1,125 research outputs found

    Multi-objective optimization for the geometry of trapezoidal corrugated morphing skins

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    Morphing concepts have great importance for the design of future aircraft as they provide the opportunity for the aircraft to adapt their shape in flight so as to always match the optimal configuration. This enables the aircraft to have a better performance, such as reducing fuel consumption, toxic emissions and noise pollution or increasing the maneuverability of the aircraft. However the requirements of morphing aircraft are conflicting from the structural perspective. For instance the design of a morphing skin is a key issue since it must be stiff to withstand the aerodynamic loads, but flexible to enable the large shape changes. Corrugated sheets have remarkable anisotropic characteristics. As a candidate skin for a morphing wing, they are stiff to withstand the aerodynamic loads and flexible to enable the morphing deformations. This work presents novel insights into the multi-objective optimization of a trapezoidal corrugated core with elastomer coating. The geometric parameters of the coated composite corrugated panels are optimized to minimize the in-plane stiffness and the weight of the skin and to maximize the flexural out-of-plane stiffness of the skin. These objective functions were calculated by use of an equivalent finite element code. The gradient-based aggregate method is selected to solve the optimization problem and is validated by comparing to the GA multi-objective optimization technique. The trend of the optimized objectives and parameters are discussed in detail; for example the optimum corrugation often has the maximum corrugation height. The obtained results provide important insights into the design of morphing corrugated skins

    Media Massa Dan Hukum Humaniter Dalam Pandangan Islam

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    Perkembangan teknologi yang berkembang pesat membawa Perubahan dalam tatanan kehidupan bermasyarakat, salah satunya adalah media massa. Dalam hal kasus pelanggaran humaniter, media massa mempunyai peran dalam penyampaian berita yang dapat didengar dan dilihat oleh negara lainnya. Media massa menyampaikan berita baik dalam hal peperangan, pelanggaran HAM dan kasus pidana humaniter lainnya, yang seyogyanya ditangani oleh ICRC. Sehingga menarik dikaji dalam tulisan ini mengenai hubungan Hukum Humaniter dengan HAM, Peperangan, Konflik bersenjata dan damai dan bagaimana peran media massa dalam Hukum Perang sebagai penegakan kebenaran

    Menimbang Hermeneutika Dalam Studi Hukum Islam

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    Selama ini metode yang dipakai oleh para ulama dalam memahami dan menjelaskan maksud ayat-ayat Al-Qur\u27an adalah metode tafsir, baik yang bi al-ma\u27tsûr maupun yang bi ar-ra\u27yi. Tetapi beberapa tahun belakangan ini, mulai ditawarkan metode lain yang diklaim lebih sesuai untuk menjawab tantangan zaman sekarang ini, yaitu metode hermeneutika yang berasal dari tradisi Barat dalam memahami Alkitab. Ada yang hanya menggunakan metode hermeneutika sekadar sebagai pelengkap atau pendamping metode tafsir yang sudah dikenal selama ini, tetapi ada juga yang bersemangat ingin mengganti metode tafsir dengan hermeneutika. Makalah ini mencoba menggambarkan secara ringkas kedua metode tersebut dengan sebuah sikap, jika memang ada yang baik dari hermeneutika dan dapat membantu kita memahami Al-Qur\u27an dan as-Sunnah dengan lebih baik, kenapa tidak kita ambil. Sebaliknya kita juga tidak akan mengalami kesulitan apa-apa meninggalkannya jika tenyata tidak ada manfaatnya. Sikap kritis dan selektif itulah yang harus selalu dipelihara

    Pengaruh Ukuran Kap Dan Masa Perikatan Audit Terhadap Penerapan Prosedur Audit Untuk Mendeteksi Risiko Kecurangan Dalam Laporan Keuangan, Serta Implikasinya Terhadap Kualitas Audit (Survei Pada Kantor Akuntan Publik Anggota Forum Akuntan Pasar Modal)

