11 research outputs found

    The Evaluation of Flow Property of Alginate Impression Material Mixed with Gargle Solutions

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    The effects of antiseptic and gargle solutions mixed with the irreversible hydrocolloid alginate impression material to anti-bacterial activity and several properties had been elucidated. The flow property of the such impression has been not elucidated yet. The aim of the study was to evaluate the flow property of alginate impression mixed with gargle solution. Aroma Fine Plus alginate impression material was used and mixed with aquadest as control and Minosep, Betadine and Total Care gargle solutions. Ratio between alginate and each solutions were performed by following the producer’s guidance as 8.4gr alginate and 20ml solution. The every alginate mixtures were made in triplicate (n=3).  Measurement of flow capability was performed by using 0.5ml of alginate mix laid on glass plate covered with cellophane strip and loaded with 1kg metal for 1 minute. The major and minor diameters were measured by using digital caliper. Data were analyzed  by using one way ANOVA (α= 0.05). Aroma Fine mixed with aquadest showed the flow capability was about 26.18mm. Mixed with Minosep showed about 27.85mm, with Betadine 29.19mm and Total Care 27.11mm respectively. Statistically show a significant different  flow capability between aquadest and Betadine mixed impression (p=0.01). Minosep and Total Care gargle solutions showed insignificant different with aquadest mixed impression (p>0.05). It can be concluded that the utilizing of Minosep and Total care gargle solution as  solutions mixed with alginate impression material have no effect to flow property of the impression, except by using Betadine gargle solution


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    Immersion and spraying with disinfectant solution are the effective disinfection methods for alginate impression. However these methods causes dimensional changes on impression. Therefore mouthwash, which also has disinfectant function on microorganism can be used as mixing solution for alginate impression material. The aim of this study is to analyze antibacterial capacity of mouthwashes that used as admix solution for alginate impression. Samples was made from alginate impression material in tablet form with 15 mm diameter and 1 mm thickness. Total samples are 35 , 5 for admix with aquadest as control, chlorhexidine 0.1%, povidon iodine, sodium fluoride 0.1% wv, respectively. Samples were put on incubated Staphylococcus aureus in petri dish and kept in incubator for 24 hours at 37°C. Immersion was performed by dipping 15 samples of hygedent admix with aquadest into mouthwash liquids for 15 minutes. Inhibition zone was measured by using digital calliper. Statistic analysis was performed by using ANOVA one way and unpaired t-test. The admix with chlorhexidine 0.1% show the inhibition zone by 8.09 mm, povidon iodine 0.52 mm, and sodium fluoride 0.1% wv 2.91 mm. By using immersion method they show 7.63 mm inhibition zone for chlorhexidine 0.1%, 1.51 mm for povidon iodine, and 0.91 mm for sodium fluoride 0.1% wv. There are insignificant differences between admix and immerse with chlorhexidine 0.1% solution (p= 0.25). It can be concluded that chlorhexidine mouthwash 0.1% has the equal antibacterial capacity when used for admix solution nor immerse the alginate impression

    The effect of jigsaw technique towards students‘ writing ability at grade X MAS Darul Ulum Sipaho Pemadu

