5 research outputs found
Stability Test for Sorghum Mutant Lines Derived From Induced Mutations with Gamma-Ray Irradiation
Sorghum breeding program had been conducted at the Center for the Application of Isotopes and Radiation Technology, BATAN. Plant genetic variability was increased through induced mutations using gamma-ray irradiation. Through selection process in successive generations, some promising mutant lines had been identified to have good agronomic characteristics with high grain yield. These breeding lines were tested in multi location trials and information of the genotypic stability was obtained to meet the requirements for officially varietal release by the Ministry of Agriculture. A total of 11 sorghum lines and varieties consisting of 8 mutant lines derived from induced mutations (B-100, B-95, B-92, B-83, B-76, B-75, B-69 and Zh-30) and 3 control varieties (Durra, UPCA-S1 and Mandau) were included in the experiment. All materials were grown in 10 agro-ecologically different locations namely Gunungkidul, Bantul, Citayam, Garut, Lampung, Bogor, Anyer, Karawaci, Cianjur and Subang. In each location, the local adaptability test was conducted by randomized block design with 3 replications. Data of grain yield was used for evaluating genotypic stability using AMMI approach. Results revealed that sorghum mutation breeding had generated 3 mutant lines (B-100, B-76 and Zh-30) exhibiting grain yield significantly higher than the control varieties. These mutant lines were genetically stable in all locations so that they would be recommended for official release as new sorghum varieties to the Ministry of Agriculture.Received: 20 November 2010; Revised: 01 August 2011; Accepted: 05 August 201
Uji Daya Hasil Beberapa Galur Mutan Harapan Sorgum Manis (Sweet Sorghum) di Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta
Sorgum manis memiliki potensi besar untuk dibudidayakan dan dikembangkan di Indonesia karena secara umum bijinya dapat digunakan sebagai sumber pangan alternatif dan cairan (jus) batang dapat dikonversi sebagai bahan baku bioethanol. Pemuliaan tanaman sorgum manis dilakukan dengan teknik mutasi induksi menggunakan radiasi sinar gamma di Pusat Riset dan Teknologi Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi (PRTAIR), Organesasi Riset Teknologi Nuklir (ORTN). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan mutan yang memiliki karakteristik pertumbuhan dan hasil yang lebih baik dari tanaman induknya. Sebanyak 9 galur mutan harapan sorgum manis telah dihasilkan memiliki sifat produksi biji dan biomasa tinggi serta batang lebih manis. Galur-galur mutan harapan tersebut pada musim kemarau 2020 diuji daya hasilnya di Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Galur mutan GH9 menghasilkan biji tertinggi (8.37 t/ha), GH5 memiliki produksi biomassa tertinggi (75.47 t/ha) dan GH1 memiliki kadar nira tertinggi (14.22 % brix)
Perbaikan Komoditas Sorgum sebagai Pangan dan Bioenergi melalui Pemuliaan Mutasi Radiasi
Sorgum termasuk tanaman multiguna dan memiliki potensi yang baik untuk dikembangkan di Indonesia. Biji sorgum dapat digunakan untuk pangan dan batangnya dapat menghasilkan air nira, sebagai bahan baku minuman segar dan energi (bioetanol).Selain itu,hijauan daun dan batangnya dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber pakan ternak ruminansia. Sorgum bukan tanaman asli Indonesia, maka keragaman genetik yang ada masih sangat terbatas. Upaya untuk perbaikan dan peningkatan keragaman genetik sorgum dapat dilakukan dengan pemuliaan mutasi. Di Pusat Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi (PAIR), Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (BATAN), Iptek nuklir dimanfaatkan dalam pemuliaan mutasi tanaman bertujuan untuk memperbaiki beberapa sifat tanaman. Penelitian pemuliaan tanaman sorgum dengan teknik mutasi induksi memanfaatkan sinar gamma bersumber Cobalt-60, untuk memperbaiki sifat-sifat agronomi dan kualitas sorgum sebagai sumber pangan dan energi (bioetanol). Beberapa varietas dan galur mutan sorgum telah diperoleh, yang selanjutnya galur-galur tersebut akan diteliti lebih lanjut sesuai dengan tujuan dan pemanfaatannya
Forage-Yield and Nutrient Quality of New Brown Midrib (BMR) Mutant Lines of Sorghum
The objective of this study was to evaluate the yield, nutrient profile and in vitro digestibility of new BMR mutant lines of sorghum in Indonesia. These mutant lines were GH2.1, GH2.2, GH2.3, GH4.1, GH4.2, GH4.3 and GH4.4. One sorghum mutant line (CTY) and two national sorghum varieties (Super 1 and Bioguma) were also evaluated as controls. In vitro digestibility and rumen fermentation were measured using Ankom Daisy Fermenter and Hohenheim gas test methods, respectively. In vitro measurement consisted of ten treatments with five replications following a completely randomized design. The highest stem sugar content was found in Bioguma (11.22%) and GH4.4 (9.32%) (p<0.05). The Bioguma variety and the GH2.3 mutant line had a higher number of stem segments and fresh forage yield than the Super 1 variety (p<0.05). A greater concentration of crude protein (CP) was observed for the GH.2.1, GH2.2, GH2.3 and GH4.1 lines (p<0.05). The GH2.3 mutant line had the lowest acid detergent lignin (ADL) content (p<0.05), while Bioguma had the highest level of non-fibre carbohydrate (NFC) compounds (p<0.05). The highest relative feed value (RFV) was observed for the GH2.3 line (p<0.05). Furthermore, GH4.2 and GH2.3 had greater in vitro true digestibility (IVTD) (p<0.05) but were not significantly different from Bioguma. Regarding yield characteristics, nutrient composition and in vitro digestibility values, the highest values were found in the Bioguma variety and the GH2.3 mutant line. Except for n-valerate (nC5), significant differences in all rumen fermentation parameters were observed among sorghum cultivars (p<0.05). Regarding the interrelationship between parameters, we found a medium correlation of DMD with the ADL and cellulose content of sorghum forage (R2 = -0.489 and R2 = -0.674, respectively). Based on these findings, the GH2.3 BMR mutant line should be further developed as forage sorghum