117 research outputs found

    Epidemiology and prevalence of deep venous thrombosis in patients with spinal cord injury

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    Pressure ulcers in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) are associated with incredible financial cost and human sufferings. The aim of this retrospective study was to determine prevalence of pressure ulcers amongst patients with different levels of SCI

    Prevelacne of pressure ulcers in patients with spinal cord injury; a retrospective study

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    Pressure ulcers in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) are associated with incredible financial cost and human sufferings. The aim of this retrospective study was to determine prevalence of pressure ulcers amongst patients with different levels of SCI


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    Background: This qualitative study was aimed to clarify perplexes regarding examinations at secondary school level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and to understand the real position of examination in the education system. Method: Phenomenology was chosen as the enquiry method and purposive sampling was used for the collection of data through semi-structure interviews from six respondents (two each from board of intermediate and secondary education Peshawar, two from the department of elementary and secondary education KP and two from  the educationists one from public and other from private sector university). The collected data was analyzed through thematic analysis. Results: This study revealed that due to materialistic approach to education, examination which was a mean to education has usurped the very end of education. The abrogation and discontinuation of examination was timely needed due to Covid-19, while this practice is done in some advanced countries in normal situations. This study also identified that lack of professionalism in teachers has caused the students to resort to examination abuses. It was also find out that the exam culture is defective and is in the dire need of drastic reforms. Conclusion: This study recommended school based continuous assessment for the amelioration of examination system in the context of KP along with proper legislation regarding exams in abnormal situations; so that in pandemics disasters etc. the examinations could be handle without any hesitation

    Fasting headache, a cross-sectional study

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    Headache is a predominant disorder in general population and is classified into primary and secondary forms by the International Headache Society. Fasting headache is currently classified in Group 10 of ICHD-III as “Headache attributed to disorders of homeostasis”. In spite of continuing research, there is still indistinctness regarding the exact cause of fasting headache. Hypoglycaemia, previous history of headache, stress, caffeine withdrawal, lack of sleep and female gender have been speculated as causative factors. Our rationale for this study is to find out what percentage of the population experiences fasting headache and to find out any link between the occurrence of this phenomenon and any associated factors

    The Relationship between Teacher Leadership and Students’ Performance at Secondary School Level in Peshawar, KP, Pakistan

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    This quantitative study was conducted to ascertain the relationship between Teacher Leadership (TL) and the performance of the students at secondary school levels. Only public boys’ secondary school teachers of district Peshawar were taken as the population of this study. The total number of public boys’ secondary schools was 85. The sample size of the study was 242, were selected from 658 Secondary School Teachers (SSTs) in public schools. The Teacher Leadership School Survey (TLSS) of Katzenmeyer and Moller (2009) was employed as a tool for the collection of data which consisted of four different teacher leadership attributes as independent variables. The students’ performance was taken from SSC (Secondary School Certificate) class 9thand 10thresults, 2019-20 of BISE,P (Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Peshawar). All required tests of theSPSS version 23 i.e. Reliability Test, Descriptive Statistic andPearson Correlation Test were applied on the data. The reliability of independent variables fell in good range i.e. .81 to .87. Pearson Correlation Test result also showed that leadership qualities were present in teachers of public sector schools of secondary level for boys. The study indicated that the teachers may be proficient due to these aspects of teacher leadership and their impact on the learners wasquite visible


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    Dengue is the most vital arboviral disease in humans, which is occurring in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. Dengue fever is itemized as an urban human disease as it spreads easily to urban environmental/ morphological contexts because of the uneven increase of urban population and infectious diseases as a result of climate change. Dengue epidemic cases related to climatic parameters are helpful to monitor and prevent the transmission of dengue fever. Many studies have focused on describing the clinical aspects of dengue outbreak. We bring out the epidemiological study to investigate the dengue fever development and prediction in the Karachi city. This study described the oncological treatment by statistical analysis and fractal rescaled range (R/S) method of the dengue epidemics from January 2001 to December 2020, based on the urban morphological patterns, and climatic variables including temperature and ENSO respectively. The R/S method in oncologists has been carried in two ways, basic oncological/statistical analysis and Fractal dimension adapt to the study the nature of the subtleties of dengue epidemic data, another showing the dynamics of oncological process. Climate parameters are shown that the fractal dimension value revealed a persistency behavior i.e. time series is an increasing, Fractal analysis also confirmed the anti-persistent behavior of dengue for months of September to November and the normality tests specified the robust indication of the intricacy of data. This study will be useful for future researchers working on epidemiology and urban environmental oncological fields to improve and rectify the urban infectious diseases


