150 research outputs found

    The future of Bulgarian public service television in the digital era

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmä. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnäytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet på nätet eller endast tillgängliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.The research attempts to foresee the future of the Bulgarian public service broadcaster, named Bulgarian National Television (BNT), as a result of the approaching complex process of transition to digital terrestrial broadcasting in the country. The study seeks an answer to the question – “Will the Bulgarian National Television (BNT) succeed to effectively serve the public interest or will it be marginalized among the increasing number of commercial broadcasters, if unable to successfully adapt to the challenges of the digital age?” First; the author goes through exploring the state of development of the public service concept in Bulgaria after the change of the political regime in 1989, taking into consideration the common developments in the media systems of post-Communist Central and Eastern European countries as a whole. This early historical perspective is needed in order to set our assumptions and points of special attention when analysing the current arrangements for the upcoming digitalisation of terrestrial broadcasting. Consequently the author points out the external factors, mainly legal and regulatory actions based on certain political decisions, having played important role in the process of designing the digital switch-over. Second; in addition to the external factors affecting the efficient adjustment of the Bulgarian National Television (BNT) to the digital environment, internal arrangements, in respect to the interests of the audience, are studied, too. Thus, the author tries to establish a normative model for public service broadcasting in the digital environment, including certain criteria the public service organisations should take care of in order to conduct their special remits. In this sense, a special attention is paid to the funding and programming strategies as well as the technological and new media opportunities applied by the broadcaster itself. To conclude; there is an essential level of awareness on the side of the Bulgarian National Television (BNT) of both the opportunities and the challenges of the upcoming digitalisation of broadcasting. The management body of the public service broadcaster bears in mind the idea of serving the interests of the public in terms of diversified programming content and general interactive services crucial to keep abreast with the move of audience preferences towards online applications. However, the perspectives of the Bulgarian National Television (BNT) do not seem indeed successful in the digital era as there are major external factors affecting its efficient digital switch-over process


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    Laporan akhir ini berjudul “Penggunaan Sensor pH Sebagai Pendeteksi Kelayakan Pada Sumber Air Minum”. Tujuan dari penulisan laporan akhir ini terdap suatu alat yang berfungsi sebagai pendeteksi kadar pH air yang akan di konsumsi pada sistem filter air minum. Suatu alat yang menggunakan Arduino Nano sebagai pengendali dari keseluruhan rangkain, mendapatkan masukan dari sensor pH yang akan di kendali oleh arduino lalu nilai pH akan ditampilkan melalui LCD. Apabila nilai yang terbaca oleh sensor pH menunjukan nilai pH di bawah 6,5 dan di atas 8,5 maka air tersebut ddinyatakan asam dan basa. Alat ini akan mendeteksi kadar pH air yang akan di konsumsi secara tepat dan akurat selama aktu kurang dari 2 menit sensor akan mendeteksi kadar pH air dan di tampilkan melaui LCD

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    Query optimization using views in semistructured databases

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    A wealth of query languages for semistructured graph data has emerged, and what almost all of these languages have in common is a graph navigation mechanism, which is not usually found in their relational predecessors. However, the navigation is very expensive since it typically involves many database or network accesses. As a consequence, the optimization of the navigational part of the queries is essential for having commercially attractive query, processors similar to those for relational data. One of the most well known ways for optimizing a query in general, is to use available information in precomputed or materialized views. At the heart of our approaches is the leverage of the concept of query rewritings using views. The query rewriting is a well known problem, which has been solved and deeply investigated for (non-recursive) queries over relational data. However, for navigational queries, which are a subset of the bigger family of the recursive datalog queries, the problem of rewriting is more complex and challenging. In this thesis we study the problem in two realistic scenarios. The first one is related to information integration systems such as the Information Manifold, in which the data sources are modeled as sound views over a global schema. In such cases the "real" database is not available and what we try to compute for a query is its "certain answer according to the views." The second scenario, is query optimization using views when the real database is available, but the views are cheaper to access. In such a case we can use the database to answer parts of the query for which there are no relevant views. We propose algebraic rewritings that focus on extracting as much information as possible from the views for optimizing navigational querie

