9 research outputs found

    Reader-Response Study on Characteristics of Arafo Women in Nodeko’s Web Manga Dokushin OL No Tatemae To Honne

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    This research aimed to analyzed the responses of readers regarding the characteristics of Arafo women in web manga. In this case, the researchers want to see the responses of the readers regarding occupation, marriage, and the lifestyle of Arafo women. With the reception theory by Hall, it could be seen whether the message from the author of the web manga about Arafo women can be fully understood or interpreted differently by the readers. This research used a qualitative method with the research steps; namely identifying the suitable respondents, planning the instruments in the form of the list of questions for an interview, collecting data through field study (related to interview), and literature review (related to the written data). Data analysis was performed with stages; namely processing the result of the interview, reducing data, grouping data, interpreting data, and concluding data. The research result shows that there are three types of readers based on the theory of Hall; namely dominant/hegemonic position regarding age and occupation of Arafo women, the negotiated position related to issue of independence, and oppositional position related to issues of spouse and marriage. Different feedbacks from the readers on the same text are affected by some factors; namely knowledge about the condition of Japanese society and Arafo women, a difference of experience, and difference of perspective

    Kesepadanan Pada Penerjemahan Kata Bermuatan Budaya Jepang Ke Dalam Bahasa Indonesia : Studi Kasus Dalam Novel Botchan Karya Natsume Soseki Dan Terjemahannya Botchan Si Anak Bengal Oleh Jonjon Johana

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    There are many ways that could be done to introduce unique culture of a country to the International world; one of them is through translation works. This can be seen through Japanese literary works, which are translated into other languages. Botchan is one of the best literary works from Natsume Soseki that was translated into several languages, including Indonesian language, with the title of the translation Botchan Si Anak Bengal by Jonjon Johana. This novel tells the story about the life of Botchan, a teacher, who faces several conflicts. In this novel, there are many cultural terms so that when they are translated, they would trigger some difficulties because some of the terms still do not have equivalences in target language. The material cultural terms include foods, clothes, houses and their parts, places, and means of transportation. They can be found in the words geisha, kimono, soba, and so on. This research analyzed the equivalence in the translation with the informant as the benchmark to know whether the message in the target text is equivalent with the source text. This method is based on dynamic equivalence concept by Nida and Taber (1974:12). Based on the informant, the methods and techniques used by translator in maintaining the equivalence of message were analyzed. The used theory was the translation methods for cultural terms by Newmark (1988) and translation techniques by Catford (1965) and Hoed (2006). The research showed that the cultural terms were not easy to translate since they were related to the context of culture in the source language. It can be seen from the existing translation data showing two characteristics of equivalent translation that can be achieved through several methods, the understanding of language and culture of source language and target language; the use of suitable translation procedure and technique (transference, cultural equivalence, descriptive translation, transposition, modulation, additional explanation, and standard translation); and the right choice of word based on the intention of the author of novel

    Interferensi Morfologi dan Sintaksis Bahasa Indonesia Terhadap Bahasa Jepang Pada Pembuatan Kalimat Pasif Bahasa Jepang oleh Pembelajar Bahasa Jepang

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    This study aims to explain the forms of morphological and syntactic interference of the Indonesian language in Japanese language learners' production of Japanese passive sentences. The data were then analyzed as errors because of the two interference. Research data was obtained through an open questionnaire distributed to Japanese Literature Study Program students during the 4th semester at Brawijaya University. Based on the research, the total forms of morphological interference found were 47. Morphological interference in the transfer of morphemes was the most common, namely 42 or 89%, followed by the removal of grammatical categories, as much as 4 or 9% and the most diminutive replicas of grammatical functions, as much as 1 or 2%. Meanwhile, syntactic interference is 33. The number of syntactic interference in phrase patterns is 22 or 69%, and syntactic interference in sentence patterns is 11 or 31%. Based on the data on the findings of morphological and syntactic interference in the Indonesian language, the form of errors following Parera's (1997) theory is 55. The number of 52 or 94% production errors is the highest, followed by a decrease of 2 or 4%; and the least is overproduction of 1 or 2%. Keywords : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Japanese Education Journal Japanese Morphology Japanese Syntax Japanese Passive Voice Japanese Language Educatio

    A Discourse of Beauty Standards in Japanese Beauty Product Advertise-ment (Japanese Women Perspective)

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    This study uses a Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis to analyze advertisements' textual and visual elements and discursive and sociocultural analysis of beauty product advertisements in Japan. Data were taken and studied from several examples of beauty product advertisements and interviews with seven Japanese women as informants about the discourse in beauty product advertisements. In addition, the speakers were also asked to express their opinions regarding the beauty standards in Japanese society today. The results show that advertising has a role in reproducing and maintaining the standard of beauty in Japanese society. The image of women with clean and shining white skin is still the standard for Japanese women. Taglines and beauty products in Japan offer clean white skin as demanded in Japanese society. From this, it is also known that advertising producers use beauty constructions formed in society to make advertisements for beauty products. This causes the discourse on Japanese beauty standards to persist in Japanese society

    The Image of Female Ideal Body in Advertisements of the Slimming Product in Indonesia: A Critical Discourse Analysis

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    Slimming products have been continuously produced, while advertisements used for marketing these products increase in number. Advertisement of these slimming products shows an image of the ideal female body that is promised to be achieved if consumers use the offered products. Advertisement of these slimming products becomes one of the facilities to spread and maintain an ideology of beauty in society. The ideology can influence and shape the perspective of society related to beauty stereotypes that are later made a benchmark in assessing a person. Many people are disadvantaged by these beauty stereotypes spread in society. This research aims to reveal the construction of the image of the ideal female body in an advertisement of the slimming products through three dimensions of Critical Discourse Analysis, as Fairclough (2014) stated. These three dimensions are the text analysis phase, discursive practice analysis phase, and sociocultural praxis analysis phase. Besides analyzing verbal and non-verbal aspects in the selected advertisements, the researcher also interviewed 10 (ten) women to identify the perspective of Indonesian women to the beauty discourse existing in advertisement and society. The results of the study revealed that beauty discourse, as shown in the advertisement, was internalized by women as participants in this research. In this case, discourse related to the ideal female body image is still persistent in society

    Analisis Makna Idiom Bahasa Jepang Yang Terbentuk Dari Kata Warna

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    Salah satu keunikan bahasa Jepang terletak pada pemakaian idiom atau dalam bahasa Jepang disebut kanyouku. Kanyouku memiliki 2 makna yaitu makna leksikal dan makna idiomatikal. Makna leksikal adalah makna kata dari unsur pembentuk kanyouku tersebut, sedangkan makna idiomatikal adalah makna dari gabungan dua kata atau lebih yang ada pada idiom. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis akan menfokuskan untuk analisis makna kanyouku warna merah, biru, hijau, hitam, putih, kuning, abu-abu dan ungu. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori dari Sutedi dan Hattayanan dalam menganalisis kanyouku. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif, dengan sumber data dari artikel di internet. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 15 data kanyouku warna. Kemudian hasilnya adalah kanyouku merah sebanyak 4 data, biru 3 data, kuning 2 data, hitam 2 data, putih 2 data, abu 1 data dan ungu 1 data. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa makna leksikal dan idiomatikal pada kanyouku berbeda. Relasi makna warna yang ada pada kanyouku tersebut melambangkan makna warna bagi masyarakat Jepang sesuai dengan teori Haruna (2019) dan Hattayanan (2014:58). Pada penelitian berikutnya disarankan lebih dalam meneliti tentang kanyouku, tidak hanya kanyouku warna saja tetapi kanyouku dari unsur kata yang lain

    KESEPADANAN PADA PENERJEMAHAN KATA BERMUATAN BUDAYA JEPANG KE DALAM BAHASA INDONESIA : Studi Kasus dalam Novel Botchan Karya Natsume Soseki dan Terjemahannya Botchan Si Anak Bengal oleh Jonjon Johana

