56 research outputs found

    Checklist of DCN CURATE Steps

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    A checklist and introduction to the Data Curation Network CURATE Steps for curating research data

    How Important Are Data Curation Activities to Researchers? Gaps and Opportunities for Academic Libraries

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    Introduction: Data curation may be an emerging service for academic libraries, but researchers actively “curate” their data in a number of ways—even if terminology may not always align. Building on past user-needs assessments performed via survey and focus groups, the authors sought direct input from researchers on the importance and utilization of specific data curation activities. Methods: Between October 21, 2016, and November 18, 2016, the study team held focus groups with 91 participants at six different academic institutions to determine which data curation activities were most important to researchers, which activities were currently underway for their data, and how satisfied they were with the results. Results: Researchers are actively engaged in a variety of data curation activities, and while they considered most data curation activities to be highly important, a majority of the sample reported dissatisfaction with the current state of data curation at their institution. Discussion: Our findings demonstrate specific gaps and opportunities for academic libraries to focus their data curation services to more effectively meet researcher needs. Conclusion: Research libraries stand to benefit their users by emphasizing, investing in, and/or heavily promoting the highly valued services that may not currently be in use by many researchers

    Data Curation Network: How Do We Compare? A Snapshot of Six Academic Library Institutions’ Data Repository and Curation Services

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    Objective: Many academic and research institutions are exploring opportunities to better support researchers in sharing their data. As partners in the Data Curation Network project, our six institutions developed a comparison of the current levels of support provided for researchers to meet their data sharing goals through library-based data repository and curation services. Methods: Each institutional lead provided a written summary of their services based on a previously developed structure, followed by group discussion and refinement of descriptions. Service areas assessed include the repository services for data, technologies used, policies, and staffing in place. Conclusions: Through this process we aim to better define the current levels of support offered by our institutions as a first step toward meeting our project\u27s overarching goal to develop a shared staffing model for data curation across multiple institutions

    Overly honest data repository development

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    After a year of development, the library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has launched a repository, called the Illinois Data Bank (https://databank.illinois.edu/), to provide Illinois researchers with a free, self-serve publishing platform that centralizes, preserves, and provides persistent and reliable access to Illinois research data. This article presents a holistic view of development by discussing our overarching technical, policy, and interface strategies. By openly presenting our design decisions, the rationales behind those decisions, and associated challenges this paper aims to contribute to the library community’s work to develop repository services that meet growing data preservation and sharing needs.Ope

    Ratings of Importance for Data Curation Activities

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    “Planning the Data Curation Network” funded 2016-2017 by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant G-2016-704

    The State of Data Curation in ARL Libraries: Looking Forward – Growth & Challenges

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    Poster presented at the IASSIST Annual Conference in Lawrence, KS May 24, 2017“Planning the Data Curation Network” funded 2016-2017 by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant G-2016-704

    A collective approach to providing research data curation services

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    Presentation to the Big Ten Academic Alliance Library Conference at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN May 16, 2017“Planning the Data Curation Network” funded 2016-2017 by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant G-2016-704

    “Bridging the Gaps of Providing and Scaling Research Data Curation Services”

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    Poster presented at the Research Data Management, Access, and Preservation (RDAP) Summit in Seattle, WA April 19, 2017“Planning the Data Curation Network” funded 2016-2017 by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant G-2016-704

    Data Curation Perception and Practice

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    Presentation to IASSIST Annual Conference in Lawrence, KS May 24, 2017“Planning the Data Curation Network” funded 2016-2017 by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant G-2016-704
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