53 research outputs found

    Sporadic re-emergence of enzootic porcine transmissible gastroenteritis in Hungary

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    Transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE) is a coronavirus-induced disease of pigs, characterised by diarrhoea and vomiting. The incidence of the disease had been decreasing since the late 1980s when deletion mutant variants (porcine respiratory coronavirus, PRCoV) of the virus emerged, repressing TGE gradually. Although disease manifestations are infrequent, the virus is still present in pig herds, causing sporadic outbreaks in a milder form. Identification and characterisation of the spike genes from TGEV and PRCoV, detected in such outbreaks, were performed in Hungary. Analysis of the amplified partial gene sequences showed that TGEV was present in herds with TGE clinical signs together with PRCoV. The sequences, apart from the deletions in PRCoV, were identical and at least two types of PRCoV spike proteins could be identified based on the length of the deleted sequence


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    Bevezetés: A lovak fűbetegsége (equine grass sickness, dysautonomia), egy polyneuropathia, ami elsősorban a gyomor-bél traktus beidegzését érinti, de elváltozásokat okozhat a centrális és perifériás idegrendszer más területein is. A betegség hátterében a Clostridium botulinum C egy toxinját feltételezik, és elsősorban legelőn tartott lovakat veszélyeztet. A gyakran halálos kimenetelű betegség egyre több európai országban jelenik meg, köztük 2001-ben Magyarországon. Cél: Jelen tanulmány célja, hogy a megállapított magyarországi fűbetegség esetek jellegzetességeit leírjuk. Módszer: 2001 óta Magyarországon fűbetegséggel diagnosztizált esetek klinikai és kórbonctani adatainak összegyűjtése. A betegség területi előfordulásának nyomon követése. Eredmény: Hazánkban eddig 50 esetben került a fűbetegség megállapításra. A betegség megjelenésétől 2009-ig az esetek 97%-a május és szeptember között fordult elő, 2010 óta az esetek 90% a november-februári időszakra esett. Hazánkban a fűbetegséget mostanáig csak egyetlen ménes, különböző földrajzi régiókban fekvő legelőin észlelték. A 49/50 eset lipicai, 1/50 gidrán fajtájú volt, 23/50 kanca, 27/50 mén és mindegyik az 1-3 éves korcsoportba tartozott. 2013-ban 3 olyan ló pusztult el, melyeket botulizmus ellen féléven belül kétszer oltottak. Az esetek többsége akut vagy szubakut lefolyású volt, csak 6 esetben láttunk tipikus krónikus lefolyást, a betegség kimenetele 96%-ban euthanasiára vagy elhullásra vezetett. A klinikai tünetek között gyakori volt az emelkedett testhőmérséklet, a paralytikus ileus és a ptosis. Következtetés: A betegség előfordulásának földrajzi változása alátámasztja a feltételezést, hogy egy, a lovak béltraktusában hordozott baktérium lehet felelős a megbetegedésekért. A legelők fertőződését a hordozó egyedek mozgatása okozhatja. A 3 évesnél idősebb kancáknál és az 1 évesnél fiatalabb csikóknál nem jelenik meg a betegség, ez igazolja a korhoz kötött, illetve a maternális immunitás jelenlétét. A szezonális előfordulás változása feltételezhetően a globális időjárási viszonyokat tükrözi. A klinikai tünetek nagy része megegyezik a nemzetközi szakirodalomban leírtakkal, de heveny esetekben gyakrabban észleljük a testhőmérséklet emelkedését, és ritkább a dysphagia vagy a tipikus foltszerű izzadás. A korábban használt vakcina hatástalansága alapján, egy újfajta botulizmus vakcina kísérleti felhasználásával, megváltoztatott alapimmunizálási stratégiával, 2015-ben széleskörű megelőzésre teszünk kísérletet

    High Prevalence of Livestock-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Hungarian Pig Farms and Genomic Evidence for the Spillover of the Pathogen to Humans

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    Livestock-Associated Methicillin-ResistantStaphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) strains of clonal complex (CC) 398 are widely disseminated in pigs and are considered emerging pathogens in human medicine. To investigate the prevalence, genetic characteristics, and zoonotic potential of the pathogen in pig production settings, dust samples were collected from 40 pig operations in Hungary, along with nasal swabs of attending veterinarians and other swine professionals (n = 27) in 2019. MRSA isolates were further characterized by performing whole-genome sequencing and susceptibility testing. The whole-genome sequences of 14 human-derived LA-MRSA clinical isolates from the same year were also included in the study. The proportion of positive farms was 83% (33/40), and 70% (19/27) of the swine professionals carried the pathogen. All but one MRSA strain belonged to CC398, including the human clinical isolates. The core genome multilocus sequence typing (cgMLST) analysis revealed clusters of closely-related isolates of both environmental and human origin with a pairwise allelic distance of ≤24, and both cgMLST and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analyses suggest recent transmission events between the farm environment and humans. Four human clinical isolates harboured the immune-evasion gene cluster, of which one was considered to be closely related to farm isolates. Half of the swine-related strains showed decreased susceptibility to eight or more antimicrobials, and along with human isolates, they carried eight different types of multidrug-resistance genes, including cfr. The results showed a dramatic increase in the occurrence of LA-MRSA in the swine industry in Hungary, compared with the 2% prevalence reported by the European Food Safety Authority baseline study in 2008. The wide range of antimicrobial resistance of the strains, accompanied by the emergence of the pathogen in humans — both asymptomatic carriers and diseased — call for revision of the risk posed by LA-MRSA to the public health

    Genotyping Mycoplasma hyorhinis by multi-locus sequence typing and multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis

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    Mycoplasma hyorhinis is a swine pathogen bacterium, which causes significant economic losses. The infection spreads through direct contact between the animals. Powerful genotyping methods like PCR based multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) and multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA) are necessary to monitor the infections and to conduct epidemiological investigations; hence supporting the control of the disease. The aims of the present study were to examine M. hyorhinis isolates originating mainly from Hungary with MLST and MLVA developed in the study, and to compare the results of the two typing methods. To characterize 39 M. hyorhinis isolates and the type strain (NCTC 10,130), six house-keeping genes were selected for MLST and six tandem-repeat regions were chosen for MLVA. We were able to differentiate 31 sequence types and 37 genotypes within the 40 analyzed isolates by the MLST and the MLVA, respectively. With the combination of the two newly developed assays all examined isolates were distinguished with the exception of the ones originating from the same animal. The developed MLST assay provided a robust and high resolution phylogenetic tree, while the MLVA system is suitable for the differentiation of closely related isolates from the same farm, hence the assay is appropriate for epidemiologic studies

    Porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus with a recombinant S gene detected in Hungary, 2016

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    Porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus (PEDV) can cause a severe enteric disease affecting pigs of all ages. In January 2016, diarrhoea with occasional vomiting was observed in a small pig farm in Hungary. All animals became affected, while mortality (of up to 30%) was only seen in piglets. Samples from different age groups and the carcass of a piglet were examined by various methods including pathology, bacteriology and molecular biology. PEDV was confirmed by PCR and its whole genome sequence was determined. The sequence PEDV HUN/5031/2016 showed high identity with recently reported European viruses. Differences were found mostly in the S gene, where recombination was detected with a newly identified and already recombinant swine enteric coronavirus (Se-CoV) from Italy. The present report describes the first porcine epidemic diarrhoea outbreak in Hungary after many years and gives an insight into the genetics of the Hungarian PEDV