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    Background: This qualitative study was aimed to apply Bloom Taxonomy forthe improvement of examination system at Higher Secondary SchoolCertificate (HSSC) level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The study tried toexplore the techniques of improvement of examination system by employingBloom Taxonomy in teaching learning process as well as in the setting ofexamination papers to bring credibility in the result of examination at HSSClevel. Method: For collection of data purposive sampling was used. Throughfour sets of semi-structured interviews, from the four respondents, i.e.,educationist, chairman and Controller BISE (Board of Intermediate andSecondary Education), and an Associate Professor from the department ofHigher Education of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Results: Four themes emergedfrom these interviews which were properly analyzed through thematicanalysis. The results of the study showed that holistic teaching, SLO (StudentLearning Outcomes) based examination, variety of questions in papers andcombination of all learning domains will properly help in the improvement ofexamination. Conclusion: The study recommends the incorporation of BloomTaxonomy in both teaching learning practices, as well as for the setting ofexamination papers accordingly

    Determination and Extraction of Acetamiprid Residues in Fruits and Vegetables

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    <p align="center"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">  <span style="font-size: medium;">Vegetables (chilies, tomato, cauliflower and cucumber) and fruits (mango and apple) samples were spiked with known quantity (0.50 mg kg-1) of acetamiprid reference standard for testing the retrieval percentage of acetamiprid residue in those vegetables and fruits. The efficiency of different extracting (ethyl acetate and dichloromethane + acetone 8:2) and eluting (ethyl acetate and dichloromethane + acetone 8:2) solvents and adsorbents (activated charcoal and florisil) for clean up purpose was calculated using HPLC. Amongst the extracting solvents ethyl-acetate was observed an effective extracting solvent alone which produced maximum 90-96%  </span><span style="font-size: medium;">recovery for acetamiprid residues while among the eluting solvents a combination of dichloromethane and acetone ( ratio 8:2) produced superior recoveries i.e. 87-95%. Similarly, between the adsorbents used for clean up purpose activated charcoal and florisil in tandem (first from charcoal and then through florisil) yielded recoveries 82-90 % whereas adsorbents used alone in form of activated florisil and charcoal recovered only 70 to 78 % and 71 to 73% acetamiprid residues, respectively in all vegetables and fruits.</span></span></p

    Determination and Extraction of Acetamiprid Residues in Fruits and Vegetables

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      Vegetables (chilies, tomato, cauliflower and cucumber) and fruits (mango and apple) samples were spiked with known quantity (0.50 mg kg-1) of acetamiprid reference standard for testing the retrieval percentage of acetamiprid residue in those vegetables and fruits. The efficiency of different extracting (ethyl acetate and dichloromethane + acetone 8:2) and eluting (ethyl acetate and dichloromethane + acetone 8:2) solvents and adsorbents (activated charcoal and florisil) for clean up purpose was calculated using HPLC. Amongst the extracting solvents ethyl-acetate was observed an effective extracting solvent alone which produced maximum 90-96%  recovery for acetamiprid residues while among the eluting solvents a combination of dichloromethane and acetone ( ratio 8:2) produced superior recoveries i.e. 87-95%. Similarly, between the adsorbents used for clean up purpose activated charcoal and florisil in tandem (first from charcoal and then through florisil) yielded recoveries 82-90 % whereas adsorbents used alone in form of activated florisil and charcoal recovered only 70 to 78 % and 71 to 73% acetamiprid residues, respectively in all vegetables and fruits