5 research outputs found
BotaniÄko podrijetlo peludi na paÅ”i mandarine u dolini Neretve
Delta rijeke Neretve s gotovo monokulturnim nasadima mandarine unshiu (Citrus unshiu
Marc.) je jedno od tri najsjevernija nasada u svijetu na kojem se komercijalno uzgajaju
agrumi. Poznato je da je za normalan razvoj pÄelinje zajednice potrebno osigurati dodatne
koliÄine peludi, meÄutim odreÄene vrste agruma, a u koje spada mandarina unshiu imaju
sterilne praŔnike. Kako do sada u Hrvatskoj joŔ nisu provedena istraživanja vezana za
utvrÄivanje botaniÄkog podrijetla peludnog tereta, stoga bi ono predstavljalo važan doprinos u
utvrÄivanju biljnih vrsta koje pÄele pohaÄaju za vrijeme paÅ”e mandarine. Istraživanje je bilo
provedeno tijekom paÅ”e mandarine unshiu u dolini Neretve na pÄelinjoj zajednici sive pÄele
(Apis mellifera carnica Poll., 1879). Pelud je prikupljana vanjskim skupljaÄem dva puta
dnevno i to u jutarnjim (8:00-13:00) i popodnevnim (13:00-18:00) satima tijekom 2014. i
2015. godine te jednom dnevno 2016. godine. U 2014. godini najveÄi udio peludnog tereta
tijekom jutarnjih sati, odnosio se na dvogodiŔnji dimak (100,00 %), dok je u
poslijepodnevnim satima prevladavao peludni teret klupÄastog roÅ”ca (0,55 - 73,99 %),
vlasnatog buÅ”ina (53,00 %) i Äesmine (19,35 ā 48,52 %). U 2015. godini najveÄi se udio
peludnog tereta tijekom jutarnjih sati odnosio na naranÄu (81,19 %), grejp (13,51 %) i pelud
Äesmine (4,92% ), dok je u popodnevnim satima takoÄer najveÄi udio imao peludni teret
naranÄe (99,62 %). U 2016. godini na lokaciji UÅ”Äe prevladavao je peludni teret naranÄe
(33,54 ā 71,81 %) , Äesmine (3,28 ā 53,33 %) i grejpa (2,64 ā 76,30 %), dok je na lokaciji
Buk-Vlaka prevladavao peludni teret naranÄe (35,36 ā 99,01 %), pastirske torbice (0,61 ā
53,24 %) i klementine (0,60 ā 35,12 %). Relativno niža prosjeÄna temperatura zraka i viÅ”a
prosjeÄna relativna vlažnost zraka rezultirali su velikim udjelom peludnog tereta dvogodiÅ”njeg
dimka u 2014. godini. Iako dolina Neretve ima gotovo monokulturne nasade mandarine koja
zbog sterilnih praÅ”nika ne omoguÄuje pÄelama prikupljanje peludi, pelud ostalih ne sterilnih
agruma (naranÄa) bila je dosta zastupljena u prikupljenom peludnom teretu.The Neretva River Delta with almost monocultural Satsuma mandarin plantations (Citrus
unshiu Marc.) is one of the three northernmost places in the world where commercially grown
citrus. It is known that for the normal development of bee colonies is necesaary to secure
additional quantities of pollen, however certain types of citrus fruits, and that includes unshiu
mandarins have sterile stamens. Howewer so far in Croatia have not yet conducted research
related to the determination of the botanical origin of pollen loads, therefore it would
constitute an important contribution in determining plant species that bees attending during on
mandarin forage. The research was conducted during Satsuma mandarin unshiu forage in the
Neretva valley on honey bee colonies of Carniolan bees (Apis mellifera carnica Poll., 1879).