    Query processing using views in semistructured databases

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    Since its introduction, XML, the eXtensible Markup Language, has quickly emerged as the universal format for publishing and exchanging data in the World Wide Web. As a result, data sources, including object-relational databases, are now faced with a new class of users: clients and customers who would like to deal directly with XML data rather than being forced to deal with the data source particular schema and query languages. XML is also rapidly becoming popular for representing web data as it brings a finely granulated structure to the web information and exposes the semantics of the web content. In all these web applications including electronic commerce and intelligent agents, view mechanisms are recognized as critical and are being widely employed to represent, users' specific interests. Rewriting the user queries using views is a powerful technique in the above described applications, which can be categorized as data integration, data warehousing and query optimization. In this study we identify some difficulties with currently known methods for using rewritings in XML-like "semistructured" databases. We study the problem in two realistic scenarios. The first one is related to information integration systems such as the Information Manifold, in which the data sources are modelled as sound views over a global schema. The second scenario, is query optimization using cached views. In this setting we propose two kinds of algebraic rewritings that focus on extracting as much information as possible from the views for the purpose of optimizing regular path queries, which are the building block of all the query languages for semistructured data

    Leptin and neuroendocrine regulation

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    Insan ob gen kromozomu tarafından yag dokusunda sentezlenen bir hormon olan leptin istahı ve enerji harcamasını düzenler. Obez kisilerde serum leptin düzeyleri belirgin olarak yüksektir. Ob gen defekti olan ob/ob tipi farelerde, leptinin yeterince üretilememesi nedeniyle yag depolanması fazladır. Obez kadın ve erkeklerde leptin düzeyi ile vücut kitle indeksi arasında pozitif bir iliski gösterilmistir. Leptin reprodüktif fonksiyonlarda da görevlidir. Infertil ve gonadotropin seviyesi düsük ob/ob farelere leptin enjekte edildiginde, uterus ve overlerinin agırlıkları ve overlerdeki folikül sayısı artarak fertilitenin korunması saglanmıstır. Normal disi farelere leptin uygulandıgında ise pubertenin hızlandıgı gözlenmistir. Diger yandan leptin osteoblastik hücre büyümesinde ve kemik mineralizasyonunda rol oynayabilir. Leptin ayrıca nöropetid Y'yi inhibe edip gonadotropinlerin ve seks steroidlerinin sentezini stimüle eder. Uterin miyomlarda leptin geninin ekspresyonu gösterilirken saglıklı insanlardan alınan miyometriumda gösterilememistir, bu nedenle uterin miyom etyopatogenezinde leptinin rolü olabilecegi savunulmaktadır. Sonuç olarak istahı ve enerji harcanmasını regüle eden leptin reprodüktif ve nöroendokrin sistemde de önemli rol oynamaktadır.Leptin, the product of the ob gene, is produced exclusively by the adipose tissue and regulates energy intake and expenditure. Obese individuals have considerably higher serum leptin concentrations. In ob/ob mice, the fat deposition is increased as a result of insufficient production of leptin. In obese women and men, there is correlation between serum leptin concentrations and body mass index. Leptin appears to influence various reproductive functions. Injecting leptin into ob/ob mice that are infertile and with low levels of gonadotropin increases the weight of the uterus and ovaries and the number of follicles, resulting in restoration of fertility. Administering leptin treatment to normal female mice accelerates puberty. Leptin may be of importance for osteoblastic cell growth and bone mineralization. Leptin may also be expected to stimulate gonadotropin and sex- steroid synthesis and secretion through inhibition of Neuropeptide Y. It has been reported that leptin was expressed in several uterine myomas but not in normal myometrium, so leptin may have a role in the etiopathogenesis in uterine leiomyoma. In conclusion, leptin, regulating energy intake and expenditure also has regulatory effects on reproductive and neuro-endocrine systems