99 research outputs found

    DyMo: Dynamic Monitoring of Large Scale LTE-Multicast Systems

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    LTE evolved Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (eMBMS) is an attractive solution for video delivery to very large groups in crowded venues. However, deployment and management of eMBMS systems is challenging, due to the lack of realtime feedback from the User Equipment (UEs). Therefore, we present the Dynamic Monitoring (DyMo) system for low-overhead feedback collection. DyMo leverages eMBMS for broadcasting Stochastic Group Instructions to all UEs. These instructions indicate the reporting rates as a function of the observed Quality of Service (QoS). This simple feedback mechanism collects very limited QoS reports from the UEs. The reports are used for network optimization, thereby ensuring high QoS to the UEs. We present the design aspects of DyMo and evaluate its performance analytically and via extensive simulations. Specifically, we show that DyMo infers the optimal eMBMS settings with extremely low overhead, while meeting strict QoS requirements under different UE mobility patterns and presence of network component failures. For instance, DyMo can detect the eMBMS Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) experienced by the 0.1% percentile of the UEs with Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0.05% with only 5 to 10 reports per second regardless of the number of UEs

    Implementación y comparación de disipadores de fluido viscoso en el comportamiento sísmico de una edificación de once niveles ubicado en el distrito de Surquillo - 2023

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal implementar el uso de disipadores de fluido viscoso (DFV) en el contexto de la ingeniería sísmica en el Perú. Los DFV son dispositivos que permiten disipar la energía generada por los movimientos sísmicos, reduciendo la respuesta estructural y mejorando la capacidad de resistencia de las edificaciones ante terremotos. En el estudio se realiza una revisión de la literatura técnica existente, así como un análisis de casos de estudio de proyectos que han implementado DFV en el Perú y afuera. Se examinan aspectos relevantes como el diseño, la selección y la ubicación óptima de los disipadores, considerando las características sísmicas propias del país. Además, se evalúa la eficiencia y los beneficios que aportan los DFV en términos de reducción de las fuerzas sísmicas, los desplazamientos y las aceleraciones en las estructuras. Asimismo, se analiza su influencia en la protección de vidas humanas y la preservación del patrimonio construido. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el uso de DFV en el Perú puede ser una estrategia efectiva para mejorar la resiliencia de las edificaciones frente a los eventos sísmicos. Se identifican las ventajas, limitaciones y consideraciones específicas para su implementación en diferentes tipos de estructuras, como edificios de viviendas, puentes y estructuras industriales.The main objective of this research is to implement the use of viscous fluid dissipators (VFD) in the context of seismic engineering in Peru. VFDs are devices that allow the energy generated by seismic movements to be dissipated, reducing the structural response and improving the resistance capacity of buildings against earthquakes. In the study, a review of the existing technical literature is carried out, as well as an analysis of case studies of projects that have implemented DFV in Peru and abroad. Relevant aspects such as the design, selection and optimal location of the dissipators are examined, considering the seismic characteristics of the country. In addition, the efficiency and benefits provided by DFVs in terms of reduction of seismic forces, displacements and accelerations in the structures are evaluated. Likewise, its influence on the protection of human lives and the preservation of built heritage is analyzed. The results obtained show that the use of DFV in Peru can be an effective strategy to improve the resilience of buildings against seismic events. The advantages, limitations and specific considerations for its implementation in different types of structures, such as residential buildings, bridges and industrial structures, are identified

    Revealing the Meissner Corpuscles in Human Glabrous Skin Using In Vivo Non-Invasive Imaging Techniques

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    The presence of mechanoreceptors in glabrous skin allows humans to discriminate textures by touch. The amount and distribution of these receptors defines our tactile sensitivity and can be affected by diseases such as diabetes, HIV-related pathologies, and hereditary neuropathies. The quantification of mechanoreceptors as clinical markers by biopsy is an invasive method of diagnosis. We report the localization and quantification of Meissner corpuscles in glabrous skin using in vivo, non-invasive optical microscopy techniques. Our approach is supported by the discovery of epidermal protrusions which are co-localized with Meissner corpuscles. Index fingers, small fingers, and tenar palm regions of ten participants were imaged by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and laser scan microscopy (LSM) to determine the thickness of the stratum corneum and epidermis and to count the Meissner corpuscles. We discovered that regions containing Meissner corpuscles could be easily identified by LSM with an enhanced optical reflectance above the corpuscles, caused by a protrusion of the strongly reflecting epidermis into the stratum corneum with its weak reflectance. We suggest that this local morphology above Meissner corpuscles has a function in tactile perception

    Human glabrous skin contains crystallized urea dendriform structures in the stratum corneum which affect the hydration levels

