57,123 research outputs found

    Access to Mobile Resources: How Does It Affect the Clerkship Experience?

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    Objectives: To evaluate the perceived benefits of access to library-licensed mobile clinical decision support resources in clinical medical education. Methods: A cohort of medical students was surveyed midway through the clerkship year. Dana Medical Library offered instruction on clinical mobile resources at the beginning of the year. Students were offered a subject guide and assistance with authentication. Assessment methods included web analytics measuring the utility of the subject guide and a survey. Survey questions gathered data on access to mobile devices, relevance of instruction, use of library-licensed mobile resources, and benefits and barriers to their use in the clinical setting. Students were also asked whether access to mobile resources facilitated comparable educational experiences across clerkship sites. Results: The survey was sent to all 111 students from the University of Vermont College of Medicine class of 2014; 31 completed the survey, with a completion rate of 28%. All respondents owned a mobile device, despite efforts to recruit both users and non-users. Nearly 75% of respondents reported using an iPhone. About 90% of respondents brought their mobile device on rotation. Generally, the wireless access at each clerkship site was rated good or excellent. Of the 60% of respondents who attended the instruction session on mobile resources, 94% found the class helpful. Half of the respondents looked at the Mobile Apps subject guide; 70% of those who did found it helpful. A significant increase in page views was reflected in subject guide usage statistics immediately following the instruction session. Approximately 25% of respondents sought out individual assistance at the library. Conclusions: Respondents suggested improvements to library instruction such as distributing access codes during the class and demonstrating installation of an app. A large number of students did not seek additional assistance from the library, citing they did not have any questions. While that may be because they found the subject guide and/or class sufficiently helpful, a significant number of respondents indicated they were unaware of the subject guide. This suggests a need for further promotion and marketing efforts. Researchers were surprised that nonlibrary licensed apps (ePocrates or Medscape) were valued over resources such as DynaMed, and that the most common barrier cited was not having access to appropriate apps. Finally, almost all of the participants who reported taking a mobile device on a rotation agreed it facilitated access to clinical information and improved the clerkship experience

    Lillin erilainen päivä : Potilasohje EEG-tutkimukseen tulevalle leikki-ikäiselle lapselle

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    Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoitus oli laatia leikki-ikäisen lapsen tarpeita palveleva potilasohje kliinisen neurofysiologian palveluryhmälle. Tavoitteena oli poistaa lapsen pelkoja tutkimuksesta, auttaa vanhempaa valmistamaan lastaan tulevaan tutkimukseen ja auttaa hoitajia saamaan mahdollisimman laadukas EEG-rekisteröinti. Toimeksiantajana oli Kuopion yliopistollisen sairaalan Kuvantamiskeskus, kliinisen neurofysiologian palveluryhmä. Edellinen Kuvantamiskeskuksen käytössä ollut potilasohje oli laadittu vuonna 2003. Opinnäytetyön tuotoksena syntyi satukirjatyylinen Lillin erilainen päivä – Potilasohje EEG-tutkimukseen tulevalle leikki-ikäiselle lapselle. Opinnäytetyöprosessi alkoi keväällä 2011 aiheen rajauksella ja lähdeaineiston etsinnällä. Raportti kirjoitettiin vuoden 2012 aikana ja potilasohje laadittiin syksyllä 2012. Tuotoksena syntynyt potilasohje laadittiin kirjallisuuteen perustuen ja aikaisempia potilasohjeita apuna käyttäen. Potilasohjeen suunnittelussa saatiin apua toimeksiantajalta. Tuotos sisältää kertomuksen muodossa pääkohdat EEG-tutkimuksesta. Siinä kuvataan leikki-ikäisen lapsen saapuminen sairaalaan, tutkimushuoneessa lapselle tehtävät valmistelut ennen rekisteröintiä, eri aktivaatiot ja tutkimuksen lopetus. Potilasohjeen toimivuutta ei pystytty arvioimaan käyttäjäryhmällä opinnäytetyöprosessin aikana. Jatkossa voitaisiin tutkia, onko potilasohje helpottanut leikki-ikäisten lasten valmistamista EEG-tutkimukseen haastattelemalla leikki-ikäisten lasten vanhempia ja hoitajia. Toimeksiantajalle toimitettiin sähköinen versio potilasohjeesta, jolloin Kuvantamiskeskus voi tarvittaessa päivittää ohjetta ja tehdä siihen muutoksia.The purpose of this thesis was to plan a functional patient instruction guide to a preschooler for a laboratory of neurophysiology. The target was to remove child’s fears, help parents to prepare their child for an electroencephalography and help nurses to get as high-quality film as possible. The client was Medical Imaging Centre of the Kuopio University Hospital, the service group of Clinical Neurophysiology. Their last patient instruction guide was updated in 2003. The product of this thesis was storybook-style Lilli’s different day – patient instruction guide for a preschooler in electroencephalography. The thesis process started in spring 2011 with outlining of the topic and searching of literature. The report was prepared in 2012 and the patient instruction guide was made in autumn 2012. The guide is based on literature and previous patient instruction guides. The client helped in planning the guide. The patient instruction guide contains an outline story of the electroencephalography. The story includes Lilli’s arriving at hospital, Lilli’s preparing for the examination, used activators and the end of the examination. Functionality of the patient instruction guide couldn’t be estimated with the user group in the thesis process. In the future it could be asked if the guide has helped in preparing a preschooler. The electronic version of the patient instruction guide was given to the client, so he can update the guide or make changes if required.Työn tuotoksena laadittiin Lillin erilainen päivä - Potilasohje EEG-tutkimukseen tulevalle leikki-ikäiselle lapselle

    Faculty Guide 2012-2013

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    Faculty Guide 2014-2015

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    Faculty Guide 2016-2017

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    Faculty Guide 2015-2016

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    Faculty Guide 2017-2018

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    Faculty Guide 2018-2019

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    Developing Effective Fractions Instruction Infographic

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    The Developing Effective Fractions Instruction for Kindergarten Through 8th Grade Practice Guide emphasizes that competence with fractions is essential for algebra and other moreadvanced areas of mathematics. The guide provides recommendations for improving students' learning of fractions and supporting professional development for teachers

    Lamb Feeding Guide

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    This publication provides instruction on the health requirements of lambs. Guidance on nutrition, rations, water, antibiotic regimen, hormone treatment, vaccination, shearing, and lamb feeding layout and equipment is included