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    This research focuses on the effect of jigsaw technique towards students‘ writing ability at grade X MAS Darul Ulum Sipaho Pemadu. The students‘ problems in writing are: 1) the students are not able to express their idea, 2) the students are lack in vocabulary, 3) the students are lack in understanding grammar, and 4) the students assume that writing is boring. The purpose of this research is to examine wheter there is significant effect of jigsaw technique towards students‘ writing ability at grade X MAS Darul Ulum Sipaho Pemadu. The formulation of this research are 1) how is the students‘ writing ability in writing before using jigsaw technique at grade X MAS Darul Ulum Sipaho Pemadu, 2) how is the students‘ writing ability after using jigsaw technique at grade X MAS Darul Ulum Sipaho Pemadu, 3) is there any significant effect of using jigsaw technique towards students‘ writing ability at grade X MAS Darul Ulum Sipaho Pemadu. This research uses one group pre-test and post-test design. The instrument of this research is writing test (pre-test and post test). The population of this research are 91 tenth grade students of MAS Darul Ulum Sipaho Pemadu. Two classes are choose randomly as the sample. The sample are class X-IPA (30 students) as experimental class and class X-IPS1 (28 students) as control class. The data of this research are collected by using t-test formula. The result shows that the mean score of experimental class after using Jigsaw Technique is higher than control class. The Mean score of experimental class in pre-test was 48,12 and the mean score of control class in pre-test is 50,04. Meanwhile, the mean score of experimental class in post-test after using Jigsaw Technique is 71,31 and the mean score of control class in post-test without a treatment is 57,81. Moreover, from t-test, it is found that tcount (5,037) is higher than ttable (1,67252). Therefore, the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) of this research is accepted and the Null Hyphotesis (H0) is rejected. It could be concluded that there is the effect of Jigsaw Technique towards students‘ writing ability at grade X MAS Darul Ulum Sipaho Pemadu


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    Radiopacity is an important characteristic for restorative materials as dentists have got different abilities in interpreting a lesion or caries in a radiograph. The enforcement of secondary caries diagnosis is a challenge for dentists because they often mistake the diagnosis for restorative materials with low radiopacity. This study aims to determine the differences in the average radiopacity values of certain restorative materials by using conventional and digital radiographs. Moreover, to know the right types of radiographs in distinguishing between radiopacity of certain restorative materials and radiodensity of secondary caries. This is an analytical descriptive study with cross sectional design. The sample was divided into 10 groups of 6, which is dental radiograph filled with glass ionomer cement, resin modified glass ionomer cement, nanofiller and micro hybrid composites as well as teeth with secondary caries which were obtained from conventional and digital radiographs. Next, conventional and digital radiographs were interpreted by observations of 5 dental specialists in which measurement was done by using Image J software to get the average radiopacity values of secondary caries and each restorative material. The results showed that the average radiopacity values for glass ionomer cement are 177.633 ± 6.465 and 187.879 ± 9.305, resin modified glass ionomer cement are179.498 ± 5.597 and 192.078 ± 11.006, composite nanofillers are 194.847 ± 4.952 and 184.401 ± 9.170, microhybridcomposites are 189.109 ± 4.251 and 179.585 ± 6.809, finally secondary caries are 161.772 ± 9.256 and 109.988 ± 7.684 for conventional and digital radiographs respectively. Then the data was analyzed by using T test with significance value of p <0.05. As a conclusion, this study shows no significant difference in the radiopacity of four restorative materials if compared between conventional and digital radiographs while digital radiograph shows significant difference between radiopacity values of restorative materials and secondary caries. Whereas, conventional radiograph does not show significant difference between restorative materials and secondary caries. Radiopacity is an important characteristic for restorative materials as dentists have got different abilities in interpreting a lesion or caries in a radiograph. The enforcement of secondary caries diagnosis is a challenge for dentists because they often mistake the diagnosis for restorative materials with low radiopacity. This study aims to determine the differences in the average radiopacity values of certain restorative materials by using conventional and digital radiographs. Moreover, to know the right types of radiographs in distinguishing between radiopacity of certain restorative materials and radiodensity of secondary caries. This is an analytical descriptive study with cross sectional design. The sample was divided into 10 groups of 6, which is dental radiograph filled with glass ionomer cement, resin modified glass ionomer cement, nanofiller and micro hybrid composites as well as teeth with secondary caries which were obtained from conventional and digital radiographs. Next, conventional and digital radiographs were interpreted by observations of 5 dental specialists in which measurement was done by using Image J software to get the average radiopacity values of secondary caries and each restorative material. The results showed that the average radiopacity values for glass ionomer cement are 177.633 ± 6.465 and 187.879 ± 9.305, resin modified glass ionomer cement are179.498 ± 5.597 and 192.078 ± 11.006, composite nanofillers are 194.847 ± 4.952 and 184.401 ± 9.170, microhybridcomposites are 189.109 ± 4.251 and 179.585 ± 6.809, finally secondary caries are 161.772 ± 9.256 and 109.988 ± 7.684 for conventional and digital radiographs respectively. Then the data was analyzed by using T test with significance value of p <0.05. As a conclusion, this study shows no significant difference in the radiopacity of four restorative materials if compared between conventional and digital radiographs while digital radiograph shows significant difference between radiopacity values of restorative materials and secondary caries. Whereas, conventional radiograph does not show significant difference between restorative materials and secondary caries

