128 research outputs found

    Feedback between drought and deforestation in the Amazon

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    Deforestation and drought are among the greatest environmental pressures on the Amazon rainforest, possibly destabilizing the forest-climate system. Deforestation in the Amazon reduces rainfall regionally, while this deforestation itself has been reported to be facilitated by droughts. Here we quantify the interactions between drought and deforestation spatially across the Amazon during the early 21st century. First, we relate observed fluctuations in deforestation rates to dry-season intensity; second, we determine the effect of conversion of forest to cropland on evapotranspiration; and third, we simulate the subsequent downwind reductions in rainfall due to decreased atmospheric water input. We find large variability in the response of deforestation to dry-season intensity, with a significant but small average increase in deforestation rates with a more intense dry season: With every mm of water deficit, deforestation tends to increase by 0.13% per year. Deforestation, in turn, has caused an estimated 4% of the recent observed drying, with the south-western part of the Amazon being most strongly affected. Combining both effects, we quantify a reinforcing drought-deforestation feedback that is currently small, but becomes gradually stronger with cumulative deforestation. Our results suggest that global climate change, not deforestation, is the main driver of recent drying in the Amazon. However, a feedback between drought and deforestation implies that increases in either of them will impede efforts to curb both.</p

    Dry seasons and dry years amplify the Amazon and Congo forests’ rainfall self-reliance 

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    Rainfall is a key determinant of tropical rainforest resilience in South America and Africa, of which a substantial amount originates from terrestrial and forest evaporation through moisture recycling. Both continents face deforestation that reduces evaporation and thus dampens the water cycle, and climate change that increases the risk of water-stress induced forest loss. Hence, it is important to understand the influence of forest moisture supply for forest rainfall during dry periods. Here, we analyze mean-years and dry-years dry-season anomalies of moisture recycling in the South American (Amazon) and African rainforests (Congo) over the years 1980-2013. Annual average reliance of forest rainfall on their own moisture supply (ρfor) is 26 % in the Amazon and 28% in the Congo forest. In dry seasons, this ratio increases by 7% (or ~2 percentage points) in the Amazon and up to 30 % (or ~8 percentage points) in Congo. Dry years further amplify dry season ρfor in both regions by 4-5 %. In both Amazon and Congo, dry season amplification of ρfor are strongest in regions with a high mean annual ρfor. In the Amazon, forest rainfall self-reliance has declined over time, and in both Amazon and Congo, the fraction of forest evaporation that recycles as forest rainfall has declined over time. At country scale, dry season ρfor can differ drastically from mean annual ρfor (e.g., in Bolivia and Gabon, mean annual ρfor is ~30% while dry season ρfor is ~50 %). Dry period amplification of ρfor illuminates additional risks of deforestation as well as opportunities from forest conservation and restoration, and is essential to consider for understanding upwind forest change impacts on downwind rainfall at both regional and national scales

    Potential feedbacks between loss of biosphere integrity and climate change

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    Non-technical abstract Individual organisms on land and in the ocean sequester massive amounts of the carbon emitted into the atmosphere by humans. Yet the role of ecosystems as a whole in modulating this uptake of carbon is less clear. Here, we study several different mechanisms by which climate change and ecosystems could interact. We show that climate change could cause changes in ecosystems that reduce their capacity to take up carbon, further accelerating climate change. More research on – and better governance of – interactions between climate change and ecosystems is urgently required. Technical abstract Individual responses of terrestrial and marine species to future climate change will affect the capacity of the land and ocean to store carbon. How system-level changes in the integrity of the biosphere interact with climate change is more uncertain. Here, we explore the consequences of different hypotheses on the interactions between the climate–carbon system and the integrity of the terrestrial and marine biospheres. We investigate mechanisms including impairment of terrestrial ecosystem functioning due to lagged ecosystem responses, permafrost thaw, terrestrial biodiversity loss and impacts of changes in marine biodiversity on the marine biological pump. To investigate climate–biosphere interactions involving complex concepts such as biosphere integrity, we designed and implemented conceptual representations of these climate–biosphere interactions in a stylized climate–carbon model. We find that all four classes of interactions amplify climate change, potentially contributing up to an additional 0.4°C warming across all representative concentration pathway scenarios by the year 2100 and potentially turning the terrestrial biosphere into a net carbon source, although uncertainties are large. The results of this preliminary quantitative study call for more research on – and better integrated governance of – the interactions between climate change and biosphere integrity, the two core ‘planetary boundaries’.The research leading to these results has received funding from the Stordalen Foundation via the Planetary Boundary Research Network (PB.net), the Earth League’s EarthDoc programme, the Leibniz Association (project DOMINOES), European Research Council Synergy project Imbalance-P (grant ERC-2013-SyG-610028), European Research Council Advanced Investigator project ERA (grant ERC-2016-ADG-743080), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG BE 6485/1-1), Project Grant 2014-589 from the Swedish Research Council Formas and a core grant to the Stockholm Resilience Centre by Mistra

    Dry Periods Amplify the Amazon and Congo Forests' Rainfall Self-Reliance

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    A substantial amount of the tropical forests of South America and Africa is generated through moisture recycling (i.e., forest rainfall self-reliance). Thus, deforestation that reduces evaporation and dampens the water cycle can further increase the risk of water-stress-induced forest loss in downwind areas, particularly during water scarce periods. However, few studies have investigated dry period forest rainfall self-reliance over longer records and consistently compared the rainforest moisture recycling in both continents. Here, we analyze dry-season anomalies of moisture recycling for mean-years and dry-years, in the South American (Amazon) and African (Congo) rainforests over the years 1980-2013. We find that, in the dry seasons, the reliance of forest rainfall on their own moisture supply (ρfor) increases by 7% (from a mean annual value of 26% to 28%) in the Amazon and up to 30% (from 28% to 36%) in the Congo. Dry years further amplify dry season ρfor in both regions by 4-5%. In both the Amazon and Congo, dry season amplification of ρfor is strongest in regions with a high mean annual ρfor. In the Amazon, forest rainfall self-reliance has declined over time. At the country scale, dry season ρfor can differ drastically from mean annual ρfor. In for example Bolivia and Gabon, mean annual ρfor is ~30% while dry season ρfor is ~50%. The dry period amplification of forest rainfall self-reliance further highlights the role of forests for sustaining their own resilience, and for maintaining downwind rainfall at both regional and national scales

    The Doughnut for Urban Development:Manual, Appendix and Database

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    With the Doughnut for Urban Development we are using doughnut economics as a model for urban development and construction for the first time. Doughnut Economics has previously been used with great success globally and for urban strategies ranging from Amsterdam to Copenhagen.We have developed the Manual to provide the entire industry with a practical tool to evaluate the sustainability of their projects and what they can do to make them even more sustainable. The manual embraces both social and planetary sustainability and incorporates both local and global dimensions.The Doughnut for Urban Development is an open-source project and all the following resources can be downloaded for free:- The Manual- A scientific Appendix providing background for the Manual- A Database of impact areas used in the manual- A tool to assess a project's biodiversity impacts throughout its life cycl