303 research outputs found

    Practices of Constructing Regional Identity in the Media Discourse of Tatarstan

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    The authors consider identity as a conditional discursive construct, the result of subjects of discourse identifications and offer their own methodology for its analysis. It is shown that regional identity can be represented in the form of a model based on spatial and temporal identifications that specify the coordinate system of reality in which there are residents of the region in question. The concept of space-time is complemented by a set of diverse thematic identifications, including economic, political, cultural, ethnic, religious, linguistic, etc. For the first time in the framework of the socio-constructionist paradigm, a discursive model of the regional identity of the inhabitants of Tatarstan is constructed in the article. The empirical material of the study is the corpus of texts of Tatarstan media for 2017-2019. It is shown that the spatial identification of Tatarstan people includes the practice of selecting, nominating and describing significant geographical objects, the practice of constructing relations of Tatarstan with other geographical objects. Particular attention is paid to the practice of constructing the capital status of a regional center, as well as the relationship of spatial and political identifications. Analyzing the practices of ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural identification, the authors come to the conclusion that the identity of the Tatarstan people is ethnocentric: despite the declared multinationality and multi-confessionality of the region, Tatars as an ethnic group, Tatar language, Tatar culture and Islam as a traditional religion of the Tatars are of particular importance

    Опыт длительного применения Урисана у больных подагрой

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    Objective: to evaluate the safety of long-term use of Urisan. Subjects and methods. The safety of long-term (6-month) use of Urisan in 30 patients with the significant diagnosis of gout was studied. Results. Urisan was generally well tolerated. The findings suggest the drug has neither nephro- and hepatotoxicity nor negative effect on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Conclusion. The herbal complex Urisan has proved to be an effective and safe agent for long-term therapy in patients with gout.Целью настоящего исследования явилась оценка безопасности длительного назначения Урисана. Материал и методы. Проведено исследование безопасности длительного (6 мес) применения Урисана у 30 больных с достоверным диагнозом подагры. Результаты исследования. В целом переносимость Урисана была хорошей. Полученные данные свидетельствуют об отсутствии у Урисана нефро- и гепатотоксичности, негативного влияния на углеводный и липидный обмен. Заключение. Растительный комплекс Урисан зарекомендовал себя как эффективное и безопасное средство для длительной терапии больных подагрой

    Как оптимизировать лечение больных подагрой с хроническим артритом. В фокусе - Урисан

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    The paper outlines the specific features of the clinical picture and diagnosis of chronic gouty arthritis. It describes difficulties in treating chronic gout when one has to face the so-called vicious circle, to which is contributed by comorbidity that is present in most patients. A way out of this clinical difficulty is proposed to use the herbal complex Urisan that has antihyperuricemic and inflammatory properties.Изложены особенности клиники и диагностики хронического подагрического артрита. Описаны сложности лечения хронической подагры, когда приходится сталкиваться с так называемым порочным кругом, чему способствует присутствующая у большинства пациентов сопутствующая патология. Предложен выход из этой сложной клинической ситуации с помощью растительного комплекса Урисан, обладающего антигиперурикемическими и противовоспалительными свойствами

    The ethnocultural component of the concept the sea in the Russian, English and German phraseology

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    In article in lingvokulturological aspect are considered a concept objectivization the SEA in the Russian, English and German phraseology. As a result of cognitive-discourse analysis is found the ethnocultural component of a concept allowing to define specifics of functioning of a concept the SEA in an ethnic language picture of the world.В статье в лингвокультурологическом аспекте рассмотрены объективации концепта МОРЕ в русской, английской и немецкой фразеологии. В результате когнитивно-дискурсивного анализа эксплицируется этнокультурный компонент концепта, позволяющий определить специфику функционирования концепта МОРЕ в этнической языковой картине мира

    Onomastic Space of Animated Films about Russian Heroes by the Studio of Animation Cinema “Mill”

