1,336 research outputs found

    Not Tested on Animals: The Future of Cosmetic Animal Testing in the U.S. and beyond

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    Interactions between response stereotypy and memory strategies on the eight-arm radial maze

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    Three groups of water-deprived rats collected water from the ends of the 8 arms of an 8-arm radial maze. Sighted subjects, and subjects blinded either with or without pre-enucleation experience on the radial maze, all retrieved the water efficiently. Most of the subjects exhibited the same response stereotypy, regularly choosing 8 adjacent arms of the maze, then stopping in the center of the maze. The strategies underlying this performance were analyzed by interrupting trials and rotating the maze 180° after the subject had made 3 choices. Sighted subjects depended on extramaze stimuli, naive-blind subjects depended on intramaze stimuli and experienced-blind subjects ignored their initial 3 choices after the trial was interrupted. Choice accuracy was equally good whether the subject was returned to the position from which it had been removed, or returned to the opposite side of the central platform. All 3 groups of subjects maintained their stereotyped adjacent-arm responding only as long as such responding was consistent with high choice accuracy. Response stereotypy was prevalent on the radial maze, but response strategies were secondary to memory strategies

    Levels of Citation of Nonhuman Animal Studies Conducted at a Canadian Research Hospital

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    The publication of scientific articles that receive few or no citations raises questions of the appropriate use of resources as well as ethics. In the case of animal research, the ethics issue extends beyond human patients to nonhuman animals, as the research subjects them to pain and, typically, to death. This study is a citation analysis of animal research conducted at Toronto\u27s Hospital for Sick Children (HSC). Of the 594 publications (1990 to 1995) on animal research by affiliates of HSC, 29% received Iower than 10 citations in a 10-year period. We compare the research history of 13 best and 13 worst HSC scientists. Worst researchers continue to do infrequently cited research. Recommendations indicate how institutions and researchers can become more effective and accountable

    Archival light curves from the Bamberg Sky Patrol - CFOctantis, 1964-1976

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    We use the archive of the Bamberg Sky Patrol to obtain light curves of the active K subgiant CF Octantis for the interval 1964-1976. Digitised images of the field near CF Oct were obtained with a flat-bed scanner. Aperture photometry was performed of photo-positives of these images. Using a transformation to second order in plate magnitude, and first order in B-V, for 9 field stars for each plate, the B magnitudes of CF Octantis were obtained for just over 350 plates. The estimated precision of an individual determination of the B magnitude of CF Oct is 0.05 mag. Analysis of the resulting data reveals the known 20 d rotational variation of this star, and shows the evolution of the light curves from year to year. We obtain light curves with good phase coverage for 1964 to 1969 inclusive, partial light curves for 1970 and 1976, and a few data points from 1971. The amplitude of variation ranges from ~0.2 to \~0.4 mag. There is evidence that the characteristic rotation period of the star in the 1960s was slightly less than that measured from photoelectric photometry in the 1980s.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Inferring coronal structure from X-ray lightcurves and Doppler shifts: a Chandra study of AB Doradus

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    The Chandra X-ray observatory monitored the single cool star, AB Doradus, continuously for a period lasting 88 ksec (1.98 Prot) in 2002 December with the LETG/HRC-S. The X-ray lightcurve shows rotational modulation, with three peaks that repeat in two consecutive rotation cycles. These peaks may indicate the presence of compact emitting regions in the quiescent corona. Centroid shifts as a function of phase in the strongest line profile, O VIII 18.97 A, indicate Doppler rotational velocities with a semi-amplitude of 30 +/- 10 km/s. By taking these diagnostics into account along with constraints on the rotational broadening of line profiles (provided by archival Chandra HETG Fe XVII and FUSE Fe XVIII profile) we can construct a simple model of the X-ray corona that requires two components. One of these components is responsible for 80% of the X-ray emission, and arises from the pole and/or a homogeneously distributed corona. The second component consists of two or three compact active regions that cause modulation in the lightcurve and contribute to the O VIII centroid shifts. These compact regions account for 16% of the emission and are located near the stellar surface with heights of less than 0.3R*. At least one of the compact active regions is located in the partially obscured hemisphere of the inclined star, while one of the other active regions may be located at 40 degrees. High quality X-ray data such as these can test the models of the coronal magnetic field configuration as inferred from magnetic Zeeman Doppler imaging.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures, accepted by Ap

