) dari 86 mahasiswa tergolong sedang, sedangkan faktor penyebab kecanduan internet Mahasiswa Prodi S1 Ilmu Perpustakaan antara lain adanya komunikasi dua arah, kurang kegiatan, dan adanya fasilitas internet


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    Bank X merupakan kantor cabang pembantu sebuah bank nasional yang didirikan pada tahun 1998. Bank X berlokasi di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Dalam sehari, Bank X mampu melayani sebanyak 400 transaksi pada Bagian Counter Teller dan 60 transaksi pada Bagian Customer Service (CS). Permasalahan yang dihadapi Bank X yaitu adanya waste pada pelayanan nasabah Bagian Counter Teller. Waste tersebut berupa waktu tunggu melebihi standar, gangguan sistem, nasabah mengantri di counter yang salah, nasabah terlayani di atas jam operasional, dan nasabah salah mengisi slip transaksi. Permasalahan tersebut diselesaikan dengan Metode Lean Six Sigma. Lean Six Sigma merupakan kombinasi dari Lean dan Six Sigma. Dalam penelitian ini, Metode Lean berfungsi untuk mengidentifikasi waste pada proses antrian dan transaksi di Bagian Counter Teller, sedangkan Metode Six Sigma bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan pada Bagian Counter Teller. Metode Lean Six Sigma ini menggunakan tahap penyelesaian DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, dan Control). Setelah mengidentifikasi kriteria pelayanan yang kritis bagi nasabah, perbaikan masalah yang diusulkan fokus untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan pada Bagian Counter Teller. Dari tahap penyelesaian DMAIC, didapat usulan perbaikan berupa pengadaan kantong transaksi untuk mereduksi waste duplikasi dan waktu tunggu, pengecekan sistem sebelum dan sesudah jam operasional untuk mengantisipasi gangguan sistem, mendesain perbaikan layout pada jalur antrian nasabah, mendesain kursi khusus pada jalur antrian untuk mengurangi waste berupa motion akibat nasabah mengantri dengan cara berdiri, dan pengadaan nomor antrian. Diharapkan usulan-usulan perbaikan ini berdampak terhadap pengurangan waste dan peningkatan kualitas layanan nasabah pada Bagian Counter Teller di Bank X


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    Basis gigi tiruan dapat dibuat dari bahan resin akrilik heat cured maupun cold cured. Resin akrilik cold cured dikatakan tidak seefisien heat cured karena menghasilkan bahan yang mempunyai berat molekul lebih rendah sehingga mempengaruhi kekuatan resin akrilik dan meningkatkan monomer sisa (Van Noort 2002). Jenis proses polimerisasi resin akrilik mempunyai efek pada sifat-sifat bahan tersebut, pada umumnya resin akrilik self/ cold cured adalah weaker, softer, lebih porous, warna tidak stabil, dan setelah proses polimerisasi kandungan monomer sisa dapat lebih dari 5% (Hatrick dkk, 2003). Bahan cold cured yang berkembang saat ini menawarkan ketepatan dimensi yang sangat baik, mempunyai bentuk dan warna yang stabil, nyaman dipakai, tahan lama, serta sifat konsistensi bahan tersebut menunjukkan hasil yang optimum. Bahan tersebut juga sesuai dengan standart ISO EN 1567. Sedangkan resin akrilik heat cured yang berkembang saat ini disebut rapid heat polymerized/ hybrid karena mempunyai dua aktivator yaitu secara kimia dan panas (craig, 2002 ). Resin akrilik heat cured sampai saat ini masih merupakan pilihan untuk pembuatan basis gigi tiruan lepasan oleh karena harganya relative murah, mudah direparasi, proses pembuatannya mudah dan perlatannya sederhana (Anusavice, 2003), warna stabil, mudah dipulas. ( utk kelanjutannya dapat dibaca di file abstrak

    The decrease of fibroblasts and fibroblast growth factor-2 expressions as a result of X-ray irradiation on the tooth extraction socket in Rattus novergicus

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    Background: Wound healing involves cellular, molecular, physiological, and biochemical processes as responses to tissue damage. For instance, when a failure during tooth extraction occurs, radiographic examination, X-rays, is required. X-rays as an enforcer diagnosis can damage DNA chain, resulting in cell death and inhibition of wound healing process. Purpose: This research aims to analyze fibroblasts cell number and fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) expressions during wound healing process after tooth extraction as a result of X-ray irradiation. Methods: There were three research groups, each consisting of ten rats. Incisor tooth extraction was performed on the left lower jaw, and then X-ray examination was conducted at certain irradiation doses, namely 0 mSv, 0.08 mSv, and 0.16 mSv. Those animals were sacrificed on day 3, and on day 7 after the extraction, histopathology and immunohistochemistry examinations were conducted to determine fibroblast cell number and FGF-2 expressions. Data obtained were then analyzed by oneway ANOVA and Tukey HSD tests. Results: The number of fibroblasts decreased significantly in the group with the irradiation dose of 0.16 mSv applied on day 7 after the extraction (p <0.05). Similarly, the number of FGF-2 expressions decreased significantly in the group with the irradiation dose of 0.16 mSv applied on days 3 and 7 after the extraction (p <0.05). Conclusion: X-ray irradiation at a dose of 0.16 mSv can inhibit the healing process of tooth extraction wound due to the decreasing of fibroblasts cell number and FGF-2 expressions


