17 research outputs found
Uterine perforation as a complication of surgical abortion causing small bowel obstruction: a review
Small bowel obstruction after unrecognized or conservatively treated uterine perforation is extremely rare. It is a surgical emergency and the delay in diagnosis and treatment has deleterious consequences for the mother. The purpose of this study is to critically review the available literature and ascertain the level of evidence for the mechanisms, diagnosis and management of small bowel obstruction after uterine perforation due to surgical abortion. ----- METHODS:
Systematic literature search was conducted in Pubmed (1946 to 2012) and Pubmedcentral (1900 to 2012) including all available English and French language fulltext articles. Three evaluators reviewed and selected all available case reports and case series. Search terms included small bowel obstruction, bowel obstruction,
bowel incarceration, bowel entrapment, vaginal evisceration, uterine perforation, uterine rupture, and abortion. The exclusion criteria were (1) complex injuries where small bowel incarceration was present but with bleeding and/or bowel perforation as the leading symptomatology; (2) articles only numbering the patients without details on the topic. Analyses of incidence, risk factors, mechanisms of the disease, time of clinical presentation, diagnostic modalities, treatment, and maternal outcome were included. ----- RESULTS:
Of the 73 articles screened 30 cases of small bowel obstruction were included in the review forming incidence, risk factors, and mechanisms of the disease, diagnosis, therapy, and maternal outcome. ----- CONCLUSIONS:
A systematic review defined four mechanisms of small bowel obstruction after transvaginal instrumental uterine perforation with significant variations in clinical presentation and time of presentation. Duration of symptoms depend on the mechanism of small bowel obstruction. Vaginal evisceration is surgical emergency and treatment is mandatory without diagnostic workup. Survival rate during last century is 93 %. Multicentric trials and publication of all such cases are needed to determine algorithms for diagnosis and management of small bowel obstruction caused by instrumental uterine perforation
A methodological and functional proteomic approach of human follicular fluid en route for oocyte quality evaluation
Follicular fluid is characterized by a vast protein complexity and a broad dynamic range of protein abundances that hinder its analysis. In this study we determined a proper solubilization and resolution method of HFF in 2-DE, minimizing sample manipulation protein loss, and experimental artifacts
A novel oocyte maturation trigger using 1500Â IU of human chorionic gonadotropin plus 450Â IU of follicle-stimulating hormone may decrease ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome across all in vitro fertilization stimulation protocols
The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. The middle initial of Douglas A. Mata was omitted. The original article has been corrected