3,652 research outputs found

    Community detection with spiking neural networks for neuromorphic hardware

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    We present results related to the performance of an algorithm for community detection which incorporates event-driven computation. We define a mapping which takes a graph G to a system of spiking neurons. Using a fully connected spiking neuron system, with both inhibitory and excitatory synaptic connections, the firing patterns of neurons within the same community can be distinguished from firing patterns of neurons in different communities. On a random graph with 128 vertices and known community structure we show that by using binary decoding and a Hamming-distance based metric, individual communities can be identified from spike train similarities. Using bipolar decoding and finite rate thresholding, we verify that inhibitory connections prevent the spread of spiking patterns.Comment: Conference paper presented at ORNL Neuromorphic Workshop 2017, 7 pages, 6 figure

    Application of temporal streamflow descriptors in hydrologic model parameter estimation

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    This paper presents a parameter estimation approach based on hydrograph descriptors that capture dominant streamflow characteristics at three timescales (monthly, yearly, and record extent). The scheme, entitled hydrograph descriptors multitemporal sensitivity analyses (HYDMUS), yields an ensemble of model simulations generated from a reduced parameter space, based on a set of streamflow descriptors that emphasize the timescale dynamics of streamflow record. In this procedure the posterior distributions of model parameters derived at coarser timescales are used to sample model parameters for the next finer timescale. The procedure was used to estimate the parameters of the Sacramento soil moisture accounting model (SAC-SMA) for the Leaf River, Mississippi. The results indicated that in addition to a significant reduction in the range of parameter uncertainty, HYDMUS improved parameter identifiability for all 13 of the model parameters. The performance of the procedure was compared to four previous calibration studies on the same watershed. Although our application of HYDMUS did not explicitly consider the error at each simulation time step during the calibration process, the model performance was, in some important respects, found to be better than in previous deterministic studies. Copyright 2005 by the American Geophysical Union

    Parameter estimation of GOES precipitation index at different calibration timescales

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    We examined two techniques that adjust the parameters of the GOES Precipitation Index (GPI) by combining the polar microwave and the geosynchronous infrared observations at three frequencies: daily, pentad, and monthly. The first technique is the adjusted GPI (AGPI), and the second is the universally adjusted GPI (UAGPI). The study shows that rainfall estimates can be improved by frequent calibrations providing there is sufficient superior (microwave) rainfall sampling within the calibration time and space domain. For this work, daily and pentad calibrations produce monthly rainfall estimates almost as good as monthly calibration. The daily calibration produced better daily rainfall estimates than pentad and monthly calibration, but it generates similar pentad rainfall estimates to these of the pentad calibration. The monthly calibrated scheme is not suitable for the daily and pentad rainfall estimates. Under the current twice-per-day sampling rate of polar-orbiting microwave observations, the pentad calibration scheme is suggested for the monthly, pentad, and daily rainfall. The potentials of applying the UAGPI and the AGPI techniques for daily rainfall estimation are also investigated. Copyright 2000 by the American Geophysical Union

    Penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe the power Of two untuk peningkatan hasil belajar siswa Kelas VIII semester I di MTs Darul Amin Palangka Raya pada pokok bahasan usaha dan energi Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dengan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe The Power of Two, (2) Ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa dengan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe The Power of Two, pada materi pokok usaha dan energi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif, dengan populasi seluruh kelas VIII semester I MTs Darul Amin Palangka Raya Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015.Sampel penelitian dipilih dengan teknik purposivesampling yaitu kelas VIIIasemester I MTs Darul Amin Palangka Raya berjumlah 23siswa.Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes hasil belajar kognitif siswa.Uji coba instrumen tes hasil belajar dilakukan pada kelas VIIIb.Instrumen uji coba berjumlah 40 soal pilihan ganda dengan 4 opsi. Setelah uji coba diperoleh 16 soal valid, 24 tidak valid, 7 soal katagori sukar, 28 soal katagori sedang, 5 soal kategori mudah, 2 soal kategori jelek, 6 soal kategori cukup, 3 soal katgori baik, 29 soal kategori baik sekali dan 29 soal yang digunakan untuk tes hasil belajar. Tingkat reliabilitas soal yang diperoleh dari hasil uji coba instrumen sebesar 0,79 dengan kategori tinggi. Hasil penelitian diperoleh: (1) Hasil belajar siswa menggunakan pembelajaran The Power of Two pada pokok bahasan usaha dan energi dengan peningkatan sebesar N-gain 0,43 (43%) katagori sedang, (2) Ketuntasan hasil belajar kognitif secara individu diperoleh11 siswa yang tuntas, 10 siswa tidak tuntas dari 21 siswa. Ketuntasan TPKdiperoleh 18(62,07%) TPKtuntas dan 11 (37,93) TPK tidak tuntas dari 29 TPK yang digunakan

    Pengaruh Perilaku Pemimpin Transformasional Otentik terhadap Kepuasan Kerja dengan Variabel Intervening: Kesamaan Nilai, Kepercayaan, dan Rasa Kagum Guru dan Karyawan di Sekolah-sekolah Muhammadiyah

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    This paper examines the influence of Authentic Transformational Leadership behaviorto Job Satisfaction with intervening variables: Value Congruence, Trust and Reverencethe teachers and employee in Muhammadiyah schools. The samples used in this studyare 66 employees and 125 teachers. The result indicated that Authentic TransformationalLeadership behavior have significant influence on Job Satisfaction directly. Thesignificant influence also shown with intervening variables Reverence. But withintervening variables: Value Congruence and Trust are not significant influence JobSatisfaction.Keywords: Authentic Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction, ValueCongruence,Trust, Reverenc
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