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    Tujuan dari dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pemahaman siswa sekolah dasar khususnya pada kelas IV terkait kemampuannya dalam menyelesaikan soal kalimat matematika. Pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif di gunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan mengambil subjek penelitian dari 24 siswa kelas 4 SD Negeri 2 Mayong Lor. Dalam penelitian ini diambil sampel sebanyak 12 subjek dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling . Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan juga dokumentasi untuk mengumpulkan data guna menguji sejauh mana kemampuan siswa sekolah dasar dalam memecahkan soal cerita matematika. Studi ini menemukan bahwa 9 siswa sangat mahir dalam memecahkan soal matematika, dan 3 siswa lainnya cukup mahir dalam memecahkan soal matematika


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    Inflammation is an innate immune system response to various injury stimuli, such as pathogens, injury, or metabolic stress. Inflammatory proteins that play a role in inflammatory sterile conditions (trauma) or bacterial-induced circumstances, played by TLR2 and TLR4. Ellagic acid (EA) is one of the biological molecules found in pomegranate and it has the potential anti-inflammatory. Calcium phosphate is included as the main ingredient in osteogenesis bone graft. The activity test is done to determine the potential of ellagic acid and calcium phosphate as an anti-inflammatory agent. To test the potential of ellagic acid and calcium phosphate as an anti-inflammatory agent, the biological activity was tested using the PASS Server. To understand the interaction between ellagic acid and calcium phosphate with TLR2 and TLR4, molecular docking analysis specifically used PyRx software v.0.9.5. The results of the exploration of the PubChem database of 3D structures and data SMILE shows that ellagic acid has a Pa (probability of activity) as an anti-inflammatory by 0.749. Ellagic acid and calcium phosphate tend to bind strongly to TLR2 compared to TLR4, as indicated by the results of a stronger binding affinity. Ellagic acid and calcium phosphate will remain attached to TLR but do not have a strong potential for induction of inflammation

    FGF-2 expression and the amount of fibroblast in the incised wounds of Rattus norvegicus rats induced with Mauli banana (Musa acuminata) stem extract

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    Background: Traditional wound treatment using herbal medicine is thought to maintain the health of families and society in general economically, effectively, and efficiently without inducing side effects. One genus of plant that can be used as a traditional medicine is the Mauli banana, indigenous to South Borneo. Mauli banana stem contains bioactive compounds, most of which are tannins along with ascorbic acid, saponin, β-carotene, flavonoids, lycopene, alkaloids, and flavonoids. Tanin has antibacterial and antioxidant effects at low concentrations, as wells as antifungal ones at high concentrations. Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the effects of Mauli banana stem extract at concentrations of 25%, 37.5%, and 50% on the quality of incised wound healing in male Rattus norvegicus rats by assessing FGF-2 expression and fibroblast concentration on days 3 and 7. Methods: This research represented an experimental laboratory-based investigation involving 32 rats of the Rattus norvegicus strain aged 2-2.5 months old. Sampling was performed using a simple random sampling technique since the research population was considered homogeneous and divided into 8 treatment groups (C3, M3-25, M3-37.5, M3-50, C7, M7-25, M7-37.5, M7-50). The rats in each group were anesthetized before their back was incised with length and width of 15x15mm with a depth of 2mm. Gel hydroxy propyl cellulose medium (HPMC) was applied to the incised wound of each rat in the control group, while stem Mauli banana extract was applied to that of each rat in the treatment groups three times a day at an interval of 6-8 hours. On day 3, four rats from each group were sacrificed, while, in the remaining groups, the same procedure was performed until day 7, at which point they (8 groups) were sacrificed for HE examination in order to assess the amount of fibroblast and for IHC examination to examine FGF-2 expression. Data regarding FGF-2 expression and the amount of fibroblast were analysed by means of One-way Anova and HSD. Results: The results showed that the Mauli banana stem extract could significantly improve the expression of FGF-2 and the amount of fibroblast cells compared to C3 and C7 groups. The highest increase in FGF-2 expression and fibroblast amount were found in all groups on days 3 and 7 treated with the Mauli banana stem extract at a concentration of 50%. Conclusion: There was an increase of FGF-2 expression and the amount of fibroblast cells in the incision wound healing process that induced with Mauli banana stem extract

