7 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Timbunan Sampah untuk menjaga Citra Industri Pariwisata pada daya tarik Wisata di Bali

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    Bali is one of the islands with tourism potential that has grown rapidly. The fame of Bali Island tourism is well known to all corners of the world. Many of the people's daily activities become a tourist attraction for both domestic and foreign tourists. Every activity, especially those that give rise to this tourist attraction, produces waste both on a household and industrial scale. The waste produced is almost found in all sectors of activity, one of which is the tourism industry which is currently very much still moving. The increase in waste generation has prompted the government of Bali through the issuance of the Governor of Bali Regulation number 97 of 2018 concerning the limitation of single-use plastic waste, which shows the seriousness of the waste problem. Waste generation, especially in tourist attraction, has the potential to change the view of tourists on the image of Bali tourism. This research explores community movements both spontaneously and in an organized manner, such as the Trash Hero Indonesia community and other community activities that care about the high waste generation. It is hoped that alternative activities will be obtained to help reduce the generation of plastic waste that supports the implementation of Bali Governor Regulation number 97 of 2018. Activities from the community are expected to be able to maintain and provide a positive legacy for future generations

    Peranan Batik Bakaran Sebagai Cenderamata Khas Kecamatan Juwana

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    There are several factors that make a product can be categorized as a souvenir typical of a region. Among them is having the distinctiveness of a place or unique, relative price, can be carried by hand, has a value of reminiscence, is able to be awarded and have the memory of events from somewhere. Typical regional products Juwana one of them is Batik Offering. This study aims to determine whether Batik Bakaran fulfills the criteria for a souvenir and development efforts. The study was conducted using qualitative method by conducting depth interviews with informants. Informants are looking for is a trader and craftsmen Batik Bakaran, and buyers who frequently use the product Batik Offering. Based on research data obtained, Batik Bakaran can be called as souvenirs of the District Juwana because it has a strong characteristic 5 of the 6 available. For development efforts that have been made for this, among others, by utilizing technology to introduce the product, participated in the exhibition to get a new variation of the motif.   REFERENCES Budiono,  B.,  dan  Vincent,  A. (2011). Batik Industry of Indonesia: The Rise, Fall and Prospects. University of Pancasila. Collins-Kreiner,   N.,   dan   Zins,   Y.(2010). Tourists and  Souvenirs:  change  through time,  space  and  meaning.  University  of Haifa. Darnawi. (2011). Pengaruh  Konsep  Bauran Pemasaran terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen     dan     Keputusan     Membeli Produk    Batik    di    Malioboro. Tesis: Program  Pasca  Sarjana,  Sekolah  Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pariwisata Indonesia. Dora,P.E.,  dan  Poetiray,S.G. (2012).The  Role of     Basic     Design     Course     In     The Introduction  And  Development  Of  Local Culture Values. Universitas Petra Surabaya. Hamzuri. (1989). Batik   Klasik   (Classical Batik). Jakarta: Djambatan. Hoven,  E.v.d.,  dan  Eggen,  B.  (2005). Personal souvenirs  as  Ambient  Intelligent  Objects . Eindhoven University of Technology. Indonesian  Batik:  A  Cultural  Beauty. (2008). Departemen Perdagangan Republik Indonesia. Jakarta: Balitbangdag. Kusumaningtyas,  R.F. (2009). Perlindungan Hak   Cipta   atas   Motif   Batik Sebagai Warisan Budaya Bangsa (Studi Terhadap Karya Seni Tradisional Kraton Surakarta.   Tesis.   Semarang:   Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Diponegoro. Mijoc,  J.,  Hornis,  M.,  Tomasevic.  N.,  dan Horvat,  J. (2011). Book  As  A  Souvenir: Partnership  Between  TourismPotentials, Cultural Identity Promotion and Publisher’s  Profits .  Statistical  Yearbook of the Republic of Croatia. Murtadlo,  A. (2013). Upaya  Pengembangan Usaha  Pengrajin  Batik  Malangan  (Studi Kasus di Desa ruju     Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Wetan Kabupaten Malang). Universitas Brawijaya. Nomura,    M. (2002). Souvenir    Purchase Patterns of Domestic Tourists. University of inconsin-Stout. Oparinde,  S.S. (2012). Batik  As  A  Cultural Identity  Of  The  Yoruba:Hand  Colouring Techniques  And  Applications,  Possibility Of   Adaptations.   International   Refereed Research Journal. Purwaningtyas,N.E., Widiarto,T.,dan Purwiyastuti,W.(2014). Potensi  Batik Bakaran Dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata di Kabupaten Pati. Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga. Rahayu, K. (2008). Upaya Perlindungan Batik Lasem Oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Rembang Tesis.    Semarang:    Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Diponegoro. Sarwosri, A. J., (2010). Upaya Pemberdayaan Perempuan dalam Pengembangan Wisata Budaya  Batik  (Study  Kasus  Kampoeng Batik Laweyan Surakarta).Tesis: Program   Pascasarjana,   Sekolah   Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pariwisata Indonesia. Wilkins.,  H. (2009). Souvenis:  What  and  why we buy”. Griffith University. ---(2015). Sejarah   Batik   Bakaran   Juwana-Pati.(http://patikab.go.id/2014/08/09/sejarah-batik-bakaran-juwanapati/,  diakses  12 Agustus 2015). ---(2015)Perajin  Berharap  Pesanan  Batik Tak Mandek.(http://berita.suaramerdeka.com/smcetak/category/smcetak/ Perajin Berharap  Pesanan  Batik  Tak  Mandek  _ Cetak  Suara Merdeka  dot  com,  diakses  6 Januari 2016

