246 research outputs found

    Notes on petroleum industry standard geologic probability assessments

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    Abstract This paper discusses the assessment methodology of geologic probabilities of success of drillable prospects determined by petroleum exploration geologists. The commonly accepted industry standard assessment methods suggest the probability evaluation of key components of oil and gas accumulation: source rock, reservoir, seal rock and trap, and migration and timing. On the assumption that the risked events resulting in the assembly of the key components are geologically and eventalgebraically independent, the geological probability is computed as the product of the probabilities of each. Without challenging the overall correctness of the approach, this study argues that the presumed independency does not always apply. For these cases, probability evaluation of the actually and truly independent geologic and hydrodynamic processes is advised

    Tranzíciós folyamatok Horvátországban és Szlovéniában = Transition processes in Croatia and Slovenia

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    A "Tranzíciós folyamatok Horvátországban és Szlovéniában" című kutatás (T 049173) a két ország politikai, gazdasági, társadalmi átalakulását vizsgálja. Kiterjed a pártrendszerek, az alkotmányok, a köztársasági elnökök felhatalmazásainak, a parlamentek, kormányzatok, az igazságszolgáltatás, a népszavazások, a decentralizáció, a civil társadalom, a kisebbségpolitika, a média, az állam és az egyház viszonyának, a gazdasági átalakulás főbb jellemzőinek és problémáinak összehasonlítására. Megvizsgálja, hogy az említett területeket milyen törvények és hogyan szabályozzák, s azt is miképpen működik mindez a gyakorlatban, milyen politikai és társadalmi viták folytak az említett témákkal összefüggésben. A két ország nagyságát, múltját, fejlettségét és néhány más mutatóját tekintve jól összehasonlítható, de már az átalakulás kezdetén is számos területen jelentős különbség volt közöttük. Horvátország fejlődésére a kilencvenes évek elején kirobbant háború, valamint a tíz évig tartó a félelnöki rendszer, az autoriter politikai vezetés, a HDZ egyeduralma nyomta rá a bélyegét, s ezen a 2000 utáni fejlődés is csak részben változtatott. Szlovéniában konszenzusorientált, gradualista felfogású parlamentáris demokráciát alakítottak ki, ez sem volt azonban mentes a különböző anomáliáktól. Bár Horvátország is jelentős fejlődésen ment keresztül, a két ország közötti különbségek (gazdasági fejlődés, demokrácia mutatói stb.) az elmúlt húsz évben alig csökkentek. | The research "Transition processes in Croatia and Slovenia" (T 049173) examines the political, economic and social transformation of the two states. It compares their party systems, power of the presidents, parliaments, governments, judical framework, referendums, decentralization, minority and media issues, relations between the state and the church, main characters and problems of the economy. It analyses laws that regulate the above-mentioned problems and the way they do it, how it works in practice, what kind of political and public discourses occured in the last years in this connection. Although because of their past, traditions, developement it is reasonable to compare the two countries, there were some differences between them at the very beginning of the time of regime change. The war and the so called semi-presidential and authoriter system, the hegemonic rule of HDZ had their impact on the events and evolution in Croatia and there were some changes in this field after the death of the formal president Franjo Tudjman. In Slovenia was accepted the consensual, gradualist, parlamental democracy, but of course it wasn't free from anomalies. Although the developement was made in Croatia is significant, the differences between the two countries remained almost at the same level

    L’infinito preceduto da un determinante in italiano

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    Il nostro articolo presenta dettagliatamente la vasta problematica dell’infinito preceduto da un determinante nell'italiano. Dopo la delimitazione della costruzione rispetto agli infiniti lessicalizzati come nomi, se ne individuano i diversi sottotipi in base a vari criteri sintattici e si illustra l'uso e la prevedibilità di tale costrutto. Si opera infine un confronto con la fase medievale della lingua.The present study investigates the vast subject matter of the Italian Det+Infinitive construction. To begin with, the construction is defined and delimited with respect to nominalized infinitives, and afterwards a classification in subtypes is proposed on the basis of various syntactic criteria. The use of the construction is exemplified and its predictability assessed. Lastly, a comparison is drawn with the early (medieval) uses of the same construction.Il nostro articolo presenta dettagliatamente la vasta problematica dell’infinito preceduto da un determinante nell'italiano. Dopo la delimitazione della costruzione rispetto agli infiniti lessicalizzati come nomi, se ne individuano i diversi sottotipi in base a vari criteri sintattici e si illustra l'uso e la prevedibilità di tale costrutto. Si opera infine un confronto con la fase medievale della lingua

    TiO2-doped resorcinol–formaldehyde (RF) polymer and carbon gels with photocatalytic activity

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    Resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF) polymer gels offer a relatively easy and versatile route for incorporating metals into a carbon aerogel matrix. The hybrid materials thus obtained are ideal candidates for applications involving enhanced adsorption or catalysis. This paper presents a detailed study of Ti-doped RF and carbon aerogels. The metal was introduced into the system at three different stages of the preparation process: during polymerization, by impregnation of the RF gel, or by impregnation of the carbon gel. The structure and morphology of the samples are compared using low temperature N2 adsorption, SEM, and small and wide angle X-Ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) methods. The TiO2-doped carbon aerogels display photocatalytic activity in breaking down aromatic compounds

    SOD activity of immobilized enzyme mimicking complexes

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    A binuclear, imidazolato-bridged, possible superoxide dismutase-mimicking complex (Cu(II)-diethylenetriamino-μ-imidazolato-Zn(II)-tris-aminoethylamine-triperchlorate) was prepared and immobilized on silica gel or among the layers of montmorillonite. The superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of the complex before and after immobilization was studied by a SOD assay. It was found that the SOD activity of the host-free complex decreased somewhat when montmorillonite was the host, however, using silica gel as host it increased

    Demokrácia, pártok, piac Szlovéniában

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