22 research outputs found

    Mediterranean Diet beyond the Mediterranean Basin: Chronic Disease Prevention and Treatment

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    The Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) is considered one of the healthiest dietary patterns. Current scientific evidence supports that this dietary pattern is associated with lower prevalence and incidence of a number of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and age-related cognitive decline as well as reduced overall mortality. The Mediterranean diet includes a wide variety of foods that are eaten in moderation and enjoyed in a positive social environment. It is characterized by a high intake of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fish and seafood, white meats, olive oil, herbs, and spices paired with moderate consumption of fermented dairy products and wine and low intake of red meat, butter, and sugar. The generic term “Mediterranean diet” was coined in the Seven Countries Study led by Ancel Keys in the 1950s. Yet, in spite of its name, this dietary pattern and its benefits are not confined exclusively to the Mediterranean Basin. Among other world regions, Central Chile exhibits climate, agriculture, and culinary traditions similar to various Mediterranean countries. It is therefore essential to increase awareness about the Mediterranean-like richness of both produce and culinary culture beyond the Mediterranean Basin. Active promotion of this dietary pattern may offer health benefits and improve the quality of life in many populations worldwide

    Modulation of 1,2-Dicarbonyl Compounds in Postprandial Responses Mediated by Food Bioactive Components and Mediterranean Diet

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    Glycoxidative stress with the consequent generation of advanced glycation end products has been implied in the etiology of numerous non-communicable chronic diseases. During the postprandial state, the levels of 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds can increase, depending on numerous factors, including characteristics of the subjects mainly related to glucose metabolism disorders and nutritional status, as well as properties related to the chemical composition of meals, including macronutrient composition and the presence of dietary bioactive molecules and macromolecules. In this review, we examine the chemical, biochemical, and physiological pathways that contribute to postprandial generation of 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds. The modulation of postprandial 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds is discussed in terms of biochemical pathways regulating the levels of these compounds, as well as the effect of phenolic compounds, dietary fiber, and dietary patterns, such as Mediterranean and Western diets

    Estimación de la fijación biológica de nitrógeno en leguminosas forrajeras mediante la metodología del 15N.

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    Se estudió la contribución de la fijación biológica de N2 (FBN) en cuatro leguminosas forrajeras, trébol blanco (Trifolium repens L.), trébol rosado (Trifolium pratense L.), trébol subterráneo (Trifolium subterraneum L.) y alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), con y sin inoculación específica de rhizobio, mediante la metodología isotópica del Valor A, empleando tres gramíneas, avena (Avena sativa L.), ballica perenne (Lolium perenne L.) y festuca (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) como cultivos de referencia. El estudio se llevó a cabo en un andisol (Typic fulvudand), en el Centro Regional de Investigación Carillanca, del Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, IX Región, Chile, durante tres temporadas. Las dosis aplicadas de N correspondieron a 10 kg ha-1 como sulfato de amonio (10% átomos exceso 15N) para las especies leguminosas y de 30 kg ha-1 como sulfato de amonio (5% átomos exceso 15N) para las gramíneas de referencia. En las muestras de material vegetal se analizó N total (Kjeldahl) y 15N (espectrometría de emisión óptica). Los tres cultivos de referencia mostraron estimaciones similares de la FBN en las leguminosas. La capacidad de FBN alcanzó el 90% en todas las temporadas y para todas las leguminosas. No se encontró efecto significativo respecto a la inoculación con rhizobium, excepto en alfalfa y sólo en la primera temporada. La cantidad de N fijado en todas las temporadas fue alta y con todas las leguminosas, variando entre 60 y 770 kg ha-1 año-1, para trébol subterráneo y alfalfa, respectivamente, ratificando la gran eficiencia del mecanismo de FBN en las leguminosas forrajeras en estudio

    INVESTIGACIÓN - ESTIMACIÓN DE LA FIJACIÓN BIOLÓGICA DE NITRÓGENO EN LEGUMINOSAS FORRAJERAS MEDIANTE LA METODOLOGÍA DEL 15N (Estimation of biological nitrogen fixation in forage legumes using a 15N labeling methodology)