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    The article is devoted to the study of the system of proper names in the texts of animated films with a folklore precedent basis. The relevance of the research is due to the need to study media texts that translate folklore imagery in linguocognitive and linguostylistic aspects. The material for the research is character and voice-over texts of animated films about Russian heroes: “Alyosha Popovich i Tugarin Zmey” (2004), “Dobrynya Nikitich i The Zmey Gorynych” (2006), “Ilya Muromets I Solovey Razboynik” (2007). The complex of names of geographical objects, the naming system of anthropo- and zoomorphic characters is considered, the precedent base for the formation of the onomastic space of animated films is determined, and the ways of introducing new components to the proper names system of this content are characterized. Special attention is paid to the description of intertextual links of the polycode content under study with works of epic genres of Russian folklore and with other sources. The scientific novelty of the work is seen in the fact that the verbal component of the studied animated films is currently insufficiently studied, and their proper names system becomes the subject of linguistic analysis for the first time

    Speech Representation of Female Images in the Polycode Text of “Heroic” Cycle Cartoons of the Art Studio “Melnitsa”

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    The article is devoted to the study of the verbal component of animated films with a folk precedent basis. The relevance of the research is due to the need to study the conceptosphere of modern media texts conveying folklore imagery. The results of a comparative analysis of female images in animated films about Russian heroes are presented (Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmey (2004), Dobrynya Nikitich and Zmey Gorynych (2006), Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber (2007) in comparison with their folk prototypes. The issues of speech representation of the images of the mother and the bride / wife of a hero, traditional for the epic genre, as well as other female images, the appearance of which is due to the influence of other precedent sources, are considered. The conceptual proximity of the narrative-story line basis and the composition of the characters of the texts under study to the Russian fairy tale is proved. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of the stylistic technique of burlesque travesty, it is proved that this technique is the main means of creating a comic effect and performs a text-forming function in the studied polycode content. The scientific novelty of the work is seen in the fact that the verbal component of the animated films studied was not previously the subject of linguistic analysis

    Results of investigation of muon fluxes of superhigh energy cosmic rays with X-ray emulsion chambers

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    The overall data from the investigation of the cosmic ray muon flux in the range of zenith angles (0-90) deg within the energy range (3.5 to 5.0) TeV is presented. The exposure of large X-ray emulsion chambers underground was 1200 tons. year. The data were processe using the method which was applied in the experiment Pamir and differred from the earlier applied one. The obtained value of a slope power index of the differential energy spectrum of the global muon flux is =3.7 that corresponds to the slope of the pion generation differential spectrum, gamma sub PI = 2.75 + or - .04. The analysis of the muon zenith-angular distribution showed that the contribution of rapid generation muons in the total muon flux agree the best with the value .2% and less with .7% at a 90% reliability level

    Значение диеты и биологически активных добавок к пище при подагре

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    The paper discusses a role of a diet and therapy with the herbal complex Urisan in patients with gout. It is noted that the agent based on herbal components may be used in addition to drug therapy and diet in seasonal hyperuricuria, hyperuricemia observed after heavy strenuous and athletic activity, meat overeating, and alcohol abuse. Urisan may be recommended in subsiding gouty inflammation as a bridge to the use of allopurinol.Обсуждается роль диеты и терапии растительным комплексом Урисан у больных подагрой. Отмечено, что средство, основанное на растительных компонентах, может назначаться в дополнение к медикаментозной терапии и диете при сезонном повышении уровня МК, гиперурикемии, наблюдаемой после тяжелой физической и спортивной нагрузки, избыточного употребления мяса и алкоголя. Прием Урисана может быть рекомендован во время стихающего подагрического воспаления в качестве «моста» к назначению аллопуринола

    Место локальной терапии в ревматологии. В фокусе - гель кетопрофен

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    According to the data of recent studies, the topical formulations of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used in rheumatic diseases are of the greatest importance in the treatment of osteoarthrosis. Comparative studies have demonstrated that ketoprofen-containing gel has some advantage over other NSAIDs. Topical formulations based on ketoprofen (Fastum® gel) are effective, fast-acting, and able to aid patients in relieving pain and improving the quality of life.Показано, что, по данным современных исследований, локальные формы нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов (НПВП) при ревматических заболеваниях наибольшее значение имеют в лечении остеоартроза. Сравнительные исследования продемонстрировали преимущество геля, содержащего кетопрофен, перед другими НПВП. Формы для местного применения на основе кетопрофена (Фастум® гель) являются эффективными, быстродействующими, способными помочь пациентам в преодолении боли и улучшении качества жизни