6 research outputs found

    Innovation ecosystems in the context of economic development: a case study of KrakĆ³w, Poland

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    The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the innovation ecosystem, which remains a fragmented concept, and to analyse its role in the economic development of states. The objective is achieved by first, drawing on the existing literature and theoretical framework that concerns innovation ecosystems, and by subsequently analysing the nexus between these entities and the economic development of states. The main contribution this paper makes to scholarly debate on innovation ecosystems is in attempting to link theoretical assessments with empirical observations. By drawing on the case study of the innovation landscape in KrakĆ³w, Poland, this paper offers a first-hand insight into the role of local actors and mechanisms determining the performance of the ecosystem based on primary research. As such, the study attempts to review specific stages of innovation development and the unique role of start-ups and SMEs within the ecosystem. By crossing through historical, economic and social contexts, the study embarks on a multidisciplinary as well as "causes-of-effects" approach. The different roots of the Polish innovation ecosystem are discussed, yet not failing to address the future prospects for innovation in the country. Finally, the study attempts to structure Polandā€™s start-up experience as a guide by discerning the actors and mechanisms that drive a healthy ecosystem. In such a context, the Polish experience can be informative for CEE countries where start-up ecosystems exist at the nascent stage

    Innovation Ecosystems in the Context of Economic Development: A case study of KrakĆ³w, Poland

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    The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the innovation ecosystem, which remains a fragmented concept, and to analyse its role in the economic development of states. The objective is achieved by first, drawing on the existing literature and theoretical framework that concerns innovation ecosystems, and by subsequently analysing the nexus between these entities and the economic development of states. The main contribution this paper makes to scholarly debate on innovation ecosystems is in attempting to link theoretical assessments with empirical observations. By drawing on the case study of the innovation landscape in KrakĆ³w, Poland, this paper offers a first-hand insight into the role of local actors and mechanisms determining the performance of the ecosystem based on primary research. As such, the study attempts to review specific stages of innovation development and the unique role of start-ups and SMEs within the ecosystem. By crossing through historical, economic and social contexts, the study embarks on a multidisciplinary as well as ā€œcauses-of-effectsā€ approach. The different roots of the Polish innovation ecosystem are discussed, yet not failing to address the future prospects for innovation in the country. Finally, the study attempts to structure Polandā€™s start-up experience as a guide by discerning the actors and mechanisms that drive a healthy ecosystem. In such a context, the Polish experience can be informative for CEE countries where start-up ecosystems exist at the nascent stage


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    UZŅĒMUMU RESURSI KĀ INOVĀCIJAS IETEKMĒJOÅ AIS FAKTORS Å Ä« promocijas darba mērÄ·is ir izstādāt metodoloÄ£iju un pēc tās novērtēt dažādu uzņēmumu resursu veidu saistÄ«bu ar inovāciju ievieÅ”anu un izaugsmi zemo tehnoloÄ£iju nozarēs Latvijā. Darba teorētiskajam pamatojumam ir izmantotas vairākas savstarpēji saistÄ«tas teorētiskās koncepcijas, tādas kā uz resursiem balstÄ«tā pieeja, sociālā kapitāla teorija un inovāciju teorija. EmpÄ«riskajam pētÄ«jumam izvēlēti uzņēmumi pārtikas rÅ«pniecÄ«bas nozarē un viesnÄ«cu sektorā. PētÄ«juma rezultāti daļēji apstiprina izvirzÄ«to hipotēzi: uzņēmuma speciālajām kompetencēm ir lielākā ietekme uz inovāciju skaitu un uzņēmuma izaugsmes rādÄ«tājiem salÄ«dzinājumā ar materiālajiem resursiem. Proti, gan pārtikas rÅ«pniecÄ«bas uzņēmumu, gan arÄ« viesnÄ«cu izlasē speciālajām kompetencēm ir lielāka ietekme uz inovācijām, tomēr uzņēmumu izaugsmi pārtikas rÅ«pniecÄ«bas nozarē bÅ«tiskāk ietekmē piekļuve materiālajiem resursiem. Atslēgas vārdi: inovācijas, zemo tehnoloÄ£iju nozares, uz resursiem balstÄ«tā pieejaFIRMSā€™ RESOURCES AS INNOVATION DETERMINING FACTOR IN LOW-TECH INDUSTRIES The aim of this thesis is to elaborate methodology for assessment of an impact of firmsā€™ resources on innovations and growth in low-tech sectors in Latvia. As theoretical background for this study are used such theories as Resource based view, social capital theory and innovation theory. Within empirical study small and medium enterprises from food production industry and hotel sector were analyzed. Results of the study partly confirm hypothesis: firmā€™s special competences are more significant as determinants of innovations in comparison to material resources. For SMEs in both studied industries special competences are more important for implementation of innovations. However, access to material resources is more related to firmsā€™ growth in food sector than special competences. Key words: innovations, low-technology sectors, Resource Based Vie

    Examining Subjective Career Success of Knowledge Workers

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    International audienc

    European Socio-cultural Change and Generational Diversity in the Post-Soviet Workforce.

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    In times of increased retirement age and senior employees staying in workforce longer, successfully managing generational differences in the workforce forms an increasingly important challenge for modern day management. In many ways, generations may vary in attitudes and approaches, reflecting deeper differences in their core values. This might be particularly true for the Post-Soviet countries, where earlier generations were educated and started their careers within a completely different socio-economic system. In this study we explore differences in approaches towards values and attitudes amongst four generations of retail sector employees ā€“ starting from those, who were still to great extent exposed to pre-Soviet values, continuing with employees, who started their careers during the Soviet times, and ending with those, who were educated and entered the workforce after the collapse of the Soviet Union. 208 Latvian service employees were surveyed to assess their personal values and likelihood of dishonest and unethical behavior from four generations currently active in the workforce - Post-War generation, Early Gen X, Transition generation and Millennials. We confirmed that despite dual morality and ambiguous ethics in the Soviet Union, older generations reported higher likelihood of honest behavior than younger generations. And Post-War and Early Generation X also rated honesty and responsibility higher as their personal values. We also found significant differences between Early Generation X and the Transition generation in a post-Soviet context