Pollen is collected with pollen trap twice a day during the morning (8:00-13:00) and afternoon
(13:00-18:00) hours during 2014 and 2015, and once a day in 2016. In 2014., the largest share
of pollen loads during morning hours, was related to the Crepis biennis (100,00%), while the
prevalent pollen loads in the afternoon hours were of Cerastium glomeratum (0,55 - 73,99%),
Cistus incanus (53,00%) and Quercus ilex (19,35 - 48,52%). In 2015., the largest share of
pollen loads during morning hours was related to Citrus sinensis (81,19%), Citrus paradisi
(13,51%) and Quercus ilex pollen (4,92%), while the largest share of pollen loads in the
afternoon hours was also of oranges (99,62%). In 2016., at location UÅ”Äe dominated Citrus
sinensis (33,54 - 71,81%), Quercus ilex (3,28 - 53,33%) and Citrus paradisi (2.64 - 76.30%)
pollen loads, while at location Buk-Vlaka the prevalent pollen loads were of Citrus sinensis
(35,36 - 99.01%), Capsella bursa pastoris (0,61 - 53,24%) and Citrus clementina (0,60 -
35,12%). The relatively lower average air temperature and higher average relative humidity
resulted in a large share of Crepis biennis pollen loads in 2014. Although the Neretva valley
has almost monoculture Satsuma mandarin plantations which does not provide pollen forage
to bees due to sterile stamens, the pollen of other non sterile citruses (orange) was quite
present in the collected pollen loads
BotaniÄko podrijetlo peludi na paÅ”i mandarine u dolini Neretve
Delta rijeke Neretve s gotovo monokulturnim nasadima mandarine unshiu (Citrus unshiu
Marc.) je jedno od tri najsjevernija nasada u svijetu na kojem se komercijalno uzgajaju
agrumi. Poznato je da je za normalan razvoj pÄelinje zajednice potrebno osigurati dodatne
koliÄine peludi, meÄutim odreÄene vrste agruma, a u koje spada mandarina unshiu imaju
sterilne praŔnike. Kako do sada u Hrvatskoj joŔ nisu provedena istraživanja vezana za
utvrÄivanje botaniÄkog podrijetla peludnog tereta, stoga bi ono predstavljalo važan doprinos u
utvrÄivanju biljnih vrsta koje pÄele pohaÄaju za vrijeme paÅ”e mandarine. Istraživanje je bilo
provedeno tijekom paÅ”e mandarine unshiu u dolini Neretve na pÄelinjoj zajednici sive pÄele
(Apis mellifera carnica Poll., 1879). Pelud je prikupljana vanjskim skupljaÄem dva puta
dnevno i to u jutarnjim (8:00-13:00) i popodnevnim (13:00-18:00) satima tijekom 2014. i
2015. godine te jednom dnevno 2016. godine. U 2014. godini najveÄi udio peludnog tereta
tijekom jutarnjih sati, odnosio se na dvogodiŔnji dimak (100,00 %), dok je u
poslijepodnevnim satima prevladavao peludni teret klupÄastog roÅ”ca (0,55 - 73,99 %),
vlasnatog buÅ”ina (53,00 %) i Äesmine (19,35 ā 48,52 %). U 2015. godini najveÄi se udio
peludnog tereta tijekom jutarnjih sati odnosio na naranÄu (81,19 %), grejp (13,51 %) i pelud
Äesmine (4,92% ), dok je u popodnevnim satima takoÄer najveÄi udio imao peludni teret
naranÄe (99,62 %). U 2016. godini na lokaciji UÅ”Äe prevladavao je peludni teret naranÄe
(33,54 ā 71,81 %) , Äesmine (3,28 ā 53,33 %) i grejpa (2,64 ā 76,30 %), dok je na lokaciji
Buk-Vlaka prevladavao peludni teret naranÄe (35,36 ā 99,01 %), pastirske torbice (0,61 ā
53,24 %) i klementine (0,60 ā 35,12 %). Relativno niža prosjeÄna temperatura zraka i viÅ”a
prosjeÄna relativna vlažnost zraka rezultirali su velikim udjelom peludnog tereta dvogodiÅ”njeg
dimka u 2014. godini. Iako dolina Neretve ima gotovo monokulturne nasade mandarine koja
zbog sterilnih praÅ”nika ne omoguÄuje pÄelama prikupljanje peludi, pelud ostalih ne sterilnih
agruma (naranÄa) bila je dosta zastupljena u prikupljenom peludnom teretu.The Neretva River Delta with almost monocultural Satsuma mandarin plantations (Citrus
unshiu Marc.) is one of the three northernmost places in the world where commercially grown
citrus. It is known that for the normal development of bee colonies is necesaary to secure
additional quantities of pollen, however certain types of citrus fruits, and that includes unshiu
mandarins have sterile stamens. Howewer so far in Croatia have not yet conducted research
related to the determination of the botanical origin of pollen loads, therefore it would
constitute an important contribution in determining plant species that bees attending during on
mandarin forage. The research was conducted during Satsuma mandarin unshiu forage in the
Neretva valley on honey bee colonies of Carniolan bees (Apis mellifera carnica Poll., 1879).
