3,252 research outputs found

    Analisis Korelasi dan Regresi Dinamika Populasi Hama dan Musuh Alami pada Beberapa Varietas Unggul Padi Setelah Penerapan Pht di Kabupaten Bone Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Different types of rice pests, have been reported. The explosions and a potential pests are Rice Stem Borer (Tryporizasp.), Brown Planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens), Green Leafhoppers (Nephotettix virescens), and Rats (Rattus sp.), wichan obstacle in creating stability of rice production in Bone. In rice ecosystem, natural enemies of arthropod predatorsare most instrumental in suppressing the pest population. Fluctuation in population density of natural enemies, affectingpests presence. Efforts to suppress pest proportions through IPM, is a strategy of lowering the level of pests and damageto rice crops. This study aims to identify and measure the relationship strength between pests and natural enemiespopulations in some rice varieties after IPM, using correlation and regression analysis. Observations conducted in Bone,from May to August 2012, with 2 observed variables, pests and natural enemies populations in Inpari 6, Inpari 10, Inpari16, Ciherang, Cigelis, and Mekongga. Data analysis were performed using correlation and regression analysis. Theresults showed a high degree of correlation between pest and natural enemies (predators) populalions, characterized bya positive correlation coefficient (0.957) and significant at the level of 0.01, where each increase in the intensity of pestpopulations, will be followed by increase in the number of natural enemies captured

    Tradisi Ilmiah Ulama Falak Haramain Akhir Abad 19 M Dan Awal Abad 20 M (Profil Syaikh Muhammad Zein (W. 1388 /1967) Dan Kontribusinya Dalam Ilmu Falak)

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    Para ulama yang mengajar di Haramaian di penghujung abad ke-19 dan awal abad ke-20 cukup beragam. Mereka berasal dari banyak etnis dan suku dari berbagai belahan dunia iIslam. Keahlian mereka pun bukan hanya pada satu bidang keilmuan tertentu saja, melainkan banyak bidang keilmuan Islam. Salah satu bidang keilmuan tersebut adalah ilmu falak. Ilmu ini kemudian ditransmisi ke daerah lokal masing-masing setelah mempelajarinya di Haramaian, termasuk di antaranya daerah Batubara, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, oleh syaikh Muhammad Zein Nuruddin

    Rancang Bangun Penataan Lampu Penerangan Jalan Umum di Kota Sintang

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    Semakin bertambahnya tingkat kepadatan aktivitas pengguna jalan serta perkembangan dalam pembangunan dan perbaikan jalan umum di Kota Sintang khususnya pada jalan Abdul Rasyid KN dan jalan MT. Haryono, maka menimbulkan adanya tuntutan pelayanan penerangan jalan umum yang lebih baik. Berdasarkan sistem penempatan lampu penerangan jalan umum yang terpasang saat ini dengan total panjang jalan 4,769 Km dan lebar jalan 6 meter, maka hasil dari pengukuran dan perhitungan dengan menggunakan metode titik (point by point) pada penerangan jalan tersebut masih belum sesuai dengan iluminasi rata-rata standar yang berlaku berdasarkan IES (Illuminating Engineering Society), yaitu 6 - 12 lux. dimana iluminasi rata-rata pada jalan di Kota Sintang berdasarkan hasil pengukuran adalah 1,22 lux dan berdasarkan hasil perhitungan adalah 1,46 lux, sehingga penulisan tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan sistem penataan lampu penerangan jalan umum yang baik dan sesuai standar yang berlaku agar dapat menjadi masukan Pemerintah Kabupaten Sintang sebagai pertimbangan dalam perencanaan penerangan jalan umum dimasa yang akan datang. Berdasarkan hasil dari perancangan penataan lampu penerangan jalan, maka dipilih jenis tiang lampu lengan tunggal dengan tinggi 10 meter, panjang lengan lampu 2 meter dan jarak dari tiang ke perkerasan jalan aspal adalah 1 meter. Untuk mendapatkan hasil iluminasi rata-rata yang sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku yaitu 6 - 12 lux, maka dipilih lampu sodium bertekanan tinggi (SON – T 150 Watt) dengan model susunan lampu satu sisi jalan (single side) dan jarak antar tiang lampu adalah 36 meter sehingga iluminasi rata-rata yang dihasilkan lampu pada permukaan jalan adalah 6,66 lux

