292 research outputs found

    Complete Genome Sequences of Paenibacillus Larvae Phages BN12, Dragolir, Kiel007, Leyra, Likha, Pagassa, PBL1c, and Tadhana

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    We present here the complete genomes of eight phages that infect Paenibacillus larvae, the causative agent of American foulbrood in honeybees. Phage PBL1c was originally isolated in 1984 from a P. larvae lysogen, while the remaining phages were isolated in 2014 from bee debris, honeycomb, and lysogens from three states in the USA


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    醤油麹より分離せるアミラーゼ力及びプロティナーゼ力共に強力なるAspergillus属一株(As-16号)に就てその酵素力に対する塩類の影響を検討した。1)20%食塩溶液中で麩麹を浸漬すると, 両酵素共10∿20日で著しく失活するが, この場合0℃, 20℃では比較的失活は少く, 40℃では大であつた。2)Cationによる影響は(Hg)^, (Ag)^+, (Cd)^, (Sn)^, (Pb)^によりアミラーゼが又(Hg)^, (Ag)^+, (Cu)^によりプロティナーゼが強く失活された。又(Mg)^, (Zn)^はアミラーゼの活性に対し促進的に作用するが, プロティナーゼに就いてはかかる作用を示すCationは認められなかつた。3)Anionによる影響は両酵素共(JO)_3^-, (ClO)_3^-, (Cr)_2O_7^, FeCN_6^及びFeCN_6^の如き酸化還元に関連するIonによつてのみかなりの失活を認め, 他のAnionによる顕著な影響は見られずCN^-, (CrO)_4^がアミラーゼに対してのみ若干の阻害的影響を示した程度であつた。4)NaClによる両酵素の失活は(CI)^-よりもNa^+による影響が大なる如く推察される。即ち(CaCl)_2及び(AlCl)_3の10%溶液中に麹を浸漬する場合, NaClと同様(AlCl)_3により両酵素共に強く失活されるが(CaCl)_2によつてはその失活は, 比較的低率に止まる事を認めた。Previously Prof. Nakahama and Imahara isolated a strain of Aspergillus sp. which produced much amylase and proteinase from soja koji. I have studied on the halophilic properties of the amylase and the proteinase in the koji made by this strain. I could see that the both enzymes in it were inactivated by the steeping the koji in high concentrate sodium chloride solution and were far more weakened at higher temperature as 40℃ than the lower. The influence of various cations and ainons to the two enzymes were studied upon they were incubated at 20℃. In presence of the cations; (Hg)^, (Ag)^+, (Cd)^, (Sn)^ and Pb^, the amylase activity was decreased, while the cations, (Mg)^ and (Zn)^, increased it. The proteinase activity was decreased in presence of cotions, (Hg)^, (Ag)^+ and (Cu)^. The anions, (ClO)_3^-, (JO)_3^-, (Cr)_2O_7^, Fe(CN)_6^ and Fe(CN)_6^, decreased the activities of the both enzymes. I suppose that the actions of the anions are belonge to the oxydoreductive system and no specific action according to the kinds of anions are shown and the influence of NaCl to these enzymes is more owing to the cations in it, (Na)^+, than the anion, (Cl)^-. I showed the influence of (Al)^ to the activities of the two enzymes was obvious, but that of (Ca)^ was not

    LPS-mediated production of pro/anti-inflammatory cytokines and eicosanoids in whole blood samples: Biological effects of +896A/G TLR4 polymorphism in a Sicilian population of healthy subjects

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are the principal mediators of rapid microbial recognition: the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) receptor TLR4 seems to have a paradigmatic role. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the TLR4 gene, such as +896A/G, known to attenuate receptor signaling, have been described. The +896A/G SNP is significantly less frequent in patients with myocardial infarction, Alzheimer’s disease or prostate cancer, whereas it is overrepresented in centenarians. To clarify and confirm the biological effects of +896A/G SNP and its role in the pathophysiology of age-related diseases and longevity, we assessed the levels of IL-6, TNF-a, IL-10 and eicosanoids (LTB4 and PGE2) in LPS-stimulated whole blood samples in vitro of 50 young healthy Sicilians, screened for the presence of this SNP. To evaluate the possible influence of SNPs in PTGS2 and 5-Lo genes on eicosanoid production, the enrolled individuals were also genotyped for 765G/C PTGS2 and 1708G/A 5-Lo SNPs. Both pro-inflammatory cytokines and eicosanoids were significantly lower in carriers bearing the TLR4 mutation, whereas the antiinflammatory IL-10 values were higher. On the basis of data reported herein, some suggestions can be drawn. First, pathogen load, by interacting with the host genotype, determines the type and intensity of inflammatory responses, according to the pro-inflammatory status and tissue injury, implicated in the pathophysiology of major age-related diseases. Second, adequate control of inflammatory response might reduce the risk of these diseases, and, reciprocally, might increase the chance of extended survival in an environment with reduced antigen (that is, pathogen) load

    醤油の産膜性酵母に関する研究(第 7 報) : 酵母の糖代謝に及ぼす界面活性剤の影響(農芸化学部門)