Pollen is collected with pollen trap twice a day during the morning (8:00-13:00) and afternoon
(13:00-18:00) hours during 2014 and 2015, and once a day in 2016. In 2014., the largest share
of pollen loads during morning hours, was related to the Crepis biennis (100,00%), while the
prevalent pollen loads in the afternoon hours were of Cerastium glomeratum (0,55 - 73,99%),
Cistus incanus (53,00%) and Quercus ilex (19,35 - 48,52%). In 2015., the largest share of
pollen loads during morning hours was related to Citrus sinensis (81,19%), Citrus paradisi
(13,51%) and Quercus ilex pollen (4,92%), while the largest share of pollen loads in the
afternoon hours was also of oranges (99,62%). In 2016., at location UÅ”Äe dominated Citrus
sinensis (33,54 - 71,81%), Quercus ilex (3,28 - 53,33%) and Citrus paradisi (2.64 - 76.30%)
pollen loads, while at location Buk-Vlaka the prevalent pollen loads were of Citrus sinensis
(35,36 - 99.01%), Capsella bursa pastoris (0,61 - 53,24%) and Citrus clementina (0,60 -
35,12%). The relatively lower average air temperature and higher average relative humidity
resulted in a large share of Crepis biennis pollen loads in 2014. Although the Neretva valley
has almost monoculture Satsuma mandarin plantations which does not provide pollen forage
to bees due to sterile stamens, the pollen of other non sterile citruses (orange) was quite
present in the collected pollen loads
BotaniÄko podrijetlo peludi na paÅ”i mandarine u dolini Neretve
Delta rijeke Neretve s gotovo monokulturnim nasadima mandarine unshiu (Citrus unshiu
Marc.) je jedno od tri najsjevernija nasada u svijetu na kojem se komercijalno uzgajaju
agrumi. Poznato je da je za normalan razvoj pÄelinje zajednice potrebno osigurati dodatne
koliÄine peludi, meÄutim odreÄene vrste agruma, a u koje spada mandarina unshiu imaju
sterilne praŔnike. Kako do sada u Hrvatskoj joŔ nisu provedena istraživanja vezana za
utvrÄivanje botaniÄkog podrijetla peludnog tereta, stoga bi ono predstavljalo važan doprinos u
utvrÄivanju biljnih vrsta koje pÄele pohaÄaju za vrijeme paÅ”e mandarine. Istraživanje je bilo
provedeno tijekom paÅ”e mandarine unshiu u dolini Neretve na pÄelinjoj zajednici sive pÄele
(Apis mellifera carnica Poll., 1879). Pelud je prikupljana vanjskim skupljaÄem dva puta
dnevno i to u jutarnjim (8:00-13:00) i popodnevnim (13:00-18:00) satima tijekom 2014. i
2015. godine te jednom dnevno 2016. godine. U 2014. godini najveÄi udio peludnog tereta
tijekom jutarnjih sati, odnosio se na dvogodiŔnji dimak (100,00 %), dok je u
poslijepodnevnim satima prevladavao peludni teret klupÄastog roÅ”ca (0,55 - 73,99 %),
vlasnatog buÅ”ina (53,00 %) i Äesmine (19,35 ā 48,52 %). U 2015. godini najveÄi se udio
peludnog tereta tijekom jutarnjih sati odnosio na naranÄu (81,19 %), grejp (13,51 %) i pelud
Äesmine (4,92% ), dok je u popodnevnim satima takoÄer najveÄi udio imao peludni teret
naranÄe (99,62 %). U 2016. godini na lokaciji UÅ”Äe prevladavao je peludni teret naranÄe
(33,54 ā 71,81 %) , Äesmine (3,28 ā 53,33 %) i grejpa (2,64 ā 76,30 %), dok je na lokaciji
Buk-Vlaka prevladavao peludni teret naranÄe (35,36 ā 99,01 %), pastirske torbice (0,61 ā
53,24 %) i klementine (0,60 ā 35,12 %). Relativno niža prosjeÄna temperatura zraka i viÅ”a
prosjeÄna relativna vlažnost zraka rezultirali su velikim udjelom peludnog tereta dvogodiÅ”njeg
dimka u 2014. godini. Iako dolina Neretve ima gotovo monokulturne nasade mandarine koja
zbog sterilnih praÅ”nika ne omoguÄuje pÄelama prikupljanje peludi, pelud ostalih ne sterilnih
agruma (naranÄa) bila je dosta zastupljena u prikupljenom peludnom teretu.The Neretva River Delta with almost monocultural Satsuma mandarin plantations (Citrus
unshiu Marc.) is one of the three northernmost places in the world where commercially grown
citrus. It is known that for the normal development of bee colonies is necesaary to secure
additional quantities of pollen, however certain types of citrus fruits, and that includes unshiu
mandarins have sterile stamens. Howewer so far in Croatia have not yet conducted research
related to the determination of the botanical origin of pollen loads, therefore it would
constitute an important contribution in determining plant species that bees attending during on
mandarin forage. The research was conducted during Satsuma mandarin unshiu forage in the
Neretva valley on honey bee colonies of Carniolan bees (Apis mellifera carnica Poll., 1879).
