92 research outputs found

    Systematic corruption threats of the national priority projects implementation in russia

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    The author of the article considers threats to financial safety of economy of the Russian Federation, in particular to implementation of national projects, namely corruption. Corruption still significantly complicates normal functioning of public mechanisms, interferes with carrying out of social transformations and modernization of the economy. The formation of the shadow political market, including lobbying and corruption became the negative trend, which should be noted while considering the feedback influence of the shadow economy exerted on the state and political power. Personnel corruption forms one chain, which is based on the relationship between the two persons- one having the right of appointment to a position or to influence the elections outcome, and the other one- interested in getting the position. It is important to create systemic conditions limiting the possibility of commission of crimes of such category

    Electron transport and optical properties of shallow GaAs/InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells with a thin central AlAs barrier

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    Shallow GaAs/InGaAs/GaAs quantum well structures with and without a three monolayer thick AlAs central barrier have been investigated for different well widths and Si doping levels. The transport parameters are determined by resistivity measurements in the temperature range 4-300 K and magnetotransport in magnetic fields up to 12 T. The (subband) carrier concentrations and mobilities are extracted from the Hall data and Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. We find that the transport parameters are strongly affected by the insertion of the AlAs central barrier. Photoluminescence spectra, measured at 77 K, show an increase of the transition energies upon insertion of the barrier. The transport and optical data are analyzed with help of self-consistent calculations of the subband structure and envelope wave functions. Insertion of the AlAs central barrier changes the spatial distribution of the electron wave functions and leads to the formation of hybrid states, i.e. states which extend over the InGaAs and the delta-doped layer quantum wells.Comment: 14 pages, pdf fil

    The attitude of health workers to vaccination at the present stage

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    Aim. Evaluation of the awareness of health workers of vaccine prevention at the present stage. Methods. To achieve the aim, survey of health workers of the Republic of Tatarstan was conducted using the developed questionnaire. The coverage of survey was 3 250 people. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using Microsoft Excel 2010 programs. Results. The conducted study revealed that a significant proportion (95 %) of health workers were positive about vaccine prevention, were vaccinated themselves and vaccinated their children. The most prevalent forms of informing parents of vaccinated children about adverse reactions after vaccination are oral recommendations by the doctor and information sheets about adverse reactions. The majority of interviewed health workers (89.9 %) support the initiative to cancel the right of citizens to refuse vaccination. In the opinion of health workers, the main components of successful organization of vaccine prevention in the medical organization are availability and diversity of vaccines, the level of qualification of medical personnel, and equipment of the vaccination room. Less than half of health workers were trained in specialized training on immunoprevention. The majority of health workers (86.3 %) consider it necessary to expand the national schedule of preventive vaccinations of the Russian Federation. Conclusion. Organizational measures to inform health workers in various areas of vaccine prevention are needed to be taken; promising directions are organizing specialized courses on immunoprevention and discussion of relevant aspects of immunization of the population and adverse reactions in post-vaccination period

    Can a single model explain both breast cancer and prostate cancer?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Estradiol-Dihydrotestosterone model of prostate cancer (PC) showed how the interaction of hormones with specific hormone receptors affected apoptosis. The same hormone can produce different effects, depending on which hormone receptor it interacts with.</p> <p>Model</p> <p>This model proposes that the first step in the development of most PC and breast cancer (BC) occurs when aromatase converts testosterone to estradiol (E2). A sufficiently high enough local level of E2 results in telomerase activity. The telomerase activity allows cell division and may lead to BC or PC, which will proliferate if the rate of cell division is greater than the rate of cell death. The effect of hormones on their hormone receptors will affect the rate of cell death and determine whether or not the cancer proliferates.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>By minimizing bcl-2 and maximizing apoptotic proteins, new systemic treatments for BC and PC can be developed that may be more effective than existing treatments.</p

    Effects of estrogens and bladder inflammation on mitogen-activated protein kinases in lumbosacral dorsal root ganglia from adult female rats