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    七種の界面活性剤の酵母に及ぼす影響に就て主としてグルコーズ代謝を中心として検討を行なつた。(1)基本培地で培養して得られたIntact cellのグルコーズ代謝は非イオン活性剤によつては直接的に大なる影響は受けなかつたが, 陰イオン及び陽イオン活性剤はその順に強く阻害的影響を及ぼした。(2)非イオン活性剤で予めIntact cellを処理すれば, 菌株により幾らか炭水化物醗酵性に変化が認められる。(3)非イオン活性剤を添加して培養した場合, その生育状態が変化すればその条件に適応する如く, グルコーズ代謝に於て変化を受けている様であつた。We studied the influence of surface active agents (detergents) for some yeasts. In order to the observation of carbohydrate metabolism, we measured the CO_2 uptake by Warburg\u27s manometer. Glucose metabolism of intact cell would not be much influenced by nonionic detergents, but inhibited by the both cationic and anionic detergents. The carbohydrate metabolism of some yeasts was varied by incubation of the intact cell in detergent solution. The cell which had been cultured in medium with detergents was varied the glucose metabolism as adaptation to growth condition, ie it seem to indicate that the respirative metabolism was decreased but the fermentative metabolism was increased

    醤油諸味中の産膜性酵母の研究(第 2 報) : 食塩に対する産膜性醤油酵母の態度

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    1. 産膜性醤油酵母の或る種属には其の培養基中に或程度の無機塩類が添加された場合に始めて産膜性を表すものがある。我々は斯る産膜性酵母の一株を醤油諸味より分離しZygos-4と命名した。2. 高食塩濃度含有培地に培養されたZygos-4は顕春しく食塩に対して馴置される性質を持つ。3. 高食塩濃度含有培地に培養した場合に生ずるZygos-4の沈澱と皮膜に就ては, 其の皮膜を形成する細胞の方が沈澱のものより醗酵力に於て食塩の影響を受け難いと推定される。4. 食塩に依つてZygos-4の繁殖が抑制される場合其の代謝様式に関するRQの変化は考へられない。We reported before that the film-soya-yeast did not seem to be harmful to the soya mash when they stayed in anaerobic condition and not produce a film on the surface of the mash. Some of them don\u27t always grow producing a film, but propagate as sediments in the form of a clod or lump according to the composition of the medium. We can isolate such a strain, named Zygos-4 by us, in soya mash, and it does not make a film when the medium does not contain sodium chloride or other salts to some extent. A high content of sodium chloride in the medium is harmful to the fermentative power of the yeast. The harmful effect on the yeast film cell is less than that on the yeast precipitate cell, when both have been previously grown in the medium containing a high concentration of sodium chloride. The ratio of oxgen to carbon dioxide in the metabolic action of the two samples does not seem to be much effected or clearly differentiated, regordless wether the medium does or does not contain sodium chloride to some extent

    植物繊維原料の醗酵精練に就て(第 15 報) : 有用糸状菌とそのペクチナーゼに就て(農芸化学部門)

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    亜麻原料の酵素精練法を計画しこの目的に沿うべき強力な酵素分泌を行なう糸状菌の分離及び選択を行なつた結果, Penicillium citrinumに近縁する一株が最も有効と認められた。該菌の分泌する酵素は主としてendo-polygalacturonase及びendo-polymethylgalacturonaseであつてその精製酵素について性質を検討した所, 作用最適pH 3∿4,重金属イオン及びSDSによつて強く阻害されるが他のキレート試薬, 酸化還元試薬によつて阻害され難く, また特に強く賦活作用を示す物質は見当たらなかつたが, (Ca)^及び(Ba)^がやや賦活作用を示した。また実用的見地から該菌の麩麹抽出液を用いて亜麻の浸漬醗酵を中間工業的規模で試験した結果。従来のアルカリ精練法より二三の点で優れている事を認め, 酵素精練法の基礎を実証する一知見を得た。We would find a new method of enzymatic retting for flaxes and separated a strain of the mold which produced a large quantities of the actual enzyme. The strain was tested for the morphological and taxonomical properties, and it was recognized that it was belonged to the genus of Penicillium citrinum series. The enzyme of this strain (named Penicillium citrinum PN) was eluated from the cultured materials on wheat bram and was partialy purifild by salting out in 0.3∿0.8 saturation of ammonium sulfate and by fractionary precipitation in 35∿50% concentration of acetone. This enzyme showed the action of endopolygalacturonase and endopolymethylgalacturonase and had in pH 3∿4 on reaction optimum. This enzyme was inactivated by (Ag)^+, (Sn)^, (Hg)^, (Cu)^, (Fe)^, (Al)^ and SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) but not other metalic ions, chelating agents and oxydation reduction agents. In order to test the availability of this enzyme for the refining of flax fibre materials, we compared with the enzymatic retting and chemical retting used alkali on the scale of pilot plant. By the enzymatic treatment we found not only the suitable quantities of pectin materials was decomposed, but also the yield of product was larger than by the chemical treatment

    植物繊維原料の醗酵精練について(第 16 報) : 各種糸状菌のペクチナーゼ作用およびその形態(農芸化学部門)

