566 research outputs found

    Truth and False-carbon Dioxide Mitigation Technologies

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    Research progress is required to be enhanced for those storage technologies which store CO2 fast and permanently. However, temporary storage technologies importance cannot be denied to immediately reduce global warming and reduce higher CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Continuous CO2 storage facilities, semi-batch and batch pilot plants deemed necessary to build for future survival of the earth planet. Membranes can be used to separate CO2 from common flue gases followed by mineral carbonation to convert CO2 into stable carbonates. Modifications in cement industry, coal fired power plants, fertilizer industries and other chemical process industries appears essential

    GHG Emissions and Role of Polymeric Materials in Mitigation

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    GHG emissions of methane (CH4) have double, and CO2 are close to double compared to pre-industrial levels. GHG emission mitigation is possible by avoiding their generation, or by emission mitigation technologies. CO2 can be stored/fixed in minerals, rocks, EOR, underground formations, chemicals, and polymeric materials and many more. Polymeric materials also play role in GHG mitigation, and more focus is required on this aspect. CO2 consumption during polymerization reactions and plasticization is required to be enhanced. This fact also supports higher polymers production and increasing capacity of polymers producing industries. 

    Editorial on Emerging Trends in Polymeric Materials Research and Applications

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    Polymeric materials especially nanocomposites (Graphene, MXene based) are widely used in food, electronics, biomedical, batteries, energy storage, fuel cells, wastewater treatment, and automotive. Nanocomposites are stronger, lighter, and stiffer and can improve properties such as mechanical strength, electrical conductivity, thermal stability, flame retardancy, surface appearance, optical clarity and chemical resistance. Current research is focusing on nanocomposites applications, CO2 capturing polymers, making polymers degradable especially developing bio composites and green compositeswhich are degradable, use of deep eutectic solvents for biomass pretreatment to manufacture bio composites or green composites and polymeric composites as drilling fluids and their use in developing ceramics and to construct sequence-controlled and complex topological structures through control of polymerization methodologies.


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    The main purpose of this study was to measure the information literacy skills of MBBS students at King Edward Medical University Lahore, Punjab Pakistan. The quantitative research method was used to carry out the study. A convenient sampling technique was used to collect data from the entire sample. The total number of respondents was 309 with a total response rate of 91.69%. SPSS 22nd version was used to analyze the gathered data from respondents. Descriptive statistics were applied to check the frequency, percentage and reported in the form of tabulation. Moreover, the mean and standard deviation was also found to find out the results. The results showed that respondents were usually able to decide where and how to find the information and select information most appropriate to the information need. However, respondents were occasionally able to identify a variety of potential sources of information, evaluate information critically, differentiate between fact and opinion, and limit search strategies by subject, language and date. The usage of internet resources was a strength and opinioned as good while ethical and legal use of information, computer literacy skills, use of searching techniques and tools for information retrieval, and research skills were opinioned as fair. The printed information literacy instruction was preferred by KEMU students whereas online courses, orientation by librarians and seminars and workshops were not preferred by the respondents

    A Systematic Review of Digital Technology Use for the Treatment and Management of PTSD

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    The COVID-19 pandemic led to rapid growth in telemental health services and investment in digital mental health technologies. Digital mental health technologies could expand access to mental health care in a time of increasing provider deficit by providing tools for expedited psychiatric symptom assessment and management. This systematic review explores the current evidence for the use of scalable digital treatment modalities, including virtual reality (VR), machine learning, wearables, mobile apps, and neurofeedback training in the diagnosis and treatment of PTSD. Our findings support the current literature suggesting VR interventions are efficacious for combat-related PTSD treatment and that conclusions of studies investigating apps and neurofeedback training (NFT) are limited by low sample size and methodological hetogeneity. Digital technologies such as digital phenotyping, wearables, and machine learning show promise in their ability to identify PTSD symptoms in the absence of provider intervention but standardized approaches to both data collection and machine learning modeling are needed before these technologies can be applied to clinical settings. Nevertheless, leveraging these digital modalities have the potential to address barriers in healthcare access and to improve patient engagement by providing personalized, remote care. Further research with standardized controlled trials utilizing diverse patient populations is needed to determine evidence-based protocols for implementation into clinical practice. Emerging technologies such as augmented reality could have potentials for the future of PTSD treatment as well

    Potential Role of Probiotics in Mechanism of Intestinal Immunity

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    Probiotics are nonpathogenic bacteria exert a constructive influence on health or physiology of the host. Effect of probiotics in the intestinal defense against variety of diseases is well known. The probiotics are involved in the mechanism of intestinal defense, support as antagonist against pathogens, improve intestinal epithelial layer and boost the innate as well as adaptive immunity. However these responses are also exerted by intestinal components. The intestinal components as well as probiotics play a reciprocal role to enhance the immune response of the individual. The possibilities of mechanism of action include the stimulation of epithelial cells, activation of dendritic cells via toll-like receptors (TLRs), conversely produce cytokines. These observations reviewed together advocate that specific immunomodulatory properties of probiotic bacteria should be focusing on mechanism of action via antigen presenting cells (APC)

    Testing and Validating Instruments for Feedstocks of Mineral Carbonation

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    Different feedstocks Dunite, Olivine and Lizardite are examined in this research using various measuring techniques such as TGA-MS, XRD and Quantitative XRD and EDS. Quantitative XRD results matched with TGA-MS results. Malvern Mastersizer, EDS and QXRD results also showed a good match regarding the individuality of results which are shown graphically. TGA-MS calibration curves example is provided. Matching the results of different measuring techniques is a key to fundamental research. Comparison of the reactivity of dunite, soaked dunite, heat-activated dunite and lizardite and raw dunite soaked has been performed. TGA-MS and QXRD results match each other. Malvern Mastersizer, EDS and QXRD results match with their individual results indicating the instrument’s reliability. Semi-Quantitative XRD results authenticity is EXCELLENT. TGA-MS results match with QXRD is excellent. Mineral carbonation converts CO2 into stable mineral carbonates. This research explores the utilisation of serpentinised dunite (which is comprised of 61% lizardite) as a potential feedstock for mineral carbonation. Heat activation, ex-situ regrinding and concurrent grinding techniques were employed to enhance the reaction rate and yield, and to provide information on the carbonation reaction mechanism. Silica-rich layers that appeared during reference experiments were disrupted using concurrent grinding and significantly higher magnesite yields and Mg extractions were obtained

    Some New Constructors of Circular Strongly Generalized Neighbor Designs

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    Minimal strongly balanced neighbor designs are well known designs to balance the neighbor effects at low cost as well as to estimate the direct effects and neighbor effects independently for v odd, where v is number of treatments to be compared. Minimal strongly generalized neighbor designs are used to minimize the bias due to neighbor effects for v even. In this article, constructors are developed to construct two useful classes of minimal circular strongly generalized neighbor designs

    Relationship of servant leadership with employee in-role and extra-role performance in GLC’s of Malaysia

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    This research aims to study the relationship of servant leadership with employee performance of in-role and extra role performance. Servant leadership, and its relationship with employee OCB and task performance are discussed to start with. Though some literature is available on links of servant leadership with employee task performance or Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, but how these two behaviors interact is not explained much. This paper explains that servant leadership has positive relationship with OCB. Though, other leadership approaches are different from servant leadership as its focus is on personal integrity and lasting relationships with employees
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