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    Se estudió la contribución de la fijación biológica de N2 (FBN) en cuatro leguminosas forrajeras, trébol blanco (Trifolium repens L.), trébol rosado (Trifolium pratense L.), trébol subterráneo (Trifolium subterraneum L.) y alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), con y sin inoculación específica de rhizobio, mediante la metodología isotópica del Valor A, empleando tres gramíneas, avena (Avena sativa L.), ballica perenne (Lolium perenne L.) y festuca (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) como cultivos de referencia. El estudio se llevó a cabo en un andisol (Typic fulvudand), en el Centro Regional de Investigación Carillanca, del Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, IX Región, Chile, durante tres temporadas. Las dosis aplicadas de N correspondieron a 10 kg ha-1 como sulfato de amonio (10% átomos exceso 15N) para las especies leguminosas y de 30 kg ha-1 como sulfato de amonio (5% átomos exceso 15N) para las gramíneas de referencia. En las muestras de material vegetal se analizó N total (Kjeldahl) y 15N (espectrometría de emisión óptica). Los tres cultivos de referencia mostraron estimaciones similares de la FBN en las leguminosas. La capacidad de FBN alcanzó el 90% en todas las temporadas y para todas las leguminosas. No se encontró efecto significativo respecto a la inoculación con rhizobium, excepto en alfalfa y sólo en la primera temporada. La cantidad de N fijado en todas las temporadas fue alta y con todas las leguminosas, variando entre 60 y 770 kg ha-1 a?o-1, para trébol subterráneo y alfalfa, respectivamente, ratificando la gran eficiencia del mecanismo de FBN en las leguminosas forrajeras en estudio. Estimation of biological nitrogen fixation in forage legumes using a 15N labeling methodology. The contribution of biological nitrogen N2 fixation (FBN) in four forage legumes: white clover (Trifolium repens L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), with and without specific rhizobium inoculation, was evaluated by the A value isotope technique, using three grasses: oats (Avena sativa L.), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) as reference crops. The study was carried out for three years on an andisol (Typic fulvudand), at the Carillanca Regional Research Center of de National Agricultural Research Institute, IX Region, Chile. The dose of N applied was 10 kg N ha-1 using ammonium sulfate (10 atom % 15N excess) for legume species, and 30 kg ha-1 as ammonium sulfate (5 atom % 15N excess) for grass species. Plant samples were analyzed for total N (Kjeldahl) and atom % 15N excess (optical emission spectrometry). All the three reference crops showed similar values of FBN to the legumes. The FBN capacity reached 90% in all seasons and by all the legumes. No significant influence of inoculation with rhizobium was found, except for alfalfa and only in the first season. The quantity of N fixed in all seasons was high and for all the legumes, ranging from 60 to 770 kg ha-1 year-1, for subterranean clover and alfalfa, respectively, confirming the great efficiency of the FBN mechanism on the forage legumes under study

    Wine grape pomace flour improves blood pressure, fasting glucose and protein damage in humans: a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: The Mediterranean diet is a healthy diet with positive scientific evidence of preventing chronic diseases. Bioactive components support the healthy properties of the Mediterranean diet. Antioxidants and fiber, two components of the Mediterranean diet, are key functional nutrients for healthy eating and nutrition. Wine grape pomace is a rich source of these dietary constituents and may be beneficial for human health. Our hypothesis was that the intake of red wine grape pomace flour (WGPF) prepared from red wine grapes (Cabernet Sauvignon variety) reduced the metabolic syndrome in humans. To evaluate the effect of WGPF on components of metabolic syndrome we design a 16-week longitudinal intervention study. Thirty-eight males, 30-65 years of age, with at least one component of metabolic syndrome, were randomly assigned to either the intervention group (n = 25) or the control group (n = 13). At lunch, the intervention group was given 20 g of WGPF per day, which contained 10 g of dietary fiber, 822 mg of polyphenols and an antioxidant capacity of 7258 ORAC units. Both groups were asked to maintain their regular eating habits and lifestyles. Clinical evaluation, anthropometric measurements and biochemical blood analyses were done at the beginning and the end of the study. RESULTS: WGPF intake significantly decreased systolic and diastolic blood pressure as well as fasting glucose levels. Plasma γ-tocopherol and δ-tocopherol increased and carbonyl group in plasma protein decreased in WGPT group, significantly. No significant effect was observed for waist circumference, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, total antioxidant capacity and vitamin C in and between groups. The group-dependent magnitude of the differences between the baseline and final postprandial insulin values and γ-tocopherol concentrations was statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: The consumption of WGPF-rich in fiber and polyphenol antioxidants, as a food supplement in a regular diet improves blood pressure, glycaemia and postprandial insulin. In addition, increased antioxidant defenses and decreased oxidative protein damage indicating attenuation of oxidative stress. WGPF might be a useful food ingredient for health promotion and chronic disease prevention