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    There are many ways that could be done to introduce unique culture of a country to the international world; one of them is through translation works.  This can be seen through Japanese literary works, which are translated into other languages.  Botchan is one of the best literary works from Natsume Soseki that was translated into several languages, including Indonesian language, with the title of the translation Botchan Si Anak Bengal by Jonjon Johana. This novel tells the story about the life of Botchan, a teacher, who faces several conflicts. In this novel, there are many cultural terms so that when they are translated, they would trigger some difficulties because some of the terms still do not have equivalences in target language.  The material cultural terms include foods, clothes, houses and their parts, places, and means of transportation. They can be found in the words geisha, kimono, soba, and so on. This research analyzed the equivalence in the translation with the informant as the benchmark to know whether the message in the target text is equivalent with the source text. This method is based on dynamic equivalence concept by Nida and Taber (1974:12). Based on the informant, the methods and techniques used by translator in maintaining the equivalence of message were analyzed. The used theory was the translation methods for cultural terms by Newmark (1988) and translation techniques by Catford (1965) and Hoed (2006). The research showed that the cultural terms were not easy to translate since they were related to the context of culture in the source language. It can be seen from the existing translation data showing two characteristics of equivalent translation that can be achieved through several methods, the understanding of language and culture of source language and target language; the use of suitable translation procedure and technique (transference, cultural equivalence, descriptive translation, transposition, modulation, additional explanation, and standard translation); and the right choice of word based on the intention of the author of novel. </p

    Penggunaan Ungkapan Terima Kasih Bahasa Jepang Pada Situasi Bekerja Dalam Drama Haken no Hinkaku (2020) (Tinjauan Sosiolinguistik)

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    Ungkapan terima kasih bahasa Jepang merupakan salah satu ungkapan yang sangat penting untuk memelihara keharmonisan sosial dan membangun solidaritas antarindividu. Misalnya pada situasi bekerja, jika penggunaan tidak tepat akan menyebabkan hubungan dan aktivitas tidak berjalan dengan lancar. Pada drama Haken no Hinkaku (2020) mencerminkan kehidupan bersosial masyarakat Jepang pada situasi bekerja. Dalam drama ini terdapat banyak ungkapan terima kasih, terutama penggunaan yang dilatarbelakangi oleh faktor sosial budaya masyarakat Jepang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Permasalahan ungkapan terima kasih dibahas melalui kajian sosiolinguistik dengan tujuan untuk mengungkapkan faktor-faktor sosial budaya yang melatarbelakangi ungkapan terima kasih pada situasi bekerja. Untuk dapat mengungkapkan faktor-faktor tersebut digunakan teori Davies dan Ikeno, Lebra, Ide Sachiko. Hasil dari penelitian ini terdapat 9 bentuk ungkapan terima kasih pada sumber data. Contohnya; “arigatou”, “arigatou gozaimasu”, “arigatou gozaimashita”,“doumo”, “sankyu”, “otsukaresama deshita”,“gokurousama”,“osewa ni narimashita”, dan “sumimasen”. Faktor sosial budaya yang memengaruhi bentuk ungkapan terima kasih yang digunakan meliput uchi-soto, jouge kankei, dan pola interaksi masyarakat Jepang

    Pelanggaran Prinsip Kerjasama dalam Implikatur pada Tuturan Karakter Tsundere dalam Anime Toradora

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    Manusia merupakan makhluk sosial yang pasti melakukan interaksi atau komunikasi. Kegiatan komunikasi juga dapat terjadi dalam sebuah film, drama, atau animasi. Syarat terciptanya suatu komunikasi yang baik menurut Grice (1991) adalah dengan mematuhi prinsip kerjasama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik/ciri khas tuturan serta pelanggaran prinsip kerjasama dalam implikatur yang disebabkan oleh cara berkomunikasi yang unik pada karakter yang terdapat dalam animasi Jepang (anime), yaitu tsundere atau karakter yang memiliki sifat malu-malu, cuek, kasar (Junichi, 2009). Tsundere juga sulit mengungkapkan perasaan yang sesungguhnya sehingga menyebabkan ketidaksesuaian ungkapan yang dituturkan dengan yang sebenarnya dirasakan (Galbraith, 2011). Ketidaksesuaian tersebut dapat menjadi suatu implikatur dan dapat mengakibatkan kecenderungan pelanggaran terhadap prinsip kerjasama. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan sumber data yang mengandung tuturan (yang menjadi ciri khas) karakter tsundere oleh karakter Taiga dalam anime berjudul Toradora. Data-data tersebut dianalisis menggunakan teori pragmatik oleh Mey dalam Subroto (2011), teori karakteristik tuturan tsundere oleh Junichi (2009) dan teori prinsip kerjasama oleh Grice (1991). Dalam 25 episode, ditemukan sebanyak 114 tuturan yang termasuk ke dalam ciri khas karakter tsundere dan dalam ke 114 data tersebut, ditemukan sebanyak 68 data yang mengandung implikatur serta pelanggaran prinsip kerjasama