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    各種の作用形式のペクチン分解酵素をぞれそれ有効にとり出しその作用機構を明らかにするとともに, その適切なる応用面の開発を目的として, 研究室保存のType culture 31株の糸状菌について, それぞれのendo-PG, exo-PG, PE作用力の測定を行なった。その結果特にendo-PG作用のみすぐれているMucor circinelloidesとendo-PG作用はほとんど微弱であるがexo-PG, PE作用のかなり強力なるNeurospora sitophildの2株を特徴ある菌株として見出し得た。またendo PG, exo-PG, PE作用ともにかなりの強さを有するものとしてAspergillus nigerを指摘した。これらのペクチナーゼ力の強弱あるいは作用形式の特徴に対し種属の特徴の関連的事実は認められなかった。このような菌株による酵素作用の特徴はペクチン分解作用に関する基礎的研究の上にも応用面開発のためにも重要な意義を有するものである。試験菌株の酵素作用の比較の一方顕微鏡観察を行なって培養管理上の基礎資料を得た。We researched the pectolytic activities of 31 strains of molds which collected in our laboratory and observed the forms of these molds by microscope. As the result we selected some strains which were rich on the pectolytic activity. Mucorcircinelloides showed the highest activity in only endo-PG and Neurospora sitophila had high activities in exo-PG and PE. On the other hand Aspergillus niger showed high activities in three pectolytic action, endo-PG, exo-PG and PE. Therefore we could find the fact that genus had not specificities on pectolytic activity but species specifitate. On the microscopic observation we succeeded obtaining the morphological characteristics of each strains

    微生物による核酸関連物質の生成(第 2 報) : Penicillium 属, 放線菌および細菌の特殊条件下における核酸関連物質の分泌(農芸化学部門)

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    前報に述べたと同じ目的で糸状菌としてPenicillium属を, 更に放線菌および細菌について数種の特殊物質を添加して培養する方法による核酸関連物質分泌試験を行なった。その結果Penicillium velutinumが弗化ソーダ添加培養によってグアニル酸約14γ/ml, およびウリジル酸約14.5γ/ml分泌することが認められ, また放線菌J-182号菌ではストレプトマイシン添加培養によってグアニン約9γ/mlおよびウラシル約6.5γ/ml分泌することを認めた。しかし試験に供した細菌中ではこのような条件下で分泌を示すものは見出せなかった。On th method of previous paper, we would find the effective conditions secretion of nucleic acid related substances in the culture fluid growing of penicillia, streptomyces and bacteria isolated from putrefied substances or soil. Consequently we found that Penicillium velutinum secreted about 14γ/ml of guanylic acid and about 14.5γ/ml of uridylic acid during its growth in the culture fluid added NaF and a strain of Streptomyces named J-182 secreted about 9γ/ml of guanine andabout 6.5γ/ml of uracil by adding of Streptomycin. On the other hand, we couldn\u27t recognize the secretion of nucleic acid related substances in all bacteria tested on the same conditions

    微生物による核酸関連物質の生成(第 1 報) : 酵母類の特殊条件下における核酸関連物質の分泌(農芸化学部門)

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    微生物を培養条件下においてその培地中へ核酸関連物質を分泌しうる条件を求めるべく, 研究室保存の酵母類について検討を行なった。正常な培地条件ではいずれの菌株も分泌は殆んど認められなかった。したがって数種の物質を添加して培養を行ない分泌の有無を試験した。すなわち添加物質としてはEDTA, クエン酸ソーダ, マロン酸ソーダ, 窒化ソーダ, ジニトロフェノール, ストレプトマイシン計7種を使用した。その結果マロン酸ソーダおよびストレプトマイシン添加培養の場合Candida utilis, Hansenula anomalaおよびEndomycopsis hordei HDT 7209の3株が明らかに核酸関連物質の分泌を示した。そのうち比較的分泌量の著しいCandida utilisについて更に分泌物質の追究を行なったところ, ストレプトマイシン添加培養においてはアデニル酸が約11γ/ml, マロン酸ソーダ添加培養においてグアノシン約7γ/mlおよび他に未知核酸関連物質が分泌するこるを認めた。一方Endomycopsis hordei HDT 7209の場合もマロン酸ソーダ添加培養においてアデノシンおよびウリジル酸と推定されうるものそれぞれ約13γ/mlおよび約9γ/ml分泌することを認めた。We would find the effective conditions of secretion of the substances related nucleic acid in the culture fluid growing of some strains of yeasts. We couldnt recognize the secretion of these substances on most strain in normal condition except some of theme in the cases of the regulated media including the special substances. Candida utilis, Hansenula anomala and Endomycopsis hordei HDT 7209 secreted these substances in the regulated medium including the Na-malonate or Streptomycin. On further studies, we found that Candida utilis secreted about 11γ/ml of adenylic acid by adding of Streptomycin in its medium and about 7γ/ml of guanosin by Na-malonate, and Endomycopsis hordei HDT 7209 secreted about 13γ/ml of adenosin and 9γ/ml of uridylic acid by Na-malonate