    Effect Fresh Milk on Surface Roughness of Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement: Efek Susu Segar Terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Semen Ionomer Kaca Modifikasi Resin

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    Resin modified glass ionomer cement as restorative material used in dentistry especially in primary teeth. Fresh milk is often consumed by children as daily drink and it contains lactic acid. The aim of this study was to evaluate surface roughness of resin modified glass ionomer cement after immersed in fresh milk for 2, 4, and 6 hours. Samples were disc shape resin modified glass ionomer cement with size 5 mm in diameter and 2 mm in thickness. Totally 24 samples were divided into 3 groups (n=8), group immersed for 2 hours, group immersed for 4 hours, and group immersed for 6 hours. Fresh milk was pure cow’s milk that harvest in the morning by the farmer. Surface roughness measurements was done before and after immersed using a profilometer (Surfcorder SE-300, Laboratory Ltd, Japan). Results showed surface roughness change were 0.0217 ± 0.005 μm for groups A, 0.0366 ± 0.006 μm for groups B, and 0.0555 ± 0.004μm for groups of 6 hours. One Way Anova test showed significant differences between groups (p <0.05). It can be concluded that there was significant increased on surface roughness of modified resin ionomer cement after immersed in fresh milk for 2, 4 and 6 hours.   &nbsp

    Differences in nickel ions released from nickel-titanium arch wire after immersion in detergent and non-detergent toothpaste

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    Nickel-titanium (NiTi) arch wire has properties that favor its use during the leveling and aligning phase of orthodontic treatment. This NiTi orthodontic arch wire has the potential to experience nickel ion release. One factor that can cause the release of nickel ions is toothpaste. Nickel ions released can enter the body and cause carcinogenic, mutagenic, cytotoxic, and allergic effects. The purpose of this study was to see the differences of nickel ions released from NiTi orthodontic arch wire after immersion in detergent and non-detergent toothpaste. This was a laboratory experimental research to draft a comparative design. The sample size was 40 pieces of NiTi orthodontic arch wire which were divided into 2 groups, immersion in detergent toothpaste and immersion in non-detergent toothpaste. The sample used was NiTi arch wire solution immersed in toothpaste and distilled water for 24 hours in an incubator at 37 °C then measured using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) mass spectrometer to determine the released nickel ions. Data were analyzed usingMann-Whitney test. The Mann-Whitney test resulted in a value of 0.872 (p≥0.05) which indicates no significant difference between the two groups. The study concluded that there is no difference in the nickel ions released from NiTi orthodonticarchwire after immersion in detergent and non-detergent toothpaste


