388 research outputs found

    Generalized Boltzmann equation for a trapped Bose-condensed gas using the Kadanoff-Baym formalism

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    Using the Kadanoff-Baym non-equilibrium Green's function formalism, we derive kinetic equations for the non-condensate atoms at finite temperatures which include the effect of binary collisions between atoms. The effect of collisions is included using the second-order self-energy given by the Beliaev (gapless) approximation. We limit our discussion to finite temperatures where we can use the single-particle Hartree-Fock spectrum for the excited atoms. In this limit, we can neglect the off-diagonal propagators (g~12\tilde{g}_{12} and g~21\tilde{g}_{21}). As expected, this leads to the kinetic equations and collision integrals used in recent work by Zaremba, Nikuni, and Griffin (ZNG) [1]. We also derive a consistent equation of motion for the condensate wavefunction, involving a finite-temperature generalization of the well-known Gross-Pitaevskii equation which includes a dissipative term, as well as the mean field of the non-condensate.Comment: Given at the workshop on ``Kadanoff-Baym Equations'', Rostock, Sept. 20-24, 1999. To be published in the proceedings by World Scientifi

    In the Pleasant World of Rats and Dampness

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    Characterizing RecA-Independent Induction of Shiga toxin2-encoding Phages by EDTA Treatment

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    The bacteriophage life cycle has an important role in Shiga toxin (Stx) expression. The induction of Shiga toxin-encoding phages (Stx phages) increases toxin production as a result of replication of the phage genome, and phage lysis of the host cell also provides a means of Stx toxin to exit the cell. Previous studies suggested that prophage induction might also occur in the absence of SOS response, independently of RecA

    On the Bending Analysis of Multi-Cracked Slender Beams with Continuous Height Variations

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    We studied the implementation of a multi-stepped multi-cracked beam finite element for analysing beams of various heights’ variations along the length. The genuine continuous variation of height was modelled by an adequate series of steps and for the cracks, the model of internal hinges endowed with rotational springs was applied. As the increased number of steps simultaneously increases the possibility that the crack location and step location may coincide, the continuous conditions at the steps were rewritten to a more general form in order to cover this combination. The newly presented form is also capable of taking a transverse concentrated force into account. Numerical evaluations were performed for several structures under various loads and the transverse displacements, nodal reactions, and inner forces were studied. The results obtained are positioned side by side with the results from more detailed 2D finite element meshes. The comparisons show excellent matching of the beam’s response providing the mesh of steps was dense enough. The examples demonstrate the potential of the present approach proving that the model is suitable for achieving computationally-efficient and truthful analyses

    A novel and widely accessible HPLC method for determination content of homosalate in sunscreen products on the market

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    Introduction: Considering that the research has shown that homosalate act as endocrine-active substance, it is very important to develop quick and sensitive method for tracking its concentrations in sunscreen products. The aim of this paper is to develop and validate the method for determining homosalate in sunscreen preparations and controlling the content of the products found on the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Methods: A high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for determination homosalate in sunscreen products has been developed and validated. Samples of six different manufacturers have been analyzed. HPLC method is method of choice for this type of investigation. Results: According to the calibration curve it has been found that the proposed analytical method in a given range of concentration is linear and that the correlation coefficient is R2=0.9998. Accuracy of the method is in range 94.26% -121.53%.The results have shown that the homosalate concentration in the tested samples did not exceed the maximally permissible concentration (10%). In the sample AV50 homosalate was not declared as an active ingredient, but it was identified and quantified at a concentration of 0.143%. Conclusion: Results of investigation of cosmetic products that are widely present on the market show the need of developing a sufficiently sensitive, easily accessible, analytical method for controlling the content of organic UV filters since the exceeding of the maximally permissible concentration can have a harmful effect on people who use these kinds of products. The results show that developed method meets conditions and is suitable for wide application

    IT industry- a development opportunity for Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    In this master thesis I aimed at proving the following working hypothesis: “IT industry is a development opportunity for Bosnia and Herzegovina, however, Bosnia and Herzegovina is already far behind the competition in the region, and due to internal obstacles, it will not make it to impose itself as a global or regional player, but with strategic adjustments it can use the potential of the industry to help boost the development of its economy.”. In the first part I have focused on the development of the BH IT industry and current situation. Than I proceeded to the analysis of the main regional players in the region in the field, while making comparisons of certain parameters with the IT industry and the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ending the paper with recommendation for actions to be taken in the following period to enhance and ease the development of IT industry and realizing its potential as the development force of the country

    Pharmakologisches Sscreening eines neu synthetisierten Diarylimidazols (PGU 193) an isolierten Organen von Meerschweinchen