    FGF-2 expression and the amount of fibroblast in the incised wounds of Rattus norvegicus rats induced with Mauli banana (Musa acuminata) stem extract

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    Background: Traditional wound treatment using herbal medicine is thought to maintain the health of families and society in general economically, effectively, and efficiently without inducing side effects. One genus of plant that can be used as a traditional medicine is the Mauli banana, indigenous to South Borneo. Mauli banana stem contains bioactive compounds, most of which are tannins along with ascorbic acid, saponin, β-carotene, flavonoids, lycopene, alkaloids, and flavonoids. Tanin has antibacterial and antioxidant effects at low concentrations, as wells as antifungal ones at high concentrations. Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the effects of Mauli banana stem extract at concentrations of 25%, 37.5%, and 50% on the quality of incised wound healing in male Rattus norvegicus rats by assessing FGF-2 expression and fibroblast concentration on days 3 and 7. Methods: This research represented an experimental laboratory-based investigation involving 32 rats of the Rattus norvegicus strain aged 2-2.5 months old. Sampling was performed using a simple random sampling technique since the research population was considered homogeneous and divided into 8 treatment groups (C3, M3-25, M3-37.5, M3-50, C7, M7-25, M7-37.5, M7-50). The rats in each group were anesthetized before their back was incised with length and width of 15x15mm with a depth of 2mm. Gel hydroxy propyl cellulose medium (HPMC) was applied to the incised wound of each rat in the control group, while stem Mauli banana extract was applied to that of each rat in the treatment groups three times a day at an interval of 6-8 hours. On day 3, four rats from each group were sacrificed, while, in the remaining groups, the same procedure was performed until day 7, at which point they (8 groups) were sacrificed for HE examination in order to assess the amount of fibroblast and for IHC examination to examine FGF-2 expression. Data regarding FGF-2 expression and the amount of fibroblast were analysed by means of One-way Anova and HSD. Results: The results showed that the Mauli banana stem extract could significantly improve the expression of FGF-2 and the amount of fibroblast cells compared to C3 and C7 groups. The highest increase in FGF-2 expression and fibroblast amount were found in all groups on days 3 and 7 treated with the Mauli banana stem extract at a concentration of 50%. Conclusion: There was an increase of FGF-2 expression and the amount of fibroblast cells in the incision wound healing process that induced with Mauli banana stem extract

    Toxicological Screening Of Ellagic Acid In Pomegranate Fruit And Hydroxyapatite Combination As Bone Graft Material On Bhk-21 Fibroblast Cell

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    Background: Bone graft is an alternative therapy for periodontitis and other bone destructive lesions. Several studies had revealed Ellagic Acid (EA) ability in increasing osteogenesis process. EA contains polyphenols, such as Ellagitannin, Gallotannin, and Anthocyanin, which demonstrate anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity as well as growth factor stimulating effect. EA combination with bone graft material (hydroxyapatite) is anticipated to enhance bone osteogenesis yet no investigation was performed to identify its toxicity towards fibroblast cell. Objective: To analyze EA toxicity on fibroblast cell in vitro. Methods: This was a true experimental study using post-test only with control group design. Fibroblast cell was exposed with EA in eight different concentrations: 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5%. Control group comprised of cell control and media group. All groups were exposed to MTT Assay test and measured using Elisa Reader. Result: The calculation of cell viability value in EA groups at 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% concentration were 88.2%, 92.3%, 97.5%, 89.5%, 84.2%, 90.7%, 88.9% and 89.4% respectively. Conclusion: All EA and hydroxyapatite combinations are not toxic towards BHK-21 fibroblast cells

    Role of Hydroxyapatite and Ellagic Acid in the Osteogenesis

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    Objective Ellagic acid (EA), a phenolic antioxidant, has benefits in bone health and wound healing. The combination of EA and hydroxyapatite (HA) (EA-HA) is expected to increase osteogenesis. The aim of this study was to analyze osteogenesis after appli-cation of EA-HA according to the number of osteoblasts and osteoclasts in the bone and the expression of the receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa- ligand (RANKL), osteoprotegerin (OPG), and osteocalcin (OCN) protein. Materials and Methods Thirty Wistar rats were assessed with bone defects created in the left femur. The defects were filled with EA-HA and then sutured. Control groups were filled with polyethylene glycol (PEG) or HA. Each group was sacrificed either 7 or 14 days after treatment. Results The defects filled with EA-HA exhibited the highest number of osteoblasts and the greatest expression of OPG and OCN at both day 7 and day 14 (p = 0.000). Conversely, treatment with EA-HA resulted in lower numbers of osteoclasts and reduced RANKL staining at both time points (p = 0.000). Conclusions EA-HA can increase osteogenesis in bone defects by increasing the number of osteoblasts and the expression of OPG and OCN