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    Resin komposit sebagai bahan restorasi di dalam mulut akan selalu berkontak dengan saliva sehingga terjadi penyerapan air ke dalam resin komposit. Penyerapan air pada resin komposit dapat menurunkan sifat fisis dan mekanis serta menimbulkan kelarutan elemen resin komposit sehingga akan memperpendek masa pakai dan menimbulkan toksis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan besaran serapan air, kedalaman dan kecepatan penyerapan air antara resin komposit mikrohibrid dengan nanohibrid setelah direndam di dalam saliva buatan. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini dibuat dari resin komposit mikrohibrid dan nanohibrid berbentuk tablet berdiameter 15 mm dan tebal 1 mm dengan pengerasan sinar tampak biru. Penelitian dilakukan dengan merendam sampel di dalam saliva buatan selama 2, 4, 6, dan 8 jam. Besaran serapan air dihitung dari perubahan berat yang terjadi dan kedalaman penyerapan air diukur dengan menggunakan mikrograf mikroskop. Kecepatan penyerapan dihitung dengan membandingkan kedalaman penyerapan air dengan waktu perendaman. Hasil yang diperoleh memperlihatkan serapan air pada resin komposit mikrohibrid 2,69, 5,71, 5,88, dan 5,96% sedangkan pada nanohibrid 5,34, 3,76, 3,09 dan 2,83%. Hasil pengukuran kedalaman penyerapan air pada resin komposit mikrohibrid 3054,98, 6125,42, 8529,94, dan 8930,01µm sedangkan pada nanohibrid 7830,77, 6941,29, 6844,67 dan 6120,53µm. Hasil penghitungan kecepatan penyerapan air resin komposit mikrohibrid adalah 1527,45, 1531,36, 1421,66 dan 1116,18µm/jam sedangkan pada nanohibrid 3915,39, 1735,32, 1140, 78 dan 761,32µm/jam. Analisis statistik menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan (p≤ 0,05) pada ketiga variabel tersebut antara kedua jenis resin komposit yang diuji. Dapat disimpulkan, serapan air dan kedalaman penyerapan resin komposit mikrohibrid lebih besar dibandingkan nanohibrid sedangkan kecepatan penyerapan air pada kedua jenis resin komposit mengalami penurunan

    Pengaruh Suhu Terhadap Penyerapan Air Dan Kelarutan Resin Komposit

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    The existence of composite resin as dental restorative materials in the mouth will always be exposed to temperature changes from food or drink. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of temperature on water absorption and solubility of the composite resin. Thirty samples made from nanofiller composite resin with a diameter of 15 mm and a thickness of 1 mm. The samples were divided into three test groups (n=10) that is immersed at 50 (I), 37 (II) and 5 °C (III). The testing procedure of water sorption and solubility of the composite resin made according to the ISO 4049: 2000 specifications. Data will be analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Least Significance Data test (p=0,05). The results showed there is significant differences of the water sorption (p=0,045)  and solubility (p=0,018). The highest water sorption is group I (0,0057±0,007µg/mm3) than group II (0,0028±0,0013 µg/mm) and group III (0,0005±0,0006 µg/mm). While the heighest solubility values   are in group I (0,003 ± 0,0027 µg/ mm), than group II (0,002 ± 0,0013 µg/mm) and group III (0,001 ± 0,00 µg/mm). It can be concluded that temperature could increase water sorption and solubility of composite resin

    Corrosion of copper nickel titanium archwire in chlorhexidine,  sodium fluoride, and chitosan mouthwashes [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]

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    Background: Copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr) ion release, and surface topography change from the orthodontic wire are the initial processes of corrosion that may affect the mechanical properties of the archwire.  In this study, we aim to evaluate the effect of CHX, NaF, and chitosan on the corrosion of  CuNiTi wire nickel and copper ions released, surface roughness change, and archwire deflection. Methods: Ninety samples of CuNiTi Tanzo™ archwires were divided into five groups according to their immersion solution: Artificial Saliva, CHX, NaF, CHX-NaF, and chitosan group. Each group was further divided into three subgroups (n=6) corresponding immersion time, i.e., two, four, and six weeks. The corrosion of the samples was analyzed with an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and universal testing machine (UTM). Results: The amount of nickel ion releases was increasing, but the copper ion releases were reduced by the time of observations. The highest nickel ion was released in the CHX-NaF group and the lowest in the chitosan group for six-week immersion. It also corresponded to the surface topography by SEM analysis which showed the most extended cracks and deep pits in the CHX-NaF group and a smoother surface in the chitosan group. Copper ion release showed the highest ion release in the NaF group and the lowest release in the chitosan group. The unloading force of CuNiTi archwire deflection remains the same at week two and week four for all mouthwashes. Conclusion: The use of mouthwashes that contained CHX, NaF, and chitosan could further alter the passive layer and cause higher nickel and copper ion release and increased CuNiTi archwire surface structure porosity. But there is no distinction between mouthwashes to release the unloading force within two until four weeks