28 research outputs found

    Biochemical parameters of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) after transport with eugenol or essential oil of Lippia alba added to the water

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    The transport of live fish is a routine practice in aquaculture and constitutes a considerable source of stress to the animals. The addition of anesthetic to the water used for fish transport can prevent or mitigate the deleterious effects of transport stress. This study investigated the effects of the addition of eugenol (EUG) (1.5 or 3.0 mu L L-1) and essential oil of Lippia alba (EOL) (10 or 20 mu L L-1) on metabolic parameters (glycogen, lactate and total protein levels) in liver and muscle, acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE) in muscle and brain, and the levels of protein carbonyl (PC), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and nonprotein thiol groups (NPSH) and activity of glutathione-S-transferase in the liver of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen; Quoy and Gaimard, 1824) transported for four hours in plastic bags (loading density of 169.2 g L-1). The addition of various concentrations of EUG (1.5 or 3.0 mu L L-1) and EOL (10 or 20 mu L L-1) to the transport water is advisable for the transportation of silver catfish, since both concentrations of these substances increased the levels of NPSH antioxidant and decreased the TBARS levels in the liver. In addition, the lower liver levels of glycogen and lactate in these groups and lower AChE activity in the brain (EOL 10 or 20 mu L L-1) compared to the control group indicate that the energetic metabolism and neurotransmission were lower after administration of anesthetics, contributing to the maintenance of homeostasis and sedation status.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS/PRONEX) [10/0016-8]; Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cientifico (CNPq) [470964/2009-0]; Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES); CNPqinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    DL5o da bactéria Aeromonas hydrophila para o matrinxã, Brycon amazonicus

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    In order to determine the lethal dose (96-h LD50) of the bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila to matrinxĂŁ, Brycon amazonicus, to be applied in challenge tests, 90 fish (63.23 ± 6.39 g) were divided into five treatments, with different bacterial solutionsT1 - Control (0.9% NaCl saline solution); T2 (4 x 10(11) cells/ mL); T3 (5 x 10(11) cells/ mL); T4 (1.36 x 10(12) cells/ mL) and T5 (3.06 x 10(12) cells/ mL). Fish were previously anesthetized with benzocaine (60 mg L-1), inoculated in the peritoneal cavity with the bacterial suspensions and then distributed into fifteen 80-L test chambers, where the water variables were monitored and fish mortality was observed. The experiment was randomly designed in three replicates and the 96-h LD50 was estimated according to the trimmed Spearman-Karber method. Water quality variables remained within adequate ranges for fish health and performance. Fish mortality rate increased with the bacterial concentrations of A. hydrophila (T1 = 0%; T2 = 16.66%; T3 = 44.44%; T4 = 72.22% and T5 = 100%), and the first mortalities were observed after 57 h, although the signs of the bacterial infection were already observed 24 h after the inoculation. The results indicate that the 96-h LD50 value of A. hydrophila to matrinxĂŁ is 6.66 x 10(11) cells/ mL.Para determinar a dose letal (DL50 96-h) da bactĂ©ria Aeromonas hydrophila para o matrinxĂŁ, Brycon amazonicus, com aplicabilidade para testes de desafio, foram utilizados 90 peixes (63,23 ± 6,39 g), divididos em cinco tratamentos, com diferentes soluçÔes bacterianas: T1 - Controle (solução salina 0,9% NaCl); T2 (4 x 10(11) cĂ©lulas/ mL); T3 (5 x 10(11) cĂ©lulas/ mL-1); T4 (1,36 x 10(12) cĂ©lulas/mL-1) e T5 (3,06 x 10(12) cĂ©lulas/ mL-1). Os peixes foram previamente anestesiados com benzocaĂ­na (60 mg L-1), inoculados na cavidade peritoneal com as suspensĂ”es bacterianas e distribuĂ­dos em 15 aquĂĄrios de vidro de 80 L de capacidade, com aeração constante. O experimento teve duração de 96 h, no qual foram monitoradas a mortalidade e a qualidade da ĂĄgua. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualisado com trĂȘs rĂ©plicas e a DL50 96-h foi estimada de acordo com o mĂ©todo Spearman-Karber. Durante o experimento os parĂąmetros fĂ­sico-quĂ­micos da ĂĄgua permaneceram dentro das condiçÔes consideradas adequadas para o desenvolvimento e saĂșde dos organismos aquĂĄticos. A mortalidade dos peixes aumentou nas concentraçÔes crescentes de A. hydrophila (T1 = 0%; T2 = 16,66%; T3 = 44,44%; T4 = 72,22% e T5 = 100%), contudo, as primeiras mortalidades ocorreram em 57 h apĂłs a inoculação das concentraçÔes bacterianas, sendo observados os primeiros sinais de infecção em 24 h apĂłs a inoculação. Os resultados indicam que o valor da DL50 96-h da bactĂ©ria A. hydrophila para o matrinxĂŁ foi igual a 6,66 x 10(11) cĂ©lulas/mL de solução salina

    Effect of different concentrations of protein on the digestive system of juvenile silver catfish

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    Aspects of digestion in juvenile silver catfish Rhamdia quelen fed with four levels of protein (20, 27, 34 and 41%) were studied. The studied traits were digestive enzymes (nonspecific proteases, trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase and lipase) and weight gain. The experiment lasted 60 days; 160 juvenile catfish with initial body weight of 32 grams were transferred to the experimental system of 500L tanks with re-circulated and thermostatized water. The average weight of silver catfish increased with dietary protein and 41% of crude protein (CP) was accepted as the best one. Gastric protease activity increases with the CP level. The intestinal alkaline protease reached the peak at 27% CP and the highest activities were observed in the anterior section of the gut (AS). The trypsin peak was observed at 34% CP in the AS and medium section of the gut (MS). Amylase and lipase activities were inverse to the dietary CP and the highest values were observed in AS. In conclusion, the digestive enzymes of catfishes are responsive to the dietary protein level. The dietary CP required for highest weight gain of juvenile silver catfish is 41%