5 research outputs found

    Mediación de estrategias de comprensión lectora en la relación de la autoeficacia académica y la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes universitarios

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    La adquisición de los nuevos aprendizajes se logra en gran medida a través de la lectura, pero muchos estudiantes universitarios tienen dificultades para poder comprender los textos que leen y esto les genera diversos problemas durante su vida universitaria, como el bajo rendimiento académico y la deserción, por lo que este estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer la mediación de las estrategias de comprensión lectora en la relación de la autoeficacia académica y la comprensión lectora en estudiantes universitarios. La muestra estuvo conformada por 497 estudiantes del primer año de las carreras de Comunicaciones e Ingeniería de Sistemas de una universidad pública (153) y una privada (344), y se emplearon los instrumentos: Escala de Autoeficacia Percibida Específica de Situaciones Académicas (EAPESA) (adaptada por Dominguez, Villegas, Yauri, Mattos y Ramírez, 2012) para evaluar la autoeficacia, el test de Cloze (González, 1998) para la comprensión lectora y el Cuestionario de Evaluación de Estrategias de Comprensión Lectora-CEECOL, adaptado y diseñado por la autora de este estudio, respectivamente. Los resultados muestran que las estrategias de comprensión lectora median completamente la asociación entre la autoeficacia académica y la comprensión lectora. Además, se hallaron correlaciones significativas entre las estrategias de comprensión lectora y la autoeficacia académica, las mujeres usan con mayor frecuencia las estrategias de comprensión lectora, los estudiantes de Comunicaciones utilizan más las estrategias de comprensión que sus pares de Ingeniería de Sistemas y que el nivel de comprensión lectora de los estudiantes es deficitario-malo

    Muscle temperature analysis, using thermal imaging, applied to the treatment of muscle recovery

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    The images help in the different processes where a visual interpretation of a scene is required, in this sense we find many applications where images are used to analyze, interpret and classify certain objects within the image, there are different types of images generated by different sensors, in this paper describes a method to analyze the behavior of the muscle, mainly of the knee, when performing rehabilitation exercises, coupled with an optical image where you can see the state of the muscle and the location, the method proposed as a super position between optical and thermal images, with the intention of being able to know the state of the optical image and to have the same image with information of the behavior of the temperature, the super position that we propose is to have as a base the optical image and on placing the thermal image, the results that are presented are oriented in proposing a new way of analyzing data with thermal information of the behavior of the muscles, by means of a complex image with optical and thermal information, the method is an aid in the treatment of muscular recovery, with the benefits of being scalable and applicable to other muscles and parts of the human body

    Role of self-efficacy in the reading comprehension of university students [El Rol de la autoeficacia en la comprensión Lectora de los estudiantes universitarios]

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    ABSTRACT In the Latin American context, reading comprehension has become more relevant due to its important role in achieving new learning and the low ratings students get in the PISA test, reflecting the difficulties they have educated to understand what they read, generating frustration, temporary abandonment, or desertion of the education system because of poor academic performance. This article of literature review and critical analysis aims to analyze the role of self-efficacy in reading comprehension. Research that addresses both variables in depth and reinforces the theory of the role that the former plays over the latter, as a student with a good level of self-efficacy will set high academic goals, where the compression of texts is crucial, and will persist to achieve them, while with low self-efficacy it will hardly strive to achieve them

    Application of neural networks in the teacher selection process

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    The information and communications technologies are revolutionizing the classic ways of carrying out the processes, in particular, for the teacher selection processes we have the classic form of evaluation, according to the criteria of each educational institution, in the present work it is presented a teacher selection model, using neural networks, using 3 criteria and 23 characteristics, which are entered into individual networks for each criterion and additionally a network for the final classification, is presented based on a prototype, an application developed with the computational tool Matlab, which is described in detail for its application and scaling, for purposes of measuring the performance of the network, evaluations were carried out with a group of 30 candidates, grouped into two groups, a group of 15 candidates with positive conditions complying with the policies of the educational institution and a second group with candidates who do not meet the policies of the educational institution, with which sensitivity values ​​of 93% and a specificity level of 86% were obtained, we conclude that the model presented can be replicated and conditioned to the needs and policies of each educational institution

    Muscle temperature analysis, using thermal imaging, applied to the treatment of muscle recovery

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    The images help in the different processes where a visual interpretation of a scene is required, in this sense we find many applications where images are used to analyze, interpret and classify certain objects within the image, there are different types of images generated by different sensors, in this paper describes a method to analyze the behavior of the muscle, mainly of the knee, when performing rehabilitation exercises, coupled with an optical image where you can see the state of the muscle and the location, the method proposed as a super position between optical and thermal images, with the intention of being able to know the state of the optical image and to have the same image with information of the behavior of the temperature, the super position that we propose is to have as a base the optical image and on placing the thermal image, the results that are presented are oriented in proposing a new way of analyzing data with thermal information of the behavior of the muscles, by means of a complex image with optical and thermal information, the method is an aid in the treatment of muscular recovery, with the benefits of being scalable and applicable to other muscles and parts of the human body