66 research outputs found

    Gemcitabine and Oxaliplatin in the Treatment of Patients with Immunotherapy-Resistant Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma: Final Results of a Single-Institution Phase II Study

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    BACKGROUND. Currently, there is no standard treatment for patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) who do not experience a response to first-line immunotherapy. In the current Phase II study, the authors explored the antitumor activity of a combination of gemcitabine and oxaliplatin (L-OHP) in this setting. METHODS. Forty-two patients with RCC who had progressive disease following immunotherapy received gemcitabine (1000 mg/m2 intravenously on Days 1 and 8 every 21 days) and L-OHP (90 mg/m2 intravenously on Day 1 every 21 days) for a minimum of 2 cycles before responses were evaluated. Responses to treatment and toxicity were recorded according to the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors and the National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria, respectively. RESULTS. No complete responses were recorded; however, 6 patients experienced a partial response (14.28%; 95% confidence interval, 5.43-28.5%), 11 patients (26.19%) had temporary stable disease as a best response, and the remaining 25 patients (59.52%) experienced progression despite receiving treatment. The median time to disease progression was 2.5 months (mean, 3.86 months; range, 1.5-11.0 months), whereas the median overall survival was 9.5 months (mean, 10.46 months; range, 4.0-22.5 months). With regard to toxicity, treatment generally was well tolerated, with only one episode of Grade 4 toxicity and expected episodes of Grade 3 toxicity, including myelosuppression and neuropathy. CONCLUSIONS. The current results suggest that the combination of gemcitabine and L-OHP possesses a certain level of activity and an acceptable toxicity profile in patients with immunotherapy-resistant advanced RCC

    Antioxidants can inhibit basal autophagy and enhance neurodegeneration in models of polyglutamine disease.

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    Many neurodegenerative diseases exhibit protein accumulation and increased oxidative stress. Therapeutic strategies include clearing aggregate-prone proteins by enhancing autophagy or decreasing oxidative stress with antioxidants. Many autophagy-inducing stimuli increase reactive oxygen species (ROS), raising concerns that the benefits of autophagy up-regulation may be counterbalanced by ROS toxicity. Here we show that not all autophagy inducers significantly increase ROS. However, many antioxidants inhibit both basal and induced autophagy. By blocking autophagy, antioxidant drugs can increase the levels of aggregate-prone proteins associated with neurodegenerative disease. In fly and zebrafish models of Huntington's disease, antioxidants exacerbate the disease phenotype and abrogate the rescue seen with autophagy-inducing agents. Thus, the potential benefits in neurodegenerative diseases of some classes of antioxidants may be compromised by their autophagy-blocking properties

    Complex inhibitory effects of nitric oxide on autophagy.

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    Autophagy, a major degradation process for long-lived and aggregate-prone proteins, affects various human processes, such as development, immunity, cancer, and neurodegeneration. Several autophagy regulators have been identified in recent years. Here we show that nitric oxide (NO), a potent cellular messenger, inhibits autophagosome synthesis via a number of mechanisms. NO impairs autophagy by inhibiting the activity of S-nitrosylation substrates, JNK1 and IKKβ. Inhibition of JNK1 by NO reduces Bcl-2 phosphorylation and increases the Bcl-2-Beclin 1 interaction, thereby disrupting hVps34/Beclin 1 complex formation. Additionally, NO inhibits IKKβ and reduces AMPK phosphorylation, leading to mTORC1 activation via TSC2. Overexpression of nNOS, iNOS, or eNOS impairs autophagosome formation primarily via the JNK1-Bcl-2 pathway. Conversely, NOS inhibition enhances the clearance of autophagic substrates and reduces neurodegeneration in models of Huntington's disease. Our data suggest that nitrosative stress-mediated protein aggregation in neurodegenerative diseases may be, in part, due to autophagy inhibition

    Huntington's disease: a clinical review

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    Huntington disease (HD) is a rare neurodegenerative disorder of the central nervous system characterized by unwanted choreatic movements, behavioral and psychiatric disturbances and dementia. Prevalence in the Caucasian population is estimated at 1/10,000-1/20,000. Mean age at onset of symptoms is 30-50 years. In some cases symptoms start before the age of 20 years with behavior disturbances and learning difficulties at school (Juvenile Huntington's disease; JHD). The classic sign is chorea that gradually spreads to all muscles. All psychomotor processes become severely retarded. Patients experience psychiatric symptoms and cognitive decline. HD is an autosomal dominant inherited disease caused by an elongated CAG repeat (36 repeats or more) on the short arm of chromosome 4p16.3 in the Huntingtine gene. The longer the CAG repeat, the earlier the onset of disease. In cases of JHD the repeat often exceeds 55. Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms and signs in an individual with a parent with proven HD, and is confirmed by DNA determination. Pre-manifest diagnosis should only be performed by multidisciplinary teams in healthy at-risk adult individuals who want to know whether they carry the mutation or not. Differential diagnoses include other causes of chorea including general internal disorders or iatrogenic disorders. Phenocopies (clinically diagnosed cases of HD without the genetic mutation) are observed. Prenatal diagnosis is possible by chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis. Preimplantation diagnosis with in vitro fertilization is offered in several countries. There is no cure. Management should be multidisciplinary and is based on treating symptoms with a view to improving quality of life. Chorea is treated with dopamine receptor blocking or depleting agents. Medication and non-medical care for depression and aggressive behavior may be required. The progression of the disease leads to a complete dependency in daily life, which results in patients requiring full-time care, and finally death. The most common cause of death is pneumonia, followed by suicide

    Are patients with GBA-Parkinson disease good candidates for deep brain stimulation? A longitudinal multicentric study on a large Italian cohort

