10 research outputs found

    Grotta Lu Bissu (PU 141), hot spot della biospeleologia italiana

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    ItSi riassumono le principali conoscenze biospeleologiche sulla grotta Lu Bissu (= L’abisso) (Pu 141), nel territorio di Castro (Lecce). Nonostante le non eccezionali dimensioni, la grotta rappresenta, dal punto di vista biologico, una delle più importanti cavità del territorio regionale, dato che al suo interno sono state rinvenute ben 15 specie troglobie (10 acquatiche e 5 terrestri), che rappresentano il 35% dell’intero popolamento ipogeo pugliese. Dopo una descrizione dei principali caratteri geologici e morfologici della cavità, si elencano le specie ritrovate nella grotta, evidenziando la necessità di una maggiore protezione della stessa, al fine della salvaguardia del notevole patrimonio biospeleologico della cavità.EnThe present paper deals with the main biospeleological outcomes from the cave Lu Bissu (= The abyss) (number 141 in the Regional Inventory of Caves), located in the territory of Castro (Lecce province). Notwithstanding its quite limited size and depth, the cave is one of the most remarkable example in Apulia as regards biospeleology: in fact, Lu Bissu hosts 15 troglobian species (10 aquatic and 5 terrestrian). They represent 35 % of the whole hypogean fauna in Apulia, which means that one third of the Apulian species are present in this small cave. After a description of the main geological and morphological characters of the cavity, the 15 species are listed and briefly described. Eventually, some considerations on the necessity to protect the cave are presented, aimed at safeguarding the important biological heritage hosted in the cave

    Distribuzione e abbondanza della stigofauna nell\'habitat ipogeo di natura fratturato,nella zona di Nardò (Puglia)

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    ItLa falda sotterranea nei pressi di Nardò (LE)è stata costantemente monitorata dal CNR-IRSA di Bari a partire dal 1997 e,dal 2001 sono state effettuate le ricerche dei parametri microbiologici di contaminazione fecale.Il Laboratorio Ipogeo Salentino di Biospeleologia “Sandro Ruffo ”ha campionato la fauna sotterranea nelle stesse aree esaminando tre categorie ecologiche:stigosseni,stigo fili e stigobionti. Gli autori hanno voluto veri ficare la sensibilitĂ  della stigofauna alle variazioni delle qualitĂ  ambientali dell’habitat ipogeo quali cambi di temperatura dell’acqua,di salinitĂ ,pH o composizione chimica,tenuto conto che questi organismi partecipano attivamente ai processi degradativi.Dalla ricerca emerge che il misidaceo Spelaeomysis bottazzii non può essere utilizzato come indicatore biologico in quanto è stato ritrovato sia in siti contaminati che in zone non contaminate.EnThe ground water quality at the Nardò (LE)site has been continuously monitored by CNR-IRSA since 1997,and after 2001 also by considering pathogenic indicators due to fecal ground water pollution.In the same area,the Laboratorio Ipogeo Salentino di Biospeleologia “Sandro Ruffo ” sampled the underground fauna and three ecological categories were examined:stygoxenes,stygophiles and stygobi- onts.The authors aimed to check the stygofauna sensitivity to hypogeous habitat changes due to environmental stresses such as water temperature,water salinity, pH or chemical constituents,though they are active organisms which contribute to the biodegradation.Here the possible relationship between sampled aquatic organ- isms and ground water pollution has been focused.The results showed that Spe- laeomysis bottazzii cannot be useful as biological indicator,because the species lives in both contaminated and non-contaminated ground waters

    Fauna ipogea pugliese: nuovi dati e osservazioni

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    ItDurante l’ultima campagna di ricerche condotta dalla Sezione di Biospeleologia del Gruppo Speleologico Martinese ONLUS dal 1999 al 2000, sono stati raccolti, in pozzi e grotte pugliesi, numerosi animali ipogei, in parte già conosciuti, in parte in fase di determinazione. Le ricerche hanno portato ad un notevole ampliamento delle distribuzioni di alcuni endemiti pugliesi stigobionti (Typhlocaris salentina Caroli, 1923, Spelaeomysis bottazzii Caroli, 1924, Murgeoniscus anellii Arcangeli, 1938) e messo in discussione ipotesi idrogeologiche ormai consolidate sulla colonizzazione del dominio ipogeo regionale. Sono state fatte osservazioni sul comportamento di alcune specie in esame (Monodella stygicola Ruffo, 1949, Typhlocaris salentina Caroli, 1923).EnDuring the last research campaign conducted by the biospelaeology section of GSM ONLUS, various hypogean animals have been collected in Apulia, inside both wells and caves from 1990 to 2000. Some of these patterns were already known, while others are going to be determined in the present phase. The researches caused a relevant distribution extent of some species of endemic apulian stygobiontes (Typhlocaris salentina Caroli, 1923, Spelaeomysis bottazzii Caroli, 1924, Murgeoniscus anellii Arcangeli, 1938); they have also put into discussion some consolidated hydrogeological hypotheses about the hypogeanregional dominion colonization. Moreovere, the behaviour of some examined species has been observed (Monodella stygicola Ruffo, 1949, Typhlocaris salentina Caroli, 1923)

    Evoluzione del degrado nella grotta "Grava delle Rose" in Valle d\'Itria

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    ItViene presentato lo studio di una grotta, la Grava delle Rose, scoperta in Valle d’Itria (agro di Cisternino - BR), grazie ad una mappa del territorio del 1556. Poichè la grotta è stata usata a lungo come discarica, sono state condotte analisi approfondite dell’aria, del terreno e degli animali presenti al suo interno. Nonostante le analisi sui campioni di terreno evidenzino la presenza di inquinanti tipo cobalto, si osserva l’esistenza di una ricca fauna ipogea specializzata.EnOur study, such as it is presented in the pamphlet, regards a cave, the so-called "Grava delle Rose", discovered in the Itria Valley (Cisternino plain - BR), thanks to a territory map tracing back to 1556. Since the cave had been utilized as a garbage heap for a long time, recently accurate tests have been carried out in order to analyze the air, the ground and the animals that can be found inside it. Although the analyzed soil samples show the existence of some polluting agents of the cobalt kind, a cospicuous presence of specialized hypogean fauna may be observed there

    Nuovi ritrovamenti di Troglopedetes Ruffoi Delamare Deboutteville (Collembola, Paronellidae)

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    EnNew findings of Troglopedetes ruffoi Delamare-Deboutteville 1951 from the Castellana cave (Apulia) allowed us to describe some characters not previously considered. The presence of large sensory areas on the antennomeres and some characters of the chaetotaxy were studied. Some biogeographical features of Troglopedetes ru f f o i and the other congeneric species were discussed in the light of the recent revisions of the genus

    The clinico-metabolic correlates of language impairment in corticobasal syndrome and progressive supranuclear palsy

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    Purpose: To assess the clinical-metabolic correlates of language impairment in a large sample of patients clinically diagnosed as corticobasal syndrome (CBS) and progressive supranuclear palsy syndrome (PSPs)

    Cognitive Remediation for Inpatients With Schizophrenia

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    Computer-assisted cognitive remediation (CACR) is a computer-based rehabilitation treatment aimed at improving cognition and at developing strategies that can be applied to various functional areas. Different protocols are currently used with great variability over the intensity and duration of treatments. In this study, we evaluated the effects of a brief and intensive CACR training (i.e., 15 sessions for 3 weeks) on cognitive domains, as well as the durability of cognitive gains and their generalization to functional areas, 3 months after CACR training. Thirty-eight patients with schizophrenia were recruited and assessed for psychopathology, cognitive performance, and functioning before the rehabilitative intervention. Patients were reassessed for cognition after CACR rehabilitation. Moreover, a subsample of 13 patients was evaluated for cognition and functioning 3 months after CACR completion. Results show significant improvements in multiple cognitive domains after CACR. Furthermore, 3 months after CACR completion, significant improvements were also detected in executive functions and daily functioning. This study suggests that a brief and intense CACR training is effective on cognitive and functional domains and that it could be feasible and affordable for health care services, thus offering patients the best options for fulfilling recovery goals

    ANIACARES: Presentation of a case study on a model of Early Psychological Intervention for Road Accidents Victims

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    Road crashes are a major social emergency in Europe. In addition to the enormous social costs, they often result in severe psychological distress both for the individuals directly involved and their loved ones. In Italy, no specific psychological first aid and rehabilitation program exists for road crashes victims. For this purpo- se, ANIACARES, a scientifically grounded first-aid program specifically designed for road accident victims, was developed. The case study below is reported to better describe the activities and the psychological techniques used by the ANIACARES psychologists. The patient was an 18-year-old young adult admitted to the intensive care unit of one of the General Hospitals in Rome following a road crash. The first part of the intervention took place in the hospital ward and it continued at patient’s home