    ESR, raman and conductivity studies on fractionated poly(2-methoxyaniline-5-sulfonic acid)

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    Synthesis methods used to produce poly(2-methoxyaniline-5-sulfonic acid) (PMAS), a water soluble, self-doped conducting polymer, have been shown to form two distinctly different polymer fractions with molecular weights of approximately 2 kDa and 8 -10 kDa. The low molecular weight (LMWT) PMAS fraction is redox inactive and non-conducting while the high molecular weight (HMWT) PMAS is electro-active with electrical conductivities of 0.94 0.05 S cm-1. Previous investigations have illustrated the different photochemical and electrochemical properties of these fractions, but have not correlated these properties with the structural and electronic interactions that drive them. Incomplete purification of the PMAS mixture, typically via bag dialysis, has been shown to result in a mixture of approximately 50:50 HMWT:LMWT PMAS with electrical conductivity significantly lower at approximately 0.10 to 0.26 S cm-1. The difference between the electrical conductivities of these fractions has been investigated by the controlled addition of the non-conducting LMWT PMAS fraction into the HMWT PMAS composite film with the subsequent electronic properties investigated by solid-state ESR and Raman spectroscopies. These studies illustrate strong electronic intereactions of the insulating LMWT PMAS with the emeraldine salt HMWT PMAS to substantially alter the population of the electronic charge carriers in the conducting polymer. ESR studies on these mixtures, when compared to HMWT PMAS, exhibited a lower level of electron spin in the presence of LMWT PMAS indicative of the the formation of low spin bipolarons without a change the oxidation state of the conducting HMWT fraction

    The dolphin proline-rich antimicrobial peptide Tur1A inhibits protein synthesis by targeting the bacterial ribosome

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    Proline-rich antimicrobial peptides (PrAMPs) internalize into susceptible bacteria using specific transporters and interfere with protein synthesis and folding. To date, mammalian PrAMPs have so far only been identified in artiodactyls. Since cetaceans are co-phyletic with artiodactyls, we mined the genome of the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncates, leading to the identification of two PrAMPs, Tur1A and Tur1B. Tur1A, which is orthologous to the bovine PrAMP Bac7, is internalized into E. coli without damaging the membranes using the inner membrane transporters SbmA and YjiL/MdM. Furthermore, like Bac7, Tur1A also inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by binding to the ribosome and blocking the transition from the initiation to the elongation phase. By contrast, Tur1B is a poor inhibitor of protein synthesis and may utilize another mechanism of action. An X-ray structure of Tur1A bound within the ribosomal exit tunnel provides a basis to develop these peptides as novel antimicrobial agents

    Prepubertal exposure to arsenic(III) suppresses circulating insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) delaying sexual maturation in female rats

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    Arsenic (As) is a prevalent environmental toxin readily accessible for human consumption and has been identified as an endocrine disruptor. However, it is not known what impact As has on female sexual maturation. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated the effects of prepubertal exposure on mammary gland development and pubertal onset in female rats. Results showed that prepubertal exposure to 10 mg/kg of arsenite (As(III)) delayed vaginal opening (VO) and prepubertal mammary gland maturation. We determined that As accumulates in the liver, disrupts hepatocyte function and suppresses serum levels of the puberty related hormone insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in prepubertal animals. Overall, this is the first study to show that prepubertal exposure to As(III) acts peripherally to suppress circulating levels of IGF-1 resulting in delayed sexual maturation. Furthermore, this study identifies a critical window of increased susceptibility to As(III) that may have a lasting impact on female reproductive function
