903 research outputs found

    Optical Models of Consciousness

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    Game testing is a software testing process for quality control in video games. Game environments, sometimes called levels or maps, are complex and interactive systems. These environments can include level geometry, interactive entities, player and non-player controllable characters etc. Depending on the number and complexity of levels, testing them by hand may take a considerable effort. This is especially true for video games with procedurally generated levels that are automatically created using a specifically designed algorithm. A single change in a procedural generation algorithm can alter all of the video game levels, and they will have to be retested to ensure they are still completable or meet any other requirements of the game. This task may be suitable for automation, in particular using Artificial Intelligence (AI). The goal of this paper is to explore the most promising and up-to-date research on AI applications for video game testing to serve as a reference for anyone starting in the field

    The Discrete radon transform: A more efficient approach to image reconstruction

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    The Radon transform and its inversion are the mathematical keys that enable tomography. Radon transforms are defined for continuous objects with continuous projections at all angles in [0,π). In practice, however, we pre-filter discrete projections take


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    The article is based on the theoretical research of the concepts of “employee motivation” and “employee loyalty” and their interpretation in the industry and scientific literature. The following research methods have been used in the research – content analysis, monographic method, logically constructive method and synthesis method. The aim of the article is to summarize the meaning of the terms “employee motivation” and “employee loyalty”. The novelty of the article lies in the comparison, analysis and synthesis of these terms from various scientific aspects. Other aspects of the concepts of definition are highlighted and their meaning is expanded

    Speculations about the Direct Effects of Intention on Physical Manifestation

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    A possible mechanism by which mental acts may be synchronized with physical states is postulated. It is argued that a layer of deep consciousness, similar to David Bohm’s implicate order, underlies and gives rise to both subjective, intentional consciousness and objective, physical manifestation. The influence of volition at the level of intentional consciousness can be conceptualized in the context of the Kochen-Specker theorem as the exercise of the unconstrained choice of observables, and, at the level of deep consciousness, as modulation of the activity of the creation and annihilation operators of a quantum field. The discrete nature of observations in quantum theory leads to the notion of a flicker universe in which temporal continuity of physical structures is maintained by morphic fields

