4,205 research outputs found

    Color Superconductivity and Radius of Quark Star in Extended NJL Model by Using the Dimensional Regularization

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    A radius of a dense star on the color superconducting phase is investigated in an extended NJL type model with two flavors of quarks. Since the model is non-renormalizable, the results depend on the regularization procedure. Here we apply the dimensional regularization and evaluate the radius of a dense star. Evaluating the TOV equation, we show the relationship between mass and radius of the dense star in the dimensional regularization.Comment: 4 pages.To appear in the proceedings of 7th Workshop on Quantum Field Theory Under the Influence of External Conditions (QFEXT 05), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, 5-9 Sep 2005. References are ad

    Influence of QED Corrections on the Orientation of Chiral Symmetry Breaking in the NJL model

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    We study QED corrections to chiral symmetry breaking in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model with two flavors of quarks. In this model, the isospin symmetry is broken by the differences between the current quark masses and the electromagnetic charges of the up and down quarks. To leading order in the 1/N expansion, we calculate the effective potential of the model with one-loop QED corrections at finite temperature. Evaluating the effective potential, we study the influence of the isospin symmetry breaking on the orientation of chiral symmetry breaking. The current quark mass plays an essential role in maintaining the orientation of the chiral symmetry breaking. If the average of the up and down quark masses is small enough, we find a phase in which the pion field has non-vanishing expectation value and dynamical CP violation takes place.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures; added discussion about pion mass differenc

    Regularization dependence on phase diagram in Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

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    We study the regularization dependence on meson properties and the phase diagram of quark matter by using the two flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. We find that the meson properties and the phase structure do not show drastically difference depending the regularization procedures. We also find that the location or the existence of the critical end point highly depends on the regularization methods and the model parameters. Then we think that regularization and parameters are carefully considered when one investigates the QCD critical end point in the effective model studies.Comment: 28 page

    Radiative Symmetry Breaking and Dynamical Origin of Cosmological Constant in ϕ4\phi^4 Theory with Non-Linear Curvature Coupling

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    A scalar self-interacting theory non-linearly coupled with some power of the curvature have a possibility to explain the current smallness of the cosmological constant. Here one concentrate on a massless scalar field in the four-dimensional Fridmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) spacetime with flat spatial part. One show the phase structure of radiative symmetry breaking and review a dynamical resolution of the cosmological constant problem.Comment: 9 pages. To appear in the proceedings of 7th Workshop on Quantum Field Theory Under the Influence of External Conditions (QFEXT 05), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, 5-9 Sep 200

    Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model in Curved Space-Time

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    The phase structure of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with N-component fermions in curved space-time is studied in the leading order of the 1/N expansion. The effective potential for composite operator ψˉψ\bar{\psi}\psi is calculated by using the normal coordinate expansion in the Schwinger proper-time method. The existence of the first-order phase transition caused by the change of the space-time curvature is confirmed and the dynamical mass of the fermion is calculated as a simultaneous function of the curvature and the four-fermion coupling constant. The phase diagram in the curvature and the coupling constant is obtained.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures not included, uses LaTeX, HUPD-931

    Non-Minimal Two-Loop Inflation

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    We investigate the chaotic inflationary model using the two-loop effective potential of a self-interacting scalar field theory in curved spacetime. We use the potential which contains a non-minimal scalar curvature coupling and a quartic scalar self-interaction. We analyze the Lyapunov stability of de Sitter solution and show the stability bound. Calculating the inflationary parameters, we systematically explore the spectral index nsn_s and the tensor-to-scalar ratio rr, with varying the four parameters, the scalar-curvature coupling ξ0\xi_0, the scalar quartic coupling λ0\lambda_0, the renormalization scale μ\mu and the e-folding number NN. It is found that the two-loop correction on nsn_s is much larger than the leading-log correction, which has previously been studied. We show that the model is consistent with the observation by Planck with WMAP and a recent joint analysis of BICEP2.Comment: 11pages, 7figure

    An alternative attractor in gauged NJL inflation

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    We have investigated the attractor structure for the CMB fluctuations in composite inflation scenario within the gauged Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model. Such composite inflation represents an attractor which can not be found in a fundamental scalar model. As is known, the number of inflationary models contains the attractor classified by the α\alpha-attractor model. It is found that the attractor inflation in the gauged NJL model corresponds to the α=2\alpha = 2 case.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Nonet meson properties in Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with dimensional versus cutoff regularization

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    Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model with Kobayashi-Maskawa-'t Hooft (KMT) term is one of low energy effective theory of QCD which includes the UA(1)U_A(1) anomaly. We investigate nonet meson properties in this model with three flavors of quarks. We employ two type of regularizations the dimensional and sharp cutoff ones. The model parameters are fixed phenomenologically for each regularization. Evaluating the kaon decay constant, the η\eta meson mass and the topological susceptibility, we show the regularization dependence of the results and discuss the applicability of the NJL model.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure