33 research outputs found

    ”Authentic Microteaching” som akademisk lærings- og undervisningsmodel

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    Universitetsuddannelsen i idræt integrerer læring af praktiske kompetencer og akademisk faglig fordybelse. I denne artikel præsenterer vi ”authentic microtea-ching” som model, hvor medbestemmelse og formidlingsdimensionen indgår som centrale fokusområder i vores undervisning. Vores empiriske erfaringer med at ud-vikle modellen samt det lærings- og uddannelsesstrategiske sigte beskrives med udgangspunkt i et specifikt kursus, hvor vores studerende via små trefasede forløb bevæger sig fra at være deltagere i undervisning til selv at være formidlere af det faglige indhold i virkelighedsnære undervisningssituationer. I første fase introduce-res de studerende til praksisområdet i korte forløb tilrettelagt af universitetets un-dervisere, mens anden fase tager udgangspunkt i ”reciprocal peer teaching”, hvor de studerende underviser hinanden og udvikler deres egen praksis organiseret ud fra ”microteaching”-modellen. Tredje fase inkluderer korte undervisningsforløb med elever fra gymnasieskolen som deltagere i virkelighedsnære situationer ud fra ”au-tenthic pedagogy” og tilhørende refleksionspapirer (mini-underviser-portfolier) som parallel fordybelsesaktivitet

    Current state and future of pediatric allergology in Europe: A road map

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    The history of pediatric allergology (PA) in Europe is relatively youthful, dating back to 1984, when a small group of pediatricians founded the European Working Group on Pediatric Allergy and Immunology—later giving rise to ESPACI (European Society on Pediatric Allergology and Clinical Immunology). In 1990, the first dedicated journal, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology (PAI), was founded. There are striking differences across Europe, and even within European countries, in relation to the training pathways for doctors seeing children with allergic disease(s). In 2016, the EAACIClemens von Pirquet Foundation (CvP) organized and sponsored a workshop with the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Pediatric Section. This collaboration focussed on the future of PA and specifically on education, research, and networking/ advocacy. The delegates representing many countries across Europe have endorsed the concept that optimal care of children with allergic diseases is delivered by pediatricians who have received dedicated training in allergy, or allergists who have received dedicated training in pediatrics. In order to meet the needs of children and families with allergic disease(s), the pediatric allergist is highly encouraged to develop several networks. Our challenge is to reinforce a clear strategic approach to scientific excellence to across our member base and to ensure and enhance the relevance of European pediatric research in allergy. With research opportunities in basic, translational, clinical, and epidemiologic trials, more trainees and trained specialists are needed and it is an exciting time to be a pediatric allergologist