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    Glabrous skin is hair-free skin with a high density of sweat glands, which is found on the palms, and soles of mammalians, covered with a thick stratum corneum. Dry hands are often an occupational problem which deserves attention from dermatologists. Urea is found in the skin as a component of the natural moisturizing factor and of sweat. We report the discovery of dendrimer structures of crystalized urea in the stratum corneum of palmar glabrous skin using laser scanning microscopy. The chemical and structural nature of the urea crystallites was investigated in vivo by non-invasive techniques. The relation of crystallization to skin hydration was explored. We analysed the index finger, small finger and tenar palmar area of 18 study participants using noninvasive optical methods, such as laser scanning microscopy, Raman microspectroscopy and two-photon tomography. Skin hydration was measured using corneometry. Crystalline urea structures were found in the stratum corneum of about two-thirds of the participants. Participants with a higher density of crystallized urea structures exhibited a lower skin hydration. The chemical nature and the crystalline structure of the urea were confirmed by Raman microspectroscopy and by second harmonic generated signals in two-photon tomography. The presence of urea dendrimer crystals in the glabrous skin seems to reduce the water binding capacity leading to dry hands. These findings highlight a new direction in understanding the mechanisms leading to dry hands and open opportunities for the development of better moisturizers and hand disinfection products and for diagnostic of dry skin

    Combining Constructive and Perturbative Deep Learning Algorithms for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem

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    The Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem is a well-known NP-hard problem that poses the challenge of finding the optimal route of a vehicle delivering products to multiple locations. Recently, new efforts have emerged to create constructive and perturbative heuristics to tackle this problem using Deep Learning. In this paper, we join these efforts to develop the Combined Deep Constructor and Perturbator, which combines two powerful constructive and perturbative Deep Learning-based heuristics, using attention mechanisms at their core. Furthermore, we improve the Attention Model-Dynamic for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem by proposing a memory-efficient algorithm that reduces its memory complexity by a factor of the number of nodes. Our method shows promising results. It demonstrates a cost improvement in common datasets when compared against other multiple Deep Learning methods. It also obtains close results to the state-of-the art heuristics from the Operations Research field. Additionally, the proposed memory efficient algorithm for the Attention Model-Dynamic model enables its use in problem instances with more than 100 nodes

    Facial and semantic emotional interference: A pilot study on the behavioral and cortical responses to the dual valence association task

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Integration of compatible or incompatible emotional valence and semantic information is an essential aspect of complex social interactions. A modified version of the Implicit Association Test (IAT) called Dual Valence Association Task (DVAT) was designed in order to measure conflict resolution processing from compatibility/incompatibly of semantic and facial valence. The DVAT involves two emotional valence evaluative tasks which elicits two forms of emotional compatible/incompatible associations (facial and semantic).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Behavioural measures and Event Related Potentials were recorded while participants performed the DVAT.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Behavioural data showed a robust effect that distinguished compatible/incompatible tasks. The effects of valence and contextual association (between facial and semantic stimuli) showed early discrimination in N170 of faces. The LPP component was modulated by the compatibility of the DVAT.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Results suggest that DVAT is a robust paradigm for studying the emotional interference effect in the processing of simultaneous information from semantic and facial stimuli.</p

    Anti-corrosive effect of polyurethane paints applied on galvanized steel without surface treatment

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue demostrar la efectividad de las pinturas de poliuretano para la protección contra la corrosión del acero galvanizado. La metodología consistió en realizar análisis electroquímico mediante curvas de polarización y pruebas de corrosión acelerada (cámara de niebla salina) del comportamiento de los sistemas de protección dúplex y galvanizado en NaCl al 3,5%. Además, el análisis MEB (microscopía electrónica de barrido) se llevó a cabo con un análisis EDAX (espectroscopia de rayos X de energía dispersiva) observando la morfología y la composición de los productos de corrosión. Según las curvas de polarización, hay diferencias en cada sistema galvanizado y dúplex en el medio estudiado. Los sistemas dúplex tienen un potencial de corrosión más positivo que los potenciales de las muestras de acero galvanizado en cámara de niebla salina (-950mv; -1070mv de acero dúplex y -1065mv; 1080mv de acero dúplex original). Las velocidades de corrosión para el acero galvanizado y dúplex encontradas fueron de 4.8528 x 10-4 1,8045 x 10-5 cm/año respectivamente en la cámara de niebla salina. Estas condiciones de exposición dejan claro que el sistema dúplex, se comporta más protector que el sistema galvanizado. A partir del análisis EDAX se encontró que, los productos de corrosión que se esperaría encontrar para el caso del óxido formado en acero galvanizado después de la experimentación en la cámara de niebla salina sería una mezcla de sales de zinc y hierro como por ejemplo zincita, hidrocincita, simonkoleita, y hematita para el caso del hierro, como también sales solubles (cloruros) de estos metales, así como, óxidos de hierro y zinc, además de zinc y hierro en su estado metálico.The objective of this research was to demonstrate the effectiveness of polyurethane paints for the protection against corrosion of galvanized steel. The methodology consisted of performing electrochemical analysis by means of polarization curves and accelerated corrosion tests (salt spray chamber) of the behavior of the duplex and galvanized protection systems in 3.5% NaCl. In addition, the SEM analysis (scanning electron microscopy) was carried out with an EDAX analysis (X-ray spectroscopy of dispersive energy) observing the morphology and the composition of the corrosion products. According to the polarization curves, there are differences in each galvanized and duplex system in the studied medium. The duplex systems have a more positive corrosion potential than the potentials of the galvanized steel samples in the salt fog chamber (-950mv, -1070mv of duplex steel and -1065mv, 1080mv of original duplex steel). The corrosion rates for the galvanized and duplex steel found were 4.8528 x 10-4 1.8045 x 10-5 cm / year respectively in the salt spray chamber. These exposure conditions make it clear that the duplex system behaves more protective than the galvanized system. From the EDAX analysis it was found that the corrosion products that would be expected to be found in the case of the oxide formed in galvanized steel after experimentation in the salt fog chamber would be a mixture of zinc and iron salts such as zincite, hydrocincite, simonkoleite, and hematite for iron, as well as soluble salts (chlorides) of these metals, as well as iron and zinc oxides, as well as zinc and iron in their metallic state

