8 research outputs found

    Current Status Of Direct Pulp-Capping Materials For Permanent Teeth

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    Direct pulp-capping is a method for treating exposed vital pulp with dental material to facilitate the formation of reparative dentin and to maintain vital pulp. Two types of pulp-capping materials, calcium hydroxide and mineral trioxide aggregate, have been most commonly used in clinics, and an adhesive resin has been considered a promising capping material. However, until now, there has been no comprehensive review of these materials. Therefore, in this paper, the composition, working mechanisms and clinical outcome of these types of pulp-capping materials are reviewed

    Comprehensive Review Of Current Endodontic Sealers

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    Endodontic sealers for non-surgical root canal treatment (NSRCT) span many compositions and attributes. This comprehensive review discusses current types of endodontic sealers by their setting reaction type, composition, and properties: zinc oxide-eugenol, salicylate, fatty acid, glass ionomer, silicone, epoxy resin, tricalcium silicate, and methacrylate resin sealers. Setting time, solubility, sealing ability, antimicrobial, biocompatibility, and cytotoxicity are all aspects key to the performance of endodontic sealers. Because sealing ability is so important to successful outcomes, the relative degree of microleakage among all the relevant sealers was calculated by way of a meta-analysis of relevant literature. Compared to AH Plus, tricalcium silicate sealers show the lowest relative microleakage among the sealers assessed, followed by silicone sealers and other non-AH Plus epoxy resin sealers. Tricalcium silicate sealers also exhibit the most favorable antimicrobial effect and excellent biocompatibility. Future sealers developed should ideally combine a hermetic seal with therapeutic effects

    Skeletal Metastasis in Renal Cell Carcinoma: Photon Deficiency on Bone Scintigraphy

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    Bone scintigraphy with 99mTc-labeled phosphorous compound is an excellent technique for the detection of bone metastasis. Bone metastases are usually visualized as multiple hot spots on bone scintigraphy. However, photon deficiency in the metastatic lesion on bone scintigrams is reported in few cases with malignancy. In this study, we have evaluated the photopenic bone metastasis from renal cell carcinoma by the radiographic and computed tomographic examinations. Photon deficient metastatic lesions were seen on bone scintigraphy in 5 patients with renal cell carcinoma. All of the photon deficient lesions were osteolytic on bone radiography and computed tomography. The pure photon deficient lesions not associated with surrounding hot margins were seen on the thoracic vertebrae and rib and the ones with surrounding hot margins were seen on the sternum, pelvis and femur. This difference may be due to the differences in the growth rate of the tumor and reactive hyperemia and new bone formation in the metastatic lesions

    Review of methyl methacrylate (MMA)/tributylborane (TBB)-initiated resin adhesive to dentin

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    This review, focusing mainly on research related to methyl methacrylate/tributylborane (MMA/TBB) resin, presents the early history of dentin bonding and MMA/TBB adhesive resin, followed by characteristics of resin bonding to dentin. Bond strengths of MMA/TBB adhesive resin to different adherends were discussed and compared with other bonding systems. Factors affecting bond strength (such as conditioners, primers, and medicaments used for dental treatment), bonding mechanism, and polymerization characteristics of MMA/TBB resin were also discussed. This review further reveals the unique adhesion features between MMA/TBB resin and dentin: in addition to monomer diffusion into the demineralized dentin surface, graft polymerization of MMA onto dentin collagen and interfacial initiation of polymerization at the resin-dentin interface provide the key bonding mechanisms