5 research outputs found

    Interfacial reactivity of radionuclides: emerging paradigms from molecular-level observations

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    Over the past few decades an increasing array of molecular-level analytical probes has provided new detailed insight into mineral and radionuclide interfacial reactivity in subsurface environments. This capability has not only helped change the way mineral surface reactivity is studied but also how field scale contaminant migration problems are addressed and ultimately resolved. Here we review relatively new interfacial reactivity paradigms and assess their implications for future research directions. Specific examples include understanding the following: the role of site-to-site electron conduction at mineral surfaces and through bulk mineral phases and the effects of local chemical environment on the stability of intermediate species in oxidation-reduction reactions and the importance of mechanistic reaction pathways for defining possible reaction products and thermodynamic driving force. The discussion also includes examples of how detailed molecular/microscopic characterization of field samples has changed the way complex contaminant migration problems are conceptualized and modeled

    CO2 Sorption to Subsingle Hydration Layer Montmorillonite Clay Studied by Excess Sorption and Neutron Diffraction Measurements

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    Geologic storage of CO2 requires that the caprock sealing thestorage rock is highly impermeable to CO2. Swelling clays, which are important components of caprocks, may interact with CO2 leading to volume change and potentially impacting the seal quality. The interactions of supercritical sc CO2 with Na saturated montmorillonite clay containing a subsingle layer of water in the interlayer region have been studied by sorption and neutron diffraction techniques.The excess sorption isotherms show maxima at bulk CO2 densities of amp; 8776;0.15 g cm3, followed by an approximately linear decrease of excess sorption to zero and negative values with increasing CO2 bulk density. Neutron diffraction experiments on the same clay sample measured interlayer spacing and composition. The results show that limited amounts of CO2 are sorbed into the interlayer region, leading to depression of the interlayer peak intensity and an increase of the d 001 spacing by ca. 0.5 . The density of CO2 in the clay pores is relatively stable over a wide range of CO2 pressures at a given temperature, indicating the formation of a clay CO2 phase. At the excess sorption maximum, increasing CO2 sorption with decreasing temperature is observed while the high pressure sorption properties exhibit weak temperature dependenc