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    Based on a press release from the Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Finance (2010-2011), the case of a violation by a public accountant in Indonesia is generally a violation of government regulations and the failure of the audit (audit failure) in detecting fraud in financial reporting , giving rise to lawsuits from third parties harmed. Failure audit (audit failure) in detecting material misstatements in the financial statements. This condition if not treated properly can reduce public confidence in audit quality and performance in Indonesian Public Accountant. The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical evidence about the influence of auditor size and audit tenure simultaneously and partially, on the application of audit procedures to detect fraud risk in the financial statements, as well as the influence of auditor size, audit tenure, and the application of audit procedures to detect risk fraud in the financial statements on audit quality, and partial simultaneously. The method used in this research is descriptive and verification methods. The unit of analysis in this study was 50 Public Accounting Firm (KAP) is a member of FAPM (Forum Capital Markets Accountant), with a professional staff (partners and staff) as respondents. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. In this study, an analysis tool that is used path analysis. The results of this study indicate that simultaneous auditor size and audit tenure has a significant influence on the application of audit procedures to detect fraud risk in a financial statement, which is implemented by auditing standards. The results of this study also showed that simultaneous auditor size, audit tenure, and the application of audit procedures to detect fraud risk in a financial statement has significant influence on audit quality. While the partial test results showed no significant influence for each variable size and audit auditor tenure on audit quality. Based on the above results it can be concluded that in order to improve the quality of auditing in general in Indonesia, the auditor should be increased in size and the size of audit tenure extended period of time, not too short but not too long, because it can reduce the objectivity of the auditor. Partial test results showed that there was also a significant difference in audit quality between KAP KAP large and small who are members of FAPM, and proved also here that the application of the rules of auditor rotation maximum of 3 years for Certified Public Accountants, the impact on audit quality is not significant, presumably because the period of the audit engagement (3 years) still felt relatively too short

    Empat Puluh Satu Juta Penduduk Indonesia Mengalami Defisit Energi

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    Background: Food consumption deficit in energy causes negatif impact to the quality of human resources from fetus, growth and to adult. The last estimation of population of energy deficit was conducted in 1989 by Suryana et. al. Economic crisis may increase the number of people with energy deficit. Objectives: To estimate the number of people deficit in energy based on Susenas 2003 data. Methods: The number of people with deficit energy has been estimated using the publication of Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) on the consumption of energy by expenditure classes from SUSENAS 2003. Deficit energy is defined as 70% of average RDA of Indonesian population. The distribution of energy consumption in each expenditure class is assumed normal. The area below 1540 kilo calorie is the proportion of people deficit energy in each expenditure class. The standar deviation was estimated based on the previous consumption surveys. Results: It is estimated, at least 41 million Indonesian suffer from deficit energy. Among them 25,7 million or 6,1 million households were deficit energy due to economic reasons. They are the target of rice for the poor in addition of income generating program. [Penel Gizi Makan 2005,28(1): 23-30

    Suatu Telaah Tentang Keberadaan Anak Sumbang Dalam Mewaris Di Lihat Dari Aspek Hukum Adat.

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    Custom is the reflection of personality and is one of the reflections of nation soul from century to century. Every nation in the world has its own custom which is not similar from one another, depending on the place and the time. This difference is the most important aspect as the identity of a nation.The level of civilization, or the modern way of life is not able to eliminate the custom that is found in indigenous society. In the process of the advancement of the era, the custom adapts itself in accordance with the advancement of the society

    Faktor Risiko Kurang Energi Kronis Pada Ibu Hamil Di Jawa Barat (Analisis Lanjutan)

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    Background: Cronict Energy Deficit (CED) in pregnancy reduce the quality of human resources. It is a high risk of low birth weight babies and a high risk of maternal mortality and sickness. Therefore,it is a priority to solve the problem. In 2002 the Province of West Java conducted mapping of CED in pregnant women. Objective: This article is an advance analysis of the risk factor of the CED past the analysis of the report to the local government of West Java. Method: The design is a rapid survey that is planned to represent each districts in the Province of West Java. Within each district is drawn systematically 30 clusters. Using maximum varience of variance of 50% the sample of each district is 420 pregnant women. The main data are hemoglobin concentration,Upper arm circumference, socioeconomic of the household sample, and history of health and pregnancy. Results: It found that the education level of the pregnant women is vary from never had schools to the university, and mostly 42,3% are graduated from middle school. Average expenditure for food over total expenditure is 71,8%. The prevalence of CED is 30,6% in the Province of West Java, the lowest is 19,3% in the city of Bandung and the highest is 50,7% in the district of Purwakarta. The risk factors of CED are as follows: Ever has sick, percent food expenditure, anemic and wasting before pregnancy are high risk of CED. Using contaceptics devices before pregnancy, graduated from high school, and ever had miscarriage are protective for CED. The most high risk is wasting before pregnancy with the risk of 2.562 and the most protective is using contraceptive device with risk of 0,565 times. Conclusion: Based on the above analysis of the effort to overcome the CED in pregnancy should be a preventive before pregnant or even before marriage. [Penel Gizi Makan 2005,28(2): 66-73
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