    Peranan Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Tiket Masuk Desa Penglipuran

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    Pariwisata Digital Pada Objek Wisata Dengan Aplikasi

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    Current technological advances are inevitable we must follow along with the development of such a rapid era. Starting from the 1.0 era until now that is being launched is industry 5.0. Moreover, the existence of the Covid-19 Pandemic that is currently happening is quite hitting many industries ranging from garment, automotive, trade to tourism. Since February 2020 there has been a decline in tourist arrivals due to restrictions on visits from various countries. Bali tourism also felt the impact and began to have an impact on the lack of visits to various tourist attractions. This research will try to raise the design of a tourism digitally by using a Zoneminder application so that tourism objects can be seen directly at that moment. The concept of the design using Zoneminder is expected to be able to present new experiences in traveling for tourists and still help managers of attractions to remain creative and get donations in presenting attractions in the form of direct donations or advertising. Keywords: Tourism; Zoneminder; Covi

    Efektivitas Praktikum Industri Perjalanan Di Masa Pandemi

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    Practicum as one of the learning media is a process that is eagerly awaited by every student. The practicum process makes the application of theory in school even to finding new theories based on recent research with certain variables. Travel industry practicum as a form of learning for tourism students, becomes a synchronization of theory with practice in the field. At present, the travel industry practicum that runs during the COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge. How to carry out learning in the field but stay safe from the covid-19 virus. This research will try to explore the level of effectiveness in carrying out the travel industry practicum with all its problems during the covid-19 pandemic. It is hoped that after digging up information about the effectiveness of the practicum, it is possible to make a model that can be applied during a special period as it is currently happening

    Upacara Bamula Sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata Budaya Di Desa Ajung Kecamatan Tebing Tinggi Kabupaten Balangan Kalimantan Selatan

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    Kalimantan Selatan menyimpan permata untuk dikagumi. Kalimantan Selatan juga dikenal sebagai Suku Dayak Meratus yang sangat menjunjung tinggi tradisi leluhur salah satunya Suku Dayak Kaharingan, Bentuk adat atau upacara adat pada suku Dayak Hindu Kaharingan tidak sama dengan pada agama Hindu di Jawa atau Bali. Hal ini dikarenakan Hindu Kaharingan memiliki identitas dan sejarah yang berbeda jika ditelaah dari adat, tradisi dan budaya. Salah satu bentuk pengembangan wisata budaya adalah Upacara Bamula di Desa Ajung, upacara ini bertujuan sebagai ucapan terima kasih kepada Bahatara Sri yang telah memberikan limpahan dalam bertani. Selain fungsi sakralnya, upacara ini juga sangat menarik untuk dikunjungi wisatawan lokal karena memiliki dua fakta yang bertolak belakang, yaitu kegiatan ritual sakral dan minimnya komunikasi antar generasi. Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah diatas maka peneliti merumuskan 3 masalah yaitu (1) Bagaimana Prosesi Upacara Bamula? (2) Bagaimana Bentuk Upacara Bamula ?(3) Bagaimana Dampak dari Upacara Bamula ?. Permasalahan di atas dikaji dengan beberapa teori. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori religi, komodifikasi dan dampak pariwisata. Selain itu, beberapa metode yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data yaitu metode observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka dan diuraikan dengan metode deskriptif, sehingga diperoleh kesimpulan yang komprehensif. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) pelaksanaan Upacara Bamula yang, a) tempat upacara disebut Balai, b) sasaji upacara terdiri dari kemenyan, nasi hanyar (baru), ayam bakar, lamang, ketupat, cucur, gayam, pais, nasi lamak, telur ayam, suling, sumur habang, sumur hijau, sumur kuning, pisaat, buah-buahan, dan tumbuhan, c) Pemimpin dalam pelaksanaan upacara disebut Balian. Rangkaian pelaksanaan Upacara Bamula terdiri dari musyawarah, mangayu, membeli makanan, membuat sesaji, acara inti, dan penutupan. Bentuk Upacara Bamula sebagai paket wisata budaya di Desa Ajung terdiri dari a) Proses Produksi b) Proses Distribusi c) Proses Konsumsi. (3) Dampak Upacara Bamula terdiri dari a) Dampak ekonomi b) Dampak sosial budaya c) Dampak lingkungan Kata kunci: Upacara Bamula, Daya Tarik Wisata, Buday