31 research outputs found

    Opfergrube der Hügelgräberkultur in der Gemarkung von Ménfőcsanak Spiralornament Auf Einem Tonfries Eines Gebäudes

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    Bothros of the Tumulus culture found at the state administrational boundary of Ménfőcsanak. Spiral decoration on the clay frieze of a building. The report focuses on only one feature of the preventive archaeological excavation performed on an area of 277,165 m2. In addition to the bones of cattle, domesticated pig, sheep and sheep/goat, as well as carp and pike in the pit, the skeleton of a child (aging between 5 and 8) identified as Inf. I/II was placed in a large bowl (pithos?). In addition to the fragments of two grinding stones with plant remains and phytoliths, as well as food remains and charcoal fragments referring to burning, and to many fractured vessels, such as storage vessels, dishes, knob-footed beaker, portable hearth (pyraunos?), the fragment of the clay frieze of a building was placed nearby the sacrificed child. The data processing by natural sciences was supplemented by two AMS 14C data. This feature can be dated to the second half of the Koszider Period. This report also describes the reconstruction of the building appliqué, the decoration motif of the clay plastic art, and its analogues, and particularly three transportation “corridors/routes”, through which this aesthetical innovation might have been exported

    Fostering collective intelligence education

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    New educational models are necessary to update learning environments to the digitally shared communication and information. Collective intelligence is an emerging field that already has a significant impact in many areas and will have great implications in education, not only from the side of new methodologies but also as a challenge for education. This paper proposes an approach to a collective intelligence model of teaching using Internet to combine two strategies: idea management and real time assessment in the class. A digital tool named Fabricius has been created supporting these two elements to foster the collaboration and engagement of students in the learning process. As a result of the research we propose a list of KPI trying to measure individual and collective performance. We are conscious that this is just a first approach to define which aspects of a class following a course can be qualified and quantified.Postprint (published version

    Neoliberalism and University Education in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    This article reviews the history of university development in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and discusses the impact of neoliberal policies. This will be followed by an examination of the problems facing universities in the region. The following questions will be explored: (a) Are the existing universities in SSA serving the development needs of the region? (b) Are these universities up to the task of moving SSA out of the predicaments it faces such as famine, HIV/AIDS, poverty, diseases, debt, and human rights abuses? Finally, the article argues that for universities to play a role in the development of the region, a new paradigm that makes university education a public good should be established

    A origem das parcerias público-privada na governança global da educação

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    Durante a última década, a globalização da governança educacional por meio de parcerias público-privadas (PPP) tem gerado considerável debate quanto ao seu significado, propósito, status e resultados. Este debate é particularmente aquecido no setor da educação por causa da ampla aceitação da educação como atividade complexa, social e política que deve permanecer, em grande parte, se não totalmente, no setor público, servindo a interesses públicos. O artigo analisa a rápida expansão das parcerias público-privadas em educação (PPPE) articulada à introdução de regras de mercado no setor. Neste estudo nos concentramos sobre o papel de uma rede de desenvolvimento global, fundamental na globalização de um tipo particular de PPPE, indicando que a ideia de PPP encaixa-se em um projeto mais amplo de reconstituição da educação pública no âmbito do setor de serviços, a ser governada como parte da construção de uma sociedade de mercado.Over the past decade, the globalization and governing of education through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) have generated considerable debate as to their meaning, purpose, status and outcomes. This debate is particularly heated in the education sector because of the widely-held view that education is a complex social and political activity that should remain largely, if not wholly, in the public sector serving public interests. The article analyses the rapid expansion of Education Public Private Partnerships (EPPPs) and the associated introduction of market rules into the education sector. We focus on the role of a key global development network in globalizing a particular kind of ePPPs, and show that the EPPP idea fi ts into a wider project of reconstituting public education as an education services industry to be governed as part of the construction of a market society

    Über die Zusammenhänge Zwischen Siedlungsnetz und Metallurgie im Gebiet Nordwesttransdanubiens in der Spätbronzezeit

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    On the connection between settlement patterns and metallurgy in the Late Bronze Age of Northwestern-Transdanubia . The study classifies the settlements of the Late Bronze Age Umfield culture with regard to the material remains of craftsmanship and bronze metallurgy (e.g. moulds, metallurgical tools and cakes), and their clustering (Figs 1–2) in the examined territory. The final conclusion is that the terms small settlements — sub-centres — centres are justified in respect of the settlement structure. They are synonymous notions with the expressions farmste ad/village — village/small town — town/city