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    BACKGROUND: Interstitial cystitis is a chronic condition associated with bladder inflammation and, like a number of other chronic pain states, symptoms associated with interstitial cystitis are more common in females and fluctuate during the menstrual cycle. The aim of this study was to determine if estrogens could directly modulate signalling pathways within bladder sensory neurons, such as extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK) and p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases. These signalling pathways have been implicated in neuronal plasticity underlying development of inflammatory somatic pain but have not been as extensively investigated in visceral nociceptors. We have focused on lumbosacral dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons projecting to pelvic viscera (L1, L2, L6, S1) of adult female Sprague-Dawley rats and performed both in vitro and in vivo manipulations to compare the effects of short- and long-term changes in estrogen levels on MAPK expression and activation. We have also investigated if prolonged estrogen deprivation influences the effects of lower urinary tract inflammation on MAPK signalling. RESULTS: In studies of isolated DRG neurons in short-term (overnight) culture, we found that estradiol and estrogen receptor (ER) agonists rapidly stimulated ER-dependent p38 phosphorylation relative to total p38. Examination of DRGs following chronic estrogen deprivation in vivo (ovariectomy) showed a parallel increase in total and phosphorylated p38 (relative to beta-tubulin). We also observed an increase in ERK1 phosphorylation (relative to total ERK1), but no change in ERK1 expression (relative to beta-tubulin). We observed no change in ERK2 expression or phosphorylation. Although ovariectomy increased the level of phosphorylated ERK1 (vs. total ERK1), cyclophosphamide-induced lower urinary tract inflammation did not cause a net increase of either ERK1 or ERK2, or their phosphorylation. Inflammation did, however, cause an increase in p38 protein levels, relative to beta-tubulin. Prior ovariectomy did not alter the response to inflammation. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide new insights into the complex effects of estrogens on bladder nociceptor signalling. The diversity of estrogen actions in these ganglia raises the possibility of developing new ways to modulate their function in pelvic hyperactivity or pain states

    Identification of Estrogen Receptor Dimer Selective Ligands Reveals Growth-Inhibitory Effects on Cells That Co-Express ERα and ERβ

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    Estrogens play essential roles in the progression of mammary and prostatic diseases. The transcriptional effects of estrogens are transduced by two estrogen receptors, ERα and ERβ, which elicit opposing roles in regulating proliferation: ERα is proliferative while ERβ is anti-proliferative. Exogenous expression of ERβ in ERα-positive cancer cell lines inhibits cell proliferation in response to estrogen and reduces xenografted tumor growth in vivo, suggesting that ERβ might oppose ERα's proliferative effects via formation of ERα/β heterodimers. Despite biochemical and cellular evidence of ERα/β heterodimer formation in cells co-expressing both receptors, the biological roles of the ERα/β heterodimer remain to be elucidated. Here we report the identification of two phytoestrogens that selectively activate ERα/β heterodimers at specific concentrations using a cell-based, two-step high throughput small molecule screen for ER transcriptional activity and ER dimer selectivity. Using ERα/β heterodimer-selective ligands at defined concentrations, we demonstrate that ERα/β heterodimers are growth inhibitory in breast and prostate cells which co-express the two ER isoforms. Furthermore, using Automated Quantitative Analysis (AQUA) to examine nuclear expression of ERα and ERβ in human breast tissue microarrays, we demonstrate that ERα and ERβ are co-expressed in the same cells in breast tumors. The co-expression of ERα and ERβ in the same cells supports the possibility of ERα/β heterodimer formation at physio- and pathological conditions, further suggesting that targeting ERα/β heterodimers might be a novel therapeutic approach to the treatment of cancers which co-express ERα and ERβ

    Ovarian cancer molecular pathology.

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    Systematic corruption threats of the national priority projects implementation in russia

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    The author of the article considers threats to financial safety of economy of the Russian Federation, in particular to implementation of national projects, namely corruption. Corruption still significantly complicates normal functioning of public mechanisms, interferes with carrying out of social transformations and modernization of the economy. The formation of the shadow political market, including lobbying and corruption became the negative trend, which should be noted while considering the feedback influence of the shadow economy exerted on the state and political power. Personnel corruption forms one chain, which is based on the relationship between the two persons- one having the right of appointment to a position or to influence the elections outcome, and the other one- interested in getting the position. It is important to create systemic conditions limiting the possibility of commission of crimes of such category