Pollen is collected with pollen trap twice a day during the morning (8:00-13:00) and afternoon
(13:00-18:00) hours during 2014 and 2015, and once a day in 2016. In 2014., the largest share
of pollen loads during morning hours, was related to the Crepis biennis (100,00%), while the
prevalent pollen loads in the afternoon hours were of Cerastium glomeratum (0,55 - 73,99%),
Cistus incanus (53,00%) and Quercus ilex (19,35 - 48,52%). In 2015., the largest share of
pollen loads during morning hours was related to Citrus sinensis (81,19%), Citrus paradisi
(13,51%) and Quercus ilex pollen (4,92%), while the largest share of pollen loads in the
afternoon hours was also of oranges (99,62%). In 2016., at location UÅ”Äe dominated Citrus
sinensis (33,54 - 71,81%), Quercus ilex (3,28 - 53,33%) and Citrus paradisi (2.64 - 76.30%)
pollen loads, while at location Buk-Vlaka the prevalent pollen loads were of Citrus sinensis
(35,36 - 99.01%), Capsella bursa pastoris (0,61 - 53,24%) and Citrus clementina (0,60 -
35,12%). The relatively lower average air temperature and higher average relative humidity
resulted in a large share of Crepis biennis pollen loads in 2014. Although the Neretva valley
has almost monoculture Satsuma mandarin plantations which does not provide pollen forage
to bees due to sterile stamens, the pollen of other non sterile citruses (orange) was quite
present in the collected pollen loads
Botanical Origin and Quantity of Pollen Load on Satsuma Mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) Honey Bee Forage
Although Satsuma mandarin secretes large amounts of nectar and is considered as excellent honey bee plant species, its anthers are either sterile or produce very small amount of pollen. Therefore, honey bees collect pollen from other plant resources as well. The aim of this study was to determine the botanical origin of pollen loads collected with pollen trap during Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) honey bee forage, and to investigate relating foraging parameter (pollen collection time). The study was carried out on Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica Pollmann, 1879) colony during April in 2014 and May 2015 in Neretva Valley, Croatia. Pollen of 12 plant species was identified in analysed samples. Results have revealed that a total pollen mass was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the morning hours compared to the sampling carried out in the afternoon. The largest content of the pollen load in the morning originated from Crepis biennis L. and Citrus sinensis L., while the pollen grains of Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. and C. sinensis were the most dominant pollen components of investigated pollen loads in the afternoon. Although Neretva Valley has almost monocultural Satsuma mandarin orchards, a notable amount of pollen originating from other plant species and non-sterile Citrus were observed in analysed pollen loads
Botanical Origin and Quantity of Pollen Load on Satsuma Mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) Honey Bee Forage
Although Satsuma mandarin secretes large amounts of nectar and is considered as excellent honey bee plant species, its anthers are either sterile or produce very small amount of pollen. Therefore, honey bees collect pollen from other plant resources as well. The aim of this study was to determine the botanical origin of pollen loads collected with pollen trap during Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) honey bee forage, and to investigate relating foraging parameter (pollen collection time). The study was carried out on Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica Pollmann, 1879) colony during April in 2014 and May 2015 in Neretva Valley, Croatia. Pollen of 12 plant species was identified in analysed samples. Results have revealed that a total pollen mass was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the morning hours compared to the sampling carried out in the afternoon. The largest content of the pollen load in the morning originated from Crepis biennis L. and Citrus sinensis L., while the pollen grains of Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. and C. sinensis were the most dominant pollen components of investigated pollen loads in the afternoon. Although Neretva Valley has almost monocultural Satsuma mandarin orchards, a notable amount of pollen originating from other plant species and non-sterile Citrus were observed in analysed pollen loads