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    La logística hoy constituye una clave de diferenciación competitiva entre las empresas, es por ello que: disponer de un modelo de referencia que refleje las principales características que definen la organización y gestión logística de las empresas líderes internacionalmente, para que mediante un proceso de benchmarking cada empresa pueda determinar las principales debilidades que deben ser objeto de estrategias de desarrollo con vistas a acelerar la evolución de su logística, deviene en una poderosa herramienta. Aquí se presenta el resultado de un estudio que, desde 1999, desarrolla el Laboratorio de Logística y Gestión de la Producción (LOGESPRO) de la CUJAE sobre el estado de la logística en las empresas cubanas. Como conclusión fundamental se ha llegado a definir que las empresas cubanas presentan un nivel medio en el desarrollo de su logística

    Diagnóstico del estado de la logística en Cuba

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    La logística hoy constituye una clave de diferenciación competitiva entre las empresas, es por ello que: disponer de un modelo de referencia que refleje las principales características que definen la organización y gestión logística de las empresas líderes internacionalmente, para que mediante un proceso de benchmarking cada empresa pueda determinar las principales debilidades que deben ser objeto de estrategias de desarrollo con vistas a acelerar la evolución de su logística, deviene en una poderosa herramienta. Aquí se presenta el resultado de un estudio que, desde 1999, desarrolla el Laboratorio de Logística y Gestión de la Producción (LOGESPRO) de la CUJAE sobre el estado de la logística en las empresas cubanas. Como conclusión fundamental se ha llegado a definir que las empresas cubanas presentan un nivel medio en el desarrollo de su logística

    Wine grape pomace flour in broiler diets effects growth and some meat characteristics

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    Context. Grape pomace maybe useful in broiler diets as a source of low cost antioxidants. Aims. The objective of this work was to determine the effect of including high concentrations of wine-grape pomace flour (WGPF) in broiler chicken diets on productive parameters and antioxidant capacity of the meat. Methods. WGPF of white (WGPF-W) and red (WGPF-R) grape varieties were nutritionally and chemically characterised. Then, 120 broiler chickens were allocated to three isoenergetic and isoproteic feeding treatments: 0% WGPF (Control), 20% WGPF-W and 20% WGPF-R. Key results. WGPF-W had no effect on bodyweight, daily weight gain, feed intake or feed conversion ratio (FCR). However, FCR was higher for WGPF-R treatment at the end of the study (Day 42). Meanwhile, breast meat from WGPF-R treatment had the highest content of ether extract (P < 0,05), followed by WGPF-W and by control treatment, due to the addition of higher amounts of soy oil to those diets with WGPF to ensure an isoenergetic composition. Breast and leg meat, respectively, showed greater antioxidant capacity (mu M Trolox Eq/g) when WGPF-W (16.7 and 16.4) was fed, than the antioxidant capacity obtained for control (13.8 and 13.8) and WGPF-R (11.9 and 14.2) treatments. Conclusions. Inclusion of 20% of WGPF-W increased antioxidant capacity of chicken meat by 17%, without decreasing productive parameters, provided the diets were made isoenergetic and isoproteic by adding soy oil. Implications. The grape pomace flour could be useful in the diet of other animals.Comercial 91 Ltd, Santiago, Chil