158 research outputs found

    Struktur und Zusammenhänge des staatlichen Innovationssystems und der Innovationspolitik

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    Wie gehören ein ordnungspolitischer Rahmen von Innovationssystemen, die ausgestaltende Innovationspolitik sowie Forschungs- und Entwicklungen der einzelnen Wirtschaftsakteure zusammen? Welche Möglichkeiten sollten Staaten und Unternehmen nutzen, um eine innovationsfreundliche Gesamtpolitik zu betreiben. Vor allem welche Konsequenzen hat das Eingreifen des Staats, welches notwendig ist, auf die Entwicklungen der Innovationen? Wie wirkt sich Systemversagen auf einen potentiellen Output neuer Entwicklungen aus und welche Rolle spielt hierbei das Humankapital? All diese Fragen beantwortet dieses Paper, das sich mit diesem Wechselspiel zwischen öffentlichem Sektor und privaten Unternehmen beschäftigt


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    The research and development policy (R&D policy) plays a central role in innovation policy since it consists of public sector measures that initialize and promote innovation. When designing policies in other areas (education, employment, fiscal, tax policy, etc.) the mutual interactions with R&D policy should be considered. The article first discusses the theoretical reasoning for public sector intervention in R&D processes. In general, the existence of market and system failures is used as a justification for government intervention. The government should intervene with adequate measures and only in an extent that is needed to overcome the failures. At the same time, the government should avoid overreacting and prevent giving state aid that distorts competition in the market. This study examines the level and structure of R&D policy resources and expenditures in EU member states and in countries that are closely linked to EU. Thus, the evaluation of the role of the R&D policy in innovation system is given. However, it has to be considered that different countries (small and large, developed and undeveloped, with open and closed economies) have different innovation policy goals and measures to achieve them. In addition, the R&D policy is designed in even wider institutional conditions. All of these qualitative aspects have to be considered when interpreting the results of quantitative comparative analysis of countries’ R&D policies. The aim of the articles is to assess the international position of Estonian R&D policy in the aspects of resources and expenditures among EU member states and other closely linked countries in order to create the basis for an international comparative analysis of Estonian R&D policy. In order to achieve the aim, the following research tasks are posed and resolved: • on the basis of research literature, the necessity, essence, measures and anticipated outcomes of R&D policy are explained; • on the basis of empirical analysis, the assessment on the international position of Estonian R&D policy implementation among EU member states and other closely linked countries is given. The data used in the empirical analysis (32 countries in years 2004, 2006 and 2008) is gathered from Eurostat database (including Community Innovation Surveys) and the component analysis is conducted. The results allow to design Estonian R&D policy measures that are based on acknowledged theoretical viewpoints and international experience

    The implementation of research and development policy in European and Asian countries

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    Research and development (R&D) policy has to fulfil a central role in innovation policy since it consists of government sector measures that support R&D in order to initialise and promote innovation. The authors of this article discuss first the theoretical reasoning for government sector intervention in R&D processes. The empirical study examines the level and structure of government sector resources and expenditures for R&D policy in EU member states (including Estonia), countries closely associated with the EU, China, Japan and South Korea. The aim of the article is to compare the position of these countries on the basis of R&D policy implementation from the aspect of resource and expenditure supply. In order to achieve the aim, the following research tasks are tackled: on the basis of research literature, the necessity, essence, measures and anticipated outcomes of R&D policy are explained to create the theoretical base for the empirical study; on the basis of the empirical analysis, an assessment on the international position of R&D policy implementation in several new EU member states and Asian countries is conducted. The data used in the empirical analysis is gathered from Eurostat and OECD databases

    Estonian Innovation Policy Activity against the Background of the EU Member States

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    Innovation policy is essential to guarantee a country’s development and the continuous enhancement of its innovation performance. The aim of this paper is to empirically analyse the position of Estonia in different innovation policy areas compared to other European countries. Seventeen different variables that characterise the activities of the public sector in promoting innovation are used in a principal component analysis to reveal the structure of public sector activities in promoting innovation. The principal component analysis reveals that the activities of the public sector in promoting innovation can be characterised using six components. Analysis of Estonia’s position in these policy areas shows that in comparison with other European countries, the extent to which the public sector in Estonia enhances the overall framework for innovation is above the European average and R&D in the higher education sector is also above average. But R&D in the government sector in Estonia is in a weak state; only a small proportion of innovative enterprises in Estonia receive financial support for innovation from the public sector (including support from the EU), and universities and public sector agencies in Estonia only cooperate with firms in innovation activities to a small degree

    Contribution of the Public Sector to the Development of Innovation: Position of Estonia

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    Under conditions of regional competition the authors discuss the role of the public sector in developing innovation activities and the ways to encourage innovation in the private and the public sector. Innovation policy gets linked to modern stage theories of development that focus on innovation. Estonia has reached the investment driven stage. With respect to several innovation indexes and measures of innovation policy a statistical comparison between Estonia and European Union member countries shows whether Estonia belongs to the group of leaders, renegades from leader role, losers or to that of aspirers. The indexes and indicators applied refer to the Community Innovation Survey, Summary Innovation Index, and Global Competitive Index. Although public higher education and R&D expenditures and co-operation of firms are above EU levels the analysis demonstrates that total R&D expenses are below European average. Co-operation between Universities and private firms is low and the number of patents as well. The knowledge creation and the ability to apply innovations enabled Estonia to reach an “aspirer position” whereas with respect to global competition Estonia possesses a “looser” position partly due to the lack of scientists, engineers, etc. Estonian public sector should develop and promote actively the necessary and promising fields of innovation analysed