    Psychopathology of Altered States of Consciousness

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    Latgolys 1917. goda kongresa i Latvejis Republikys kai vaļsts symtgade ir pateiceigs i reizē atbiļdeigs laiks, lai konkreti i atkluoti runuotu par sovu zemi, vaļsti, tautu, volūdu, ideņtitati i pošapziņu. Na tikai lai runuotu, a i dareitu. Lai dareitu kotrys pats i lai pīpraseitu nu sovys vaļsts atbiļdeigūs instituceju dareit tū, kas pasludynuots vuordūs latgalīšu volūdys aizsardzeibai i atteisteibai. Partū, ka vīna nu golvonūs Latgolys latvīšu – latgalīšu – identitatis pamatlītu i pamatvierteibu ir latgalīšu volūda. Vaļstiska attīksme latgalīšu volūdys vaicuojumā ir mārs tam, cik lojali asam 1917. goda Latgolys kongresa lāmumim, sovai vaļstei, Satversmei i demokratejis principim. 1917. goda Latgolys kongresa lāmumūs beja defināts, ka Latgolys latvīši, apsavīnojūt ar Kūrzemis i Vydzemis latvīšim, patur sovu pošnūteikšonūs volūdys vaicuojumā. Jau nu 2000. goda ir spākā Vaļsts volūdys lykums, kas nūsoka, ka „vaļsts nūdrūšynoj latgalīšu rokstu volūdys kai viesturiska latvīšu volūdys paveida saglobuošonu, aizsardzeibu i atteisteibu“. 2011. goda tautys skaiteišonā 164,5 tyukstūšys cylvāku atbiļdēja, ka lītoj latgalīšu volūdu. Tys līk vaicuot – deļkuo tūmār tik nīceiga vīta myusu volūdai ir vaļsts finansātajūs plašsazinis leidzekļūs, školuos, Latgolys pošvaļdeibu sabīdriskajūs i kulturys pasuokumūs, deļkuo latgalīšu volūda tūmār tik moz dzieržama i radzama publiskajā telpā Latgolā? Vēļ reizi ir skaidri i atkluoti juopasoka, ka latgalīšu volūdys nūlīgšona, īrūbežuošona voi nūnycynuošona ir Krīvejis imperejis rusifikacejis laiku i padūmu okupacejis režimu raksturojūša attīksme. Te otkon varam pīminēt Franča Trasuna viesturiskū vaicuojumu par myusu izvēlem: „Voi ar barbarismu iz austrumim voi ar kulturu iz rītumim?“ Tys šudiņ ir ari vaicuojums myusim kotram sev pošam. Vēļ reizi ir atkluoti juoatzeist, ka 1934. goda 15. maja Kārļa Ulmaņa apvārsums, piec kura faktiski tyka īrubežuota latgalīšu volūdys lītuošona i apsastuoja volūdys breiva atteisteiba, beja antikonstitucionals fakts. Vacī dūmuošonys stereotipi i paguotnis rāgi vēļ i šudiņ reizem traucej latgalīšu volūdu atzeit par nacionalu vierteibu i atbylstūši pret jū izaturēt. Daudzi cereigi verās iz školys pusi, nu tīnis gaida volūdys gluobšonu i atdzimšonu. Nui, ir izstruoduoti standarti latgalīšu volūdys i literaturys vuiceišonai, suokusēs nūvodvuiceibys īdzeivynuošona atseviškuos školuos, nūteik skotuvis runys konkursi latgaliski i latgalīšu volūdys olimpiadis. Bet ar tū ir cīši, cīši par moz! Tys otkon taipat kai leidz šam nu 20. godu symta beigu Atmūdys laika ir „entuziastu lauceņš“. Bet vaļsts finansāta škola pylda vaļsts pasyutejumu! Ja latgalīšu kulturys montuojums ir nacionala vierteiba Latvejā, ja vaļsts ar lykumu pasoka, ka nūdrūšynoj latgalīšu volūdys atteisteibu, tod ir juobyut i atbylstūšai reiceibai. Juopaplašynoj i juogarantej latgalīšu volūdys lītuošonys īspiejis, kas ceļs volūdys prestižu sabīdreibā. Ja pīaugs reals pīprasejums zynuot latgalīšu volūdu, tod i volūdys vuiceišona školā byus logiska. Latgolys regiona atteisteiba nav īdūmojama bez latgaliskuos ideņtitatis styprynuošonys. Deļtuo 2017. goda maja catūrtuo pasauļa latgalīšu saīta kongresa rezolucejā skaidri juopasoka, ka vajadzeigs komplekss vaļsts rysynuojums latgalīšu volūdys aizsardzeibai i atteisteibai, ka tei ir gon Izgleiteibys i zynuotnis, Kulturys, Tīslītu, Vidis i regionaluos atteisteibys ministrejis, gon pošvaļdeibu kompeteņce i atbiļdeiba! Tod Latgolys kongresa i Latvejis vaļsts symtgadis sviniešona nabyus formala, bet atbylstūša tim idealim i principim, ar kaidim Latgolys latvīši gribēja ar Vydzemis i Kūrzemis latvīšim byut kūpā


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    Environmental problems of leakage minimisation from solid manure handling in Latvia are discussed. Volume and composition of leakage from solid manure are investigated in storage period. Amount of plant nutrients in effluents are measured 0,099 kg nitrogen, 0,029 kg phosphorus and 0,381 kg potassium per tonne manure in 14-day period of accumulation and storage of solid manure in trailer. Plant nutrients losses in effluent from densely stockpiled manure are 0,40 kg nitrogen, 0,197 kg phosphorus and 1,372 kg potassium per tonne manure in 5— moth storage period while leakage were occurred. In first 2— month period nutrient losses are 74 % nitrogen, 54 % phosphorus and 54 % potassium of whole amount of losses in 5-month period. Proposed recommendations are aimed to minimise the leakage from solid manure in farms in Latvia

    An Experimental Test of Instrumental Transcommunication

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    As a result of a previous study in which electronic voice phenomenon failed to be found, the author introduced two new elements in an experiment seeking to produce instrumental transcommunication: the creation of text using random text generators and the presence of a medium. There were 26 experimental sessions carried out from April 28,2003 to August 30,2003 in the Psychology Laboratory at King\u27s University College. The random text generators were engaged a total of 715 times producing 23,281 discrete units of textual data. Only a yeslno generator produced anomalous results. Of the 49 times the yeslno generator was used, 11 of them were in response to questions for which the answers could be verified. Of those 11 responses, 9 were correct with a probability of occurrence by chance of .042. Such a result could be due to chance, anomalous human-machine interaction between the participants and the computer, or some other influences such as those arising from possibly existent unseen dimensions of reality. The use of text generators and the presence of a medium in instrumental transcommunication (ITC) research are discussed, including the potential provision of information by the medium regarding strategies that could facilitate ITC