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    Background: GBA variants increase the risk of developing Parkinson disease (PD) and influence its outcome. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a recognised therapeutic option for advanced PD. Data on DBS long-term outcome in GBA carriers are scarce. Objective: To elucidate the impact of GBA variants on long-term DBS outcome in a large Italian cohort. Methods: We retrospectively recruited a multicentric Italian DBS-PD cohort and assessed: (1) GBA prevalence; (2) pre-DBS clinical features; and (3) outcomes of motor, cognitive and other non-motor features up to 5 years post-DBS. Results: We included 365 patients with PD, of whom 73 (20%) carried GBA variants. 5-year follow-up data were available for 173 PD, including 32 mutated subjects. GBA-PD had an earlier onset and were younger at DBS than non-GBA-PD. They also had shorter disease duration, higher occurrence of dyskinesias and orthostatic hypotension symptoms. At post-DBS, both groups showed marked motor improvement, a significant reduction of fluctuations, dyskinesias and impulsive-compulsive disorders (ICD) and low occurrence of most complications. Only cognitive scores worsened significantly faster in GBA-PD after 3 years. Overt dementia was diagnosed in 11% non-GBA-PD and 25% GBA-PD at 5-year follow-up. Conclusions: Evaluation of long-term impact of GBA variants in a large Italian DBS-PD cohort supported the role of DBS surgery as a valid therapeutic strategy in GBA-PD, with long-term benefit on motor performance and ICD. Despite the selective worsening of cognitive scores since 3 years post-DBS, the majority of GBA-PD had not developed dementia at 5-year follow-up

    Polyglutamine tracts regulate beclin 1-dependent autophagy

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    Nine neurodegenerative diseases are caused by expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) tracts in different proteins, such as huntingtin in Huntington's disease and ataxin 3 in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3). Age at onset of disease decreases with increasing polyglutamine length in these proteins and the normal length also varies. PolyQ expansions drive pathogenesis in these diseases, as isolated polyQ tracts are toxic, and an N-terminal huntingtin fragment comprising exon 1, which occurs in vivo\textit{in vivo} as a result of alternative splicing, causes toxicity. Although such mutant proteins are prone to aggregation, toxicity is also associated with soluble forms of the proteins. The function of the polyQ tracts in many normal cytoplasmic proteins is unclear. One such protein is the deubiquitinating enzyme ataxin 3 (refs 7, 8), which is widely expressed in the brain. Here we show that the polyQ domain enables wild-type ataxin 3 to interact with beclin 1, a key initiator of autophagy. This interaction allows the deubiquitinase activity of ataxin 3 to protect beclin 1 from proteasome-mediated degradation and thereby enables autophagy. Starvation-induced autophagy, which is regulated by beclin 1, was particularly inhibited in ataxin-3-depleted human cell lines and mouse primary neurons, and in vivo\textit{in vivo} in mice. This activity of ataxin 3 and its polyQ-mediated interaction with beclin 1 was competed for by other soluble proteins with polyQ tracts in a length-dependent fashion. This competition resulted in impairment of starvation-induced autophagy in cells expressing mutant huntingtin exon 1, and this impairment was recapitulated in the brains of a mouse model of Huntington's disease and in cells from patients. A similar phenomenon was also seen with other polyQ disease proteins, including mutant ataxin 3 itself. Our data thus describe a specific function for a wild-type polyQ tract that is abrogated by a competing longer polyQ mutation in a disease protein, and identify a deleterious function of such mutations distinct from their propensity to aggregate.We thank the Wellcome Trust (Principal Research Fellowship to D.C.R. (095317/Z/11/Z), Wellcome Trust Strategic Grant to Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (100140/Z/12/Z)), National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, and Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust and Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS Long-Term Fellowship to A.A.) for funding; R. Antrobus for mass spectrometry analysis; S. Luo for truncated HTT constructs; M. Jimenez-Sanchez and C. Karabiyik for assistance with the primary mouse cell cultures; and J. Lim and Z. Ignatova for reagents

    Linking Proteomic and Transcriptional Data through the Interactome and Epigenome Reveals a Map of Oncogene-induced Signaling

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    Cellular signal transduction generally involves cascades of post-translational protein modifications that rapidly catalyze changes in protein-DNA interactions and gene expression. High-throughput measurements are improving our ability to study each of these stages individually, but do not capture the connections between them. Here we present an approach for building a network of physical links among these data that can be used to prioritize targets for pharmacological intervention. Our method recovers the critical missing links between proteomic and transcriptional data by relating changes in chromatin accessibility to changes in expression and then uses these links to connect proteomic and transcriptome data. We applied our approach to integrate epigenomic, phosphoproteomic and transcriptome changes induced by the variant III mutation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFRvIII) in a cell line model of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). To test the relevance of the network, we used small molecules to target highly connected nodes implicated by the network model that were not detected by the experimental data in isolation and we found that a large fraction of these agents alter cell viability. Among these are two compounds, ICG-001, targeting CREB binding protein (CREBBP), and PKF118–310, targeting β-catenin (CTNNB1), which have not been tested previously for effectiveness against GBM. At the level of transcriptional regulation, we used chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-Seq) to experimentally determine the genome-wide binding locations of p300, a transcriptional co-regulator highly connected in the network. Analysis of p300 target genes suggested its role in tumorigenesis. We propose that this general method, in which experimental measurements are used as constraints for building regulatory networks from the interactome while taking into account noise and missing data, should be applicable to a wide range of high-throughput datasets.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (DB1-0821391)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant U54-CA112967)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-GM089903)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (P30-ES002109

    Effects of gonadectomy and testosterone administration on glycocalyx composition of the heart left ventricle cells in trained and untrained rats

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