    Eingliederung von Mitarbeitern mit psychischen Erkrankungen: Handlungsbedarf aus Sicht betrieblicher Akteure

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    Mit Maßnahmen des Betrieblichen Eingliederungsmanagements (BEM) soll die Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsfähigkeit nach längerer Erkrankung gesichert werden. Die Studie beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, welchen Handlungsbedarf betriebliche Akteure sehen und welche Unterstützung sie wünschen.Es wurde eine Online-Befragung durchgeführt und anschließend die Ergebnisse mit einem Expertenkreis diskutiert. An der Befragung nahmen 130 betriebliche Akteure sowie 25 externe Experten teil.Das Ergebnis: BEM ist zwar als Thema angekommen, aber es besteht ein großes Informations- und Umsetzungsdefizit bei kleinen und kleinsten Unternehmen. Kritisch wird der Erfolg der Maßnahmen eingeschätzt: In erster Linie wegen des Fehlens geeigneter Arbeitsplätze. Als weiteres Problem werden "schwierige Eingliederungsfälle" angegeben, insbesondere bei Mitarbeitern mit psychischen Schwierigkeiten. Die Unternehmen berichten von fehlender Akzeptanz des BEM in solchen Fällen sowohl bei Führungskräften als auch Mitarbeitern.Zwei Drittel der Befragten sehen Verbesserungsbedarf. Möglichkeiten werden in einer verstärkten Hilfe durch externe Einrichtungen vermutet. Die Bedeutung einer verstärkten Kooperation wird durch die Einschätzung unterstrichen, dass ein Drittel der Unternehmen glaubt, in Zukunft mit einer Zunahme psychisch erkrankter Mitarbeiter nicht alleine erfolgreich umgehen zu können

    Moral moods

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    In this dissertation, I argue that moods can be intentional states, that is, they can be about something. I make this case by exploring the moods that underlie two psychopathological diagnoses: depression and borderline personality disorder (BPD). The view that moods can be intentional is counter to dominant positions in both philosophy and medicine. This project has three elements. First, I critically examine current medical approaches to depression and BPD. I distinguish two dominant models of medical practice and argue that many medical practitioners within both models (implicitly) deny the potential intentionality of moods. This results in a widespread medical mischaracterisation of depression and BPD. Second, I argue that the intentional features of those moods that underlie depression and BPD can be appreciated when one assumes the role first of 'affective reconstructor' and then of 'affective interlocutor.' Affective reconstructors explore the origins of someone's mood with the aim of identifying its intentional object(s). If an intentional object is found, one can assume the role of affective interlocutor. In that role one actively engages with the mood experiencer, carefully considering whether those intentional object(s) fit appropriately with the mood. Third, once the moods that underlie depression and BPD are seen as potentially intentional, I argue that they may be 'moral moods.' I use case studies of sufferers of depression and BPD, particularly the character of Sophie (from William Styron's novel Sophie's Choice) and Lilah, a composite of several patients diagnosed with BPD. I argue that their moods are responses to moral violation. Non-intentional accounts of moods, either philosophical or medical, will fail to acknowledge the moral dimension of these moods. I argue that this is a substantial failure, both for Sophie and Lilah and also for those around them, who will miss the opportunity to fully understand their experiences

    Antioxidant, Cytotoxic Activity and Protein Target Inhibition of Ethyl Acetate Fraction Melinjo Seed (Gnetum gnemon L.) by In Vitro and In Silico Studies on HeLa Cervical Cancer Cells

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    Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancer suffered in women. Chemotherapy usage often causes physical and psychological side effects in patients. This study aims to determine the antioxidant and cytotoxic effects of the ethyl acetate fraction of melinjo seeds (Gnetum gnemon L.) on HeLa cervical cancer cells through in vitro and in silico assays. Melinjo seed was extracted by maceration using ethanol 70% and fractionated with ethyl acetate to obtain the Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Melinjo Seed (EAFMS). The identification of the active compounds group was done using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) method. In vitro studies were conducted on antioxidant tests using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method and cytotoxic activity test using 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) Assay. In silico test for molecular docking analyzed by Autodock Vina method. The TLC analysis of EAFMS showed the presence of the stilbenoid compounds group. The antioxidant activity of EAFMS is weak, with an IC50 value of 175.8 g/ml. Cytotoxic activity of EAFMS is categorized as toxic to HeLa cancer cells with an IC50 value of 21.69 g/ml, while EAFMS has a synergistic effect combined with doxorubicin as a standard drug with a combination index (CI) value of 0.24-0.80. A molecular docking test of gnetin C with VHR receptor found a strong and stable bond with a docking score of -8.3 kcal/mol. Thus, EAFMS has the potential to be used as a chemopreventive agent for cervical cancer and can be combined with doxorubicin
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