    Sistema automatizado en los procesos industriales de una empresa productora de papel

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    El presente trabajo de investigación, tiene por objetivo, determinar el efecto de la automatización en los procesos industriales de una empresa productora de papel, pues se ha comprobado que empresas que han optado por implementar un sistema de automatización dentro de sus áreas de producción han obtenido resultados favorables. Esta investigación es de tipo aplicativa, diseño no experimental, corte transversal y de alcance descriptivo, con una población de estudio conformada por los trabajadores del área de HYDRAPULPER 7 de la empresa en estudio. Como técnicas de recolección de datos se usó la observación y como instrumento la ficha de observación, con lo cual se obtuvo como resultado que el sistema de automatización tiene un efecto positivo dentro de la empresa, como se evidencia en la cantidad de producción promedio volumen de pasta la cual fue de 1446.755 toneladas /mes sin la automatización y con ella se evidencio un cambio en la producción promedio en volumen de pastas 2514.596 toneladas /mes. Así como reduciendo el tiempo de demora en el proceso el cual fue de 50 minutos/mes. Como conclusión se obtuvo que el sistema de automatización ayuda a incrementar la producción, mejora la calidad del producto, reduce el tiempo de demora en el proceso, reduce los accidentes laborales, obteniéndose de esta manera una rentabilidad positiva

    Effect of climatic factors on the diversity and abundance of Scolytinae and Platypodinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in a pine-oak forest

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    Objective: The aim of this work &nbsp;was to evaluate the diversity and abundance of bark beetles and ambrosial beetles and their relationship with temperature and relative humidity. Design/methodology/approach: The study was carried out in a pine-oak forest of the northeastern Sierra of the state of Puebla, where a monitoring system was established using Lindgren traps baited with frontalin, brevicomine, alpha-pinene and beta-pinene. Results: The presence of 23 species of bark beetles and ambrosial beetles was recorded. Gnathotrichus sulcatus (LeConte) and Pseudips mexicanus (Hopkins) were the most abundant species and their presence was significantly associated with places having &nbsp;high relative humidity. Limitations on study/implications: The results obtained are limited to the studied ecosystem.&nbsp; Findings/conclusions: It was concluded that the abundance of the species observed was closely related with climatic factors.Objective: The aim of this work was to evaluate the diversity and abundance of bark beetles and ambrosial beetles and their relationship with temperature and relative humidity. Design/methodology/approach: The study was carried out in a pine-oak forest of the northeastern Sierra of the state of Puebla, where a monitoring system was established using Lindgren traps baited with frontalin, brevicomine, alpha-pinene and beta-pinene. Results: The presence of 23 species of bark beetles and ambrosial beetles was recorded. Gnathotrichus sulcatus (LeConte) and Pseudips mexicanus (Hopkins) were the most abundant species and their presence was significantly associated with places having high relative humidity. Limitations on study/implications: The results obtained are limited to the studied ecosystem.  Findings/conclusions: It was concluded that the abundance of the species observed was closely related with climatic factors. Resultados: Se registró la presencia de 23 especies de escarabajos descor

    Plan de responsabilidad social empresarial en Saludcoop EPS regional Eje Cafetero, año 2013

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    T 658.408 G135; 124 p.El plan de responsabilidad social empresarial en Saludcoop EPS regional Eje Cafetero, para el año 2013, fue la oportunidad de realizar un diagnóstico tanto interno como externo de lo que es la empresa en eeste momento y la forma como desde la gestión se pudo intervenir para que la empresa se mantenga en un proceso de crecimiento y mejoramiento continuo en la que las compañías modernas se deben mantener no sólo para ser competitivas sino también para sostenerse en el ritmo acelerado del cambioUniversidad Libre de Pereir