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    In dieser Diplomarbeit wurden die Wirkungen von PGU 193 an 5 isolierten Merschweinchenorganen erforscht. Dabei verwendete man: die Aorta, Pulmonalarterie, Papillarmuskel, Vorhof und den terminalen Ileum. Nach den Versuchsbedingungen wurde das PGU 193 in 5 verschiedenen Konzentrationen getestet, nämlich in 1 µmol/l, 3 µmol/l, 10 µmol/l, 30 µmol/l und 100 µmol/l. An der Aorta, Pulmonalarterie und dem terminalem Ileum wurde untersucht wie die Substanz sich auf die Kontraktionskraft der Organe auswirkt. Über eine eventuelle positive oder negative inotrope Wirkung von PGU 193 wurde am Papillarmuskel geforscht. Beim Vorhof wiederum konnte man die Chronotropie beobachten. Pro Organ wurden immer mindestens 4 Versuche gemacht. Die Substanz zeigte auf die glattmuskulären Organe (Aorta, Pulmonalarterie, terminales Ileum) eine starke vasodilatierende bzw. spasmolytische Wirkung. Bei allen drei Organen wurde der EC50 Wert erreicht (Aorta=21 µmol/l, Pulmonalarterie=19,5 µmol/l und terminale Ileum 30 µmol/l). Am Papillarmuskel wirkte die Substanz eindeutig negativ inotrop, doch der EC50 Wert wurde an diesem Organ knapp nicht erreicht. Beim Vorhof wurden die Schläge pro Minute gezählt. Unter der Substanzzugabe nahm die Zahl konstant ab. Bei 71 µmol/l wurde ein EC50 Wert erreicht. Den Wirkmechanismus wurde in zweitem Teil der Diplomarbeit erforscht. Die Aorta wurde zuerst mit 2 verschiedenen Nitro-L-Arginin Konzentrationen (30 µmol/l und 100 µmol/l) vorbehandelt. Damit blockierte man das Enzym, das endothelial zur NO Freisetzung führt und infolgedessen zur Vasodilatation. Die Wirkung von PGU 193 könnte somit teilweise durch eine Freisetzung zustande kommen

    Tennis spectator loyalty when life gets in the way

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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to understand constraints to tennis spectating and constraints negotiation therein. The primary research questions were related to the changing nature of spectating experience, its’ meaning, and spectators’ actions when faced with constraints. The topic of spectating sporting events, consumer loyalty, and leisure constraints have widely been addressed in the literature using quantitative methods. This research attempted to add understanding to the body of literature qualitatively. Data was collected and analyzed using the grounded theory method. This research also attempted to address the recommendation to examine negotiation-efficacy role among various populations and other leisure contexts (Loucks-Atkinson & Mannell, 2007). In depth interviews were conducted with thirteen tennis spectators (six males and seven females) residing in Kitchener-Waterloo, Guelph, Hamilton, Oshawa, and Toronto, Ontario. Spectators varied in age, playing ability, and occupation. Spectating experiences suggested ten constraints, six negotiation strategies, and five steps to minimize the impact of potential future constraints on one’s behaviour. Ten constraints experienced were: 1) too costly to attend a tennis event, 2) uncomfortable and deterrent weather prior and during the event, 3) lack of resources and accessibility to them, 4) time conflict between the event and everyday life, 5) long and time consuming distance to be travelled, 6) poor players’ performance, 7) others’ perception of the sport, 8) sitting too close or too far from the action, 9) tennis not being among top spectators sports in Canada, and 10) difficulty finding a parking spot. The analysis revealed that the perception of these constraints differed based on age, gender, and previous playing experience. Negotiation strategies widely used were: 1) scheduling ahead, 2) using electronic resources for viewing, 3) networking and talking to others, 4) playing tennis, 5) going to a different sporting event, and 6) engaging in interactive activities. Five steps in minimizing the effect of potential future constraints consisted of: 1) being organized, 2) travelling with a friend, 3) gaining knowledge, 4) controlling one’s expectations, and 5) staying committed to the sport. The majority felt in control when negotiating. The constructivist grounded theory revealed that the relationship between constraints, negotiation, and participation in tennis spectating was circular. This relationship implied that although negotiation takes place, it does not eliminate constraints all together, but rather potentially reducing the impact of a constraint. The same constraint may reoccur again in the future and it was understood that as long as tennis spectators are active constraints will exist and negotiation strategies will occur. Constraints in this study were related with negative emotions, reduced enjoyment, physical discomfort which threatened on future tennis spectating behaviour. The main limitation of this study is that the results are not representative of the population and are participant and context specific. Implications for practice may include: establishing a sense of service value, increasing of interactive gaming and activities during inclement weather, betterment of promotional efforts of amateur events and media exposure via local channels of professional tennis events. Future research recommendations include studying a similar topic in a different context, assessing the impact of sport attachment versus player attachment on spectating behaviour of individual sports quantitatively, and conducting an experiment where one of the constraints is manipulated