19 research outputs found

    The isotropic Compton profile difference across the phase transition of VO2_2

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    We studied the isotropic Compton profile of the prototypical oxide VO2_2 across the temperature induced electronic and structural phase transition at TC_C \approx 340 K. We show that the phase transition leaves an observable signal, which facilitates Compton scattering studies of electronic structure and phase transitions in complex solids in powder form. We compare the experimental results with density functional theory calculations and find agreement in the shape of the difference profile, although the amplitude of the observed features is overestimated. The origin of the disagreement is discussed and we argue that it mainly originates mostly correlation effects beyond our current calculations and possibly to some extent, from thermal motion

    Kaivamattoman teknologian käsitteiden määrittely

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    Ongelmana on ollut kaivamattomissa teknologioissa käytettävien sanojen käännökset ja määritelmät, jotka saattavat tarkoittaa eri maissa eri asioita tai samalle asialle on useita eri nimityksiä. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on yhtenäistää suomen ja englannin kielen määritelmiä kaivamattomille tekniikoille. Opinnäytetyö on tehty Suomen kaivamattoman tekniikan yhdistys ry:lle (FiSTT). Opinnäytetyön aineistona on ollut englanninkieliset kuvaukset kaivamattoman teknologian menetelmistä (http://www.istt.com/guidelines) sekä työn tilaajalta saatu englanninkielinen luettelo määriteltävistä sanoista. Lopputuloksena on suomenkieliset kuvaukset eri kaivamattomista tekniikoista sekä liitteenä englanninkielisen sanaston määrittely suomeksi.The definitions and meanings of trenchless technology vocabulary may vary in different countries or there are multiple different purposes for the same matter. The objective of this thesis was to unify the Finnish and English definitions of the trenchless technology. This thesis was commissioned by the Finnish Society For Trencless Technology. The material of this thesis was the descriptions of trenchless technology (http://www.istt.com/guidelines), and a list of English words about trenchless technology from FiSTT, which were defined in Finnish. As a result the different trenchless technology methods were described, and the English vocabulary was defined in Finnish as an attachment

    Subacromial decompression versus diagnostic arthroscopy for shoulder impingement : a 5-year follow-up of a randomised, placebo surgery controlled clinical trial

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    Objectives To assess the long-term efficacy of arthroscopic subacromial decompression (ASD) by comparing it with diagnostic arthroscopy (primary comparison), a placebo surgical intervention, and with a non-operative alternative, exercise therapy (secondary comparison). Methods We conducted a multicentre, three group, randomised, controlled superiority trial. We included 210 patients aged 35-65 years, who had symptoms consistent with shoulder impingement syndrome for more than 3 months. 175 participants (83%) completed the 5 years follow-up. Patient enrolment began on 1 February 2005 and the 5-year follow-up was completed by 10 October 2018. The two primary outcomes were shoulder pain at rest and on arm activity measured with Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Minimally important difference (MID) was set at 15. We used a mixed-model repeated measurements analysis of variance with participant as a random factor, the baseline value as a covariate and assuming a covariance structure with compound symmetry. Results In the primary intention to treat analysis (ASD vs diagnostic arthroscopy), there were no between-group differences that exceeded the MID for the primary outcomes at 5 years: the mean difference between groups (ASD minus diagnostic arthroscopy) in pain VAS were -2.0 (95% CI -8.5 to 4.6; p=0.56) at rest and -8.0 (-17.3 to 1.3; p=0.093) on arm activity. There were no between-group differences in the secondary outcomes or adverse events that exceeded the MID. In our secondary comparison (ASD vs exercise therapy), the mean differences between groups (ASD minus exercise therapy) in pain VAS were 1.0 (-5.6 to 7.6; p=0.77) at rest and -3.9 (-12.8 to 5.1; p=0.40) on arm activity. There were no significant between-group differences for the secondary outcomes or adverse events. Conclusions ASD provided no benefit over diagnostic arthroscopy (or exercise therapy) at 5 years for patients with shoulder impingement syndrome.Peer reviewe

    A 3-43ps time-delay cell for LO phase-shifting in 1.5-6.5GHz beamsteering receiver

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    This paper describes a digital-friendly passives-less time delay cell that generates programmable phase-shifts for down converting front-end in LO-based beamsteering receiver. Cell design supports 1.5–6.5GHz broadband receiver operation and cell layout occupies an area of only 15×16.5μm 2 including power supply rails and control logic. Simulated in 28nm CMOS technology, delay cell exhibits 6 distinct delay values {3, 3.5, 17, 19, 24, 43}ps consuming at most 220μ[email protected] reviewe