    Sedimentasi Dan Dampaknya Pada Dps Citarum Hulu

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    Pemanfaatan air dan lahan dan pengembangan suatu daerah aliran sungai selalu menyebabkan berbagai masalah teknis dan lingkungan. Begitu pula dengan lebih mendalami masalah proses erosi dan sedimentasi yang terjadi, merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam memecahkan masalah dasar yang berkaitan dengan tingginya tingkat erosi dan sedimentasi dalam suatu daerah aliran sungai. Proses sedimentasi yang komplek agar dapat dipecahkan, untuk itu sungai harus dipandang dari berbagai unit kelompok yang terintegrasi dalam suatu ekosistem. Dengan pendekatan pengukuran dan monitoring, serta penggabungan dengan pendekatan sistem model spasial dapat dipecahkan masalah yang timbul di per sungaian dan waduk, ehingga antisipasi terhadap berkurangnya umur waduk dapat diatasi. Dengan prediksi erosi dan sedimentasi secara spasial dapat diperoleh gambaran yang lebih jelas daerah-daerah mana saja yang terkena tingkat erosi-sedimentasi yang tinggi, sehingga daerah mana saja dalam DAS yang perlu konservasi dan prioritas penanggulangannya. Dan konservasi yang tepat pada DAS Citarum hulu dapat menurunkan laju sedimentasi, sehingga diharapkan umur waduk Saguling akan lebih panjang

    Genetic characterization of clinical and environmental Vibrio parahaemolyticus from the Northeast USA reveals emerging resident and non-indigenous pathogen lineages

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    Gastric infections caused by the environmentally transmitted pathogen, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, have increased over the last two decades, including in many parts of the United States (US). However, until recently, infections linked to shellfish from the cool northeastern US waters were rare. Cases have risen in the Northeast, consistent with changes in local V. parahaemolyticus populations toward greater abundance or a shift in constituent pathogens. We examined 94 clinical isolates from a period of increasing disease in the region and compared them to 200 environmental counterparts to identify resident and non-indigenous lineages and to gain insight into the emergence of pathogenic types. Genotyping and multi-locus sequence analysis (MLSA) of clinical isolates collected from 2010 to 2013 in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine revealed their polyphyletic nature. Although 80% of the clinical isolates harbored the trh hemolysin either alone or with tdh, and were urease positive, 14% harbored neither hemolysin exposing a limitation for these traits in pathogen detection. Resident sequence type (ST) 631 strains caused seven infections, and show a relatively recent history of recombination with other clinical and environmental lineages present in the region. ST34 and ST674 strains were each linked to a single infection and these strain types were also identified from the environment as isolates harboring hemolysin genes. Forty-two ST36 isolates were identified from the clinical collection, consistent with reports that this strain type caused a rise in regional infections starting in 2012. Whole-genome phylogenies that included three ST36 outbreak isolates traced to at least two local sources demonstrated that the US Atlantic coastal population of this strain type was indeed derived from the Pacific population. This study lays the foundation for understanding dynamics within natural populations associated with emergence and invasion of pathogenic strain types in the region

    Use of Whole Genome Phylogeny and Comparisons in the Development of a Multiplex-PCR Assay to Identify Sequence Type 36 Vibrio parahaemolyticus

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    Vibrio parahaemolyticus sequence type (ST) 36 strains that are native to the Pacific Ocean have recently caused multi-state outbreaks of gastroenteritis linked to shellfish harvested from the Atlantic Ocean. Whole genome comparisons of 295 genomes of V. parahaemolyticus, including several traced to northeastern US sources, were used to identify diagnostic loci: one putatively encoding an endonuclease (prp), and two others potentially conferring O-antigenic properties (cps and flp). The combination of all three loci was present only in one clade of closely-related strains, of ST36, ST59 and one additional unknown sequence type. However, each locus was also identified outside this clade, with prp and flp occurring in only two non-clade isolates, and cps in four. Based on the distribution of these loci in sequenced genomes, prp could identify clade strains with \u3e99% accuracy, but the addition of one more locus would increase accuracy to 100%. Oligonucleotide primers targeting prp and cps were combined in a multiplex PCR method that defines species using the tlh locus, and determines presence of both the tdh and trh hemolysin-encoding genes which are also present in ST36. Application of the method in vitro to a collection of 94 clinical isolates collected over a four year period in three Northeastern US, and 87 environmental isolates, revealed the prp and cps amplicons were only detected in clinical isolates identified as belonging to the ST36-clade, and in no environmental isolates from the region. The assay should